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Empezando A Escribir Seire De Redaccion Creativa Spanish Story Starters Grades 1-3
$18.99 CAD
Por qué utilizar este recurso ¡Felicitaciones por la compra de esta excelente fuente de aprendizaje para su salón de clases! Esta colección que consta de 58 ilustraciones atractivas y detalladas servirá como inspiración para la redacción creativa del alumno. En...
Empezando A Escribir Seire de Redaccion Creativa Spanish Story Starters Grades 4-6
$18.99 CAD
Por qué utilizar este recurso ¡Felicitaciones por la compra de esta excelente fuente de aprendizaje para su salón de clases! Esta colección que cons- ta de 58 ilustraciones atractivas y detalladas servirá como inspiración para la redacción creativa del alumno....
Energy Conservation, Weather & Resources - Earth Science Grade 5
$25.99 CAD
The activities in this book have two intentions: to teach concepts related to earth and space science and to provide students the opportunity to apply the necessary skills needed for mastery of science and technology curriculum objectives. Throughout the experiments,...
Energy Lessons and Experiments Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Building on their present knowledge base, students will have the opportunity to learn about various types of energy using the five-step investigative method. The topics covered are: Light and Sound Energy Conservation of Energy States of Energy Energy Sources Electrical...
Energy Types and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is energy and where does it come from? These are difficult but essential concepts for children to understand. Our hands-on activities will provide students with a solid basis to understanding energy, while practicing critical thinking skills and having fun....
Eric Carle Author Study Grades 1-3
$20.99 CAD
Kids love The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Busy Spider, The Very Quiet Cricket and many other stories by Eric Carle! Here is a resource to help your students develop the literacy strategies necessary for them to derive meaning from...
Exercises in Grammar Grade 6
$25.99 CAD
The Exercises in Grammar program has been devised to introduce a new "back-to-basics'" curriculum. The grade 6 curriculum emphasizes subordinate clauses, adjective and adverb phrases and comparison of adjectives. The lessons are set up through overheads, followed by exercises, followed...
Exercises in Grammar Grade 7
$25.99 CAD
The Exercises in Grammar program has been devised to introduce a new "back-to-basics'" curriculum. This resource emphasizes the teaching of the fundamentals of grammar, and the rules needed to implement it. Recognizing that many teachers, particularly new teachers, may have...
Exercises in Grammar Grade 8
$25.99 CAD
The Exercises in Grammar program has been devised to introduce a new "back-to-basics'" curriculum. This resource emphasizes the teaching of the fundamentals of grammar, and the rules needed to implement it. Recognizing that many teachers, particularly new teachers, may have...
Exploring My School & Local Community Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
Help your students familiarize themselves with their school, community, and the people involved in it. 2 reproducible booklets: My Local Community & Our Community Helpers, plus over 27 activities. Divided into three sections: 1. Exploring the School Community To explore...
Fairy Tales using Blooms' Taxonomy: Grades 3-5
$29.99 CAD
Stories to Enjoy While Improving Higher Level Thinking Skills Developed to acquaint and familiarize students with the literary genre of fairy tales and to promote and improve the development of higher-level learning skills using the questioning technique of Blooms' Taxonomy....
Families Around the World Grades 4-6 - 16 Countries
$25.99 CAD
Students will strengthen reading, research, and a multitude of other skills by becoming more familiar with the location, physical features, lifestyles, and traditions of families living in sixteen different countries in the world. Students will reinforce and develop their skills...
Famous Canadian Female Actors Non Fiction Reading Grades 4-8
$17.99 CAD
20 biographies, accompanied by a picture, featured in this high-interest book with your students. Each biography is followed by hands-on activities designed to strengthen and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary development, language and research skills. Each story spotlights some of Canada's...
Famous Canadian Female Athletes Non Fiction Reading Grades 4-8
$17.99 CAD
20 biographies, accompanied by a picture, featured in this high-interest book with your students. Each biography is followed by hands-on activities designed to strengthen and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary development, language and research skills. Each story spotlights some of Canada's...
Famous Canadian Female Musicians Non Fiction Reading Grades 4-8
$17.99 CAD
20 biographies, accompanied by a picture, featured in this high-interest book with your students. Each biography is followed by hands-on activities designed to strengthen and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary development, language and research skills. Each story spotlights some of Canada's...
Famous Canadian Male Actors Non Fiction Reading Grades 4-8
$17.99 CAD
20 biographies, accompanied by a picture, featured in this high-interest book with your students. Each biography is followed by hands-on activities designed to strengthen and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary development, language and research skills. Each story spotlights some of Canada's...
Famous Canadian Male Athletes Non Fiction Reading Grades 4-8
$17.99 CAD
20 biographies, accompanied by a picture, featured in this high-interest book with your students. Each biography is followed by hands-on activities designed to strengthen and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary development, language and research skills. Each story spotlights some of Canada's...
Famous Canadian Male Musicians Non Fiction Reading Grades 4-8
$17.99 CAD
20 biographies, accompanied by a picture, featured in this high-interest book with your students. Each biography is followed by hands-on activities designed to strengthen and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary development, language and research skills. Each story spotlights some of Canada's...
Famous Canadian: Explorers, Writers, Inventors, Pioneers, Sport, Arts, Entertainers, Prime Ministers
$25.99 CAD
Study famous Canadians and from eight differed areas: Prime Ministers, Explorers, Writers, Inventors, Pioneers, Sports, Entertainers, and Artists. Designed to be used as learning centres with activity cards ready to be coloured, mounted and laminated. Teaching suggestions, a list of...
Farmyard Friends Grades Pre K-Kindergarten
$25.99 CAD
The sights and sounds of the farm have delighted young children for many years. Designed for preschool through kindergarten, this theme-based book features ideas, activities, puzzles, and story sequencing to aid in the development of the fundamental skills needed in...
Fiction & Nonfiction Reading Just for Girls! Grades 3-6 Reading Comprehension
$25.99 CAD
Includes 24 short fiction and nonfiction readings. What girl can resist topics such as horses, best friends, gymnastics, and fashion? The subject matter, characters, and graphics have been carefully chosen to relate to girls of this age group. This outstanding collection of...
First Nations and Europeans in New France and Early Canada Grade 5 Ontario Social Studies
$22.99 CAD
This resource has been developed to cover the overall expectations of the Ontario Ministry of Education Social Studies Heritage and Identity: First Nations and Europeans in New France and Early Canada curriculum. The document is comprehensive and includes learning intentions,...
Food, Fact, Fun & Fiction Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Fun with Food! Today it is so important to teach good nutrition and respect for the environment. These age-appropriate activities will provide your students with the information they need while they enjoy learning. Designed for: whole group, small groups, and...
Food: Nutrition & Invention Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Fun with Food! Today it is so important to teach good nutrition. Open response investigations explore which foods are rich in fats and carbohydrates, how we keep food fresh and the best choices for breakfast. The global nature of food,...
Force & Motion Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Help students understand the various types of force and motion, to broaden their knowledge of basic concepts, develop skills including inquiry, design, and communication, and develop the opportunity to relate science and technology to life outside the classroom. For the...
Force & Motion Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
No Prep, worksheets with experiments that teach your students about force and motion, air pressure, gravity, centripetal force just to name a few. Additional activities will assist in broadening their basic knowledge, while developing skills including inquiry, design, and communication, and initiate...
Fractured Fairy Tales & The Stinky Cheese Man - using Bloom's Taxonomy Grades 2-4
$24.99 CAD
Literacy and critical thinking activities - with a sense of humor. Fractured fairy tales are familiar stories - with a twist. The unexpected makes them highly appealing, and they also present excellent opportunities for learning. This resource provides a wide...
Fresh & Salt Water Systems on Earth - Earth Science Grade 8
$25.99 CAD
Topics covered include: Water Systems Sustainability Stewardship Systems and Interactions Change and Continuity The activities in this book have two intentions: to teach concepts related to earth and space science and to provide students the opportunity to apply the necessary...
Global Communities Grade 2 Ontario Social Studies Curriculum
$22.99 CAD
In this resource, students will learn about Global Communities. The resource covers the overall expectations of the Ontario Social Studies curriculum. Lesson topics cover the continents, oceans and other bodies of water, countries, equators, the environment, and daily life around...
Global Inequalities: Economic Development & Quality of Life Grade 8 Ontario Curriculum
$22.99 CAD
Lessons will expose students to a variety of concepts and terms that are connected with the Global Inequalities curriculum. The assignments connected with this book are planned to give students maximum exposure to geography issues in Canada and the world....
Global Settlement Patterns and Sustainability Grade 8 Ontario Curriculum
$22.99 CAD
The activities in this book have two intentions: to teach concepts that relate to Global Settlement, but also expose students to a variety of issues that affect the lives of many people around the world. The book starts off with...
Growth & Change in Animals - Fun Activities Teach Animal LIfe Cycles Grades 2-3
$25.99 CAD
Fun Activities Teach Animal Life Cycles. Students will become familiar with six animal groups and the animals in each. They will understand the physical and behavioral characteristics that enable animals to survive, gain an understanding of metamorphosis and become familiar...
Growth & Change in Plants Grades 2-3
$25.99 CAD
Imaginative & Innovative Activities that Meet Standards! Students will learn about the characteristics and requirements of plants and their patterns of growth. They will learn about the importance of plants as sources of food, a shelter for people and animals,...
Growth & Changes in Plants; and Animal Life Cycles: Life Science Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book fall under eleven topics that relate to two aspects of life science: Animal Life Cycles and Plant Growth & Changes. This resource meets the New 2022 Grade 3 Ontario Science Curriculum. In each section, you will find...
Habitats Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
This easy-to-use, teacher-friendly resource provides 58 engaging reproducible student information cards and activities. Divided into seven components, the topics are best covered sequentially, however each component may be used alone. Many of the activities can be integrated into other areas of the...
How to Give a Presentation Grades 4-6
$20.99 CAD
This book presents suggestions and worksheets to help students feel more at ease when giving class presentations. The three types of speeches are discussed as well as ways of giving illustrated talks and multimedia presentations. The techniques of debating are...
How to Teach Writing Through Reading the Classics Grades 7-8
$25.99 CAD
Learning to write is a complex process and learning to write well is not a goal that can be achieved if the learner is working without examples, some clear instruction of how and why language works as it does and...
How We Impact the Environment Gr. 5-8 - Human Impact; Endangered Animals and Plants
$25.99 CAD
Empower your students, by educating them on the human impact on our environment. Lessons with activities and experiments covering these topics, water treatment and contaminants, human impact on land - erosion - fertilizer - urban sprawl, pollution and energy -...
Human Body Systems and Nutrition Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Promote Healthy Living and Eating with your students. How knowledgeable are your students about their different body parts and their functions? Students will: become more familiar with their body parts and how they function recognize and label diagrams of body...
Human Organ & Body Systems; Healthy Body; & Wetland Ecosystem Life Science Gr. 5
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book fall under ten topics that relate to two aspects of life science: Human Organ & Body Systems; Maintaining a Healthy Body; and Wetland Ecosystems. This resource meets the New 2022 Grade 5 Ontario Science Curriculum. In each...
I'm Important Grades 2-3
$22.99 CAD
In order for children to think well for themselves, they must realize and accept that they are human beings with strengths and weaknesses. Incorporate the ideas and activities in your own program on self-concept. Assists in developing skills in critical...
Imperial Measurement Grades 1-3
$21.99 CAD
Students will want to measure everything in sight once they learn how! This resource is designed to teach basic concepts and skills in measuring length, area, volume, capacity and mass using objects found in the everyday environment. Includes teacher suggestions...
In Days of Yore Grades 4-6
$24.99 CAD
Plenty of research activities explore castles, knights, heraldry, chivalry, and the Feudal System. Includes the following activity cards: 12 information 12 reading 9-word study 7 phonics 7 language 8 research This book supports many of the fundamental concepts and learning...
In Pioneer Days Grades 2-4
$26.99 CAD
50 activities help teach about pioneers, the early settlers. Students will compare a pioneer community to our modern community with 20 information and follow-up worksheets on topics including the early pioneers, farming, food, clothing, travel, and village life. Activities and...
Indigenous Peoples of Canada Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
This resource is based on the Ontario Curriculum and also incorporates topics covered in the curriculum from other provinces and territories. For each grade level, there is an in-depth look into a First Nation in Canada. This book looks at the: Nehiyawak...
Internet Activities for Language Arts Grades 4-8
$23.99 CAD
In this book, you will find 25 Internet sites that can be used with various Language Arts contexts. Each lesson provides a brief overview of what the specific site is about. The second-page details the type of site, how to...
It's a Fact! Develop Non-Fiction Reading Skills Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Most of the reading that we do in real life is non-fiction although most classroom programs focus mainly on reading fiction materials. Correct this imbalance and incorporate the 21 non-fiction stories found in this resource to develop and strengthen inquiry and research...
It's a Fact! Developing Non-Fiction Reading Skills Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Most of the reading that we do in real life is non-fiction although most classroom programs focus mainly on reading fiction materials. Correct this imbalance and incorporate the 27 non-fiction stories found in this resource to develop and strengthen inquiry and research...