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Downloadable Book
How to Write a Composition Grades 6-10
$20.99 CAD
A complete step by step guide for teachers and students. Written from a student's perspective so that teachers may give students the pages which they need. This resource is designed as a companion piece to How to Write an Essay...
How to Write a Paragraph Grades 5-10
$20.99 CAD
A Complete Step-by-Step Guide for teachers and students. This resource is designed as a companion piece to How to Write an Essay and How to Write a Composition. Its aim is to help students write various kinds of paragraphs from...
How to Write an Essay Grades 7-12
$20.99 CAD
A complete guide for teachers and students. Written from a student's perspective so that teachers may give students the pages they need. This resource is designed to prepare and help students write essays in the first years of secondary school....
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte: Novel Study Guide Gr. 7-8
$13.49 CAD
Jane Eyre, lives with an uncaring aunt and three cruel cousins. Unwilling to continue to provide for her niece, the aunt sends Jane to a harsh charity school for girls. Trained as a teacher, Jane accepts a job as governess...
Remembrance Day Plays Grades 5-12
$30.99 CAD
Winner of "THE WRITERS AWARD" from the EFTO for 2014! Theatre is a powerful teaching and learning tool. The historical plays in this resource contain age-appropriate content that can be used to engage children in the stories of the struggles,...