Downloadable Book
A Year of Grade 1 Math Assessments
$35.99 CAD
This 154-page book includes math assessments for the entire year on these topics: Number Sense & Numeration Money Measurement Geometry & Spatial Sense Patterning & Algebra Data Management & Probability Each test includes a rubric and is divided into four...
A Year of Grade 2 Math Assessments
$35.99 CAD
This 158-page book contains 15 end of unit assessments. Each test includes a rubric and is divided into the four sections outlined in the curriculum: Knowledge Thinking/Problem Solving Communication Application The following unit tests are included: place value adding &...
A Year of Grade 3 Math Assessments
$35.99 CAD
This 154-page book contains an end of unit assessments. Each test includes a rubric and is divided into 4 sections: Understanding Thinking/Problem Solving Communication Application Number Sense & Numeration Math Quiz Place Value Place Value Multiplication Division Adding & Subtracting...
A Year of Grade 4 Math Assessments
$35.99 CAD
This 144-page book contains end of unit assessments. Each assessment includes a rubric and is divided into 4 sections: Understanding Problem Solving Communication Application Number Sense & Numeration Place Value Multiplication & Division Fractions & Decimals Addition & Subtraction Money...
Calendar Activities with Real World Applications! Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Teach and reinforce basic math concepts with 25+ hands-on activities and instant reproducible activities that help children see real-world applications for math skills. Here are fun ideas, activities, and worksheets to familiarize your students with the history, organization, and uses...
Canadian Math Home Practise Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
A Complete Canadian Math Curriculum! Everything you need for Math prep and practise. This Math Home Practise book is a condensed course of instruction or review for Grade One Mathematics. Following the most up-to-date mathematics curriculum guidelines, each book is...
Canadian Math Home Practise Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Complete Canadian Math Curriculum! Everything you need for Math prep and practise. This Math Home Practise book is a condensed course of instruction or review for Grade Two Mathematics. Following the most up-to-date mathematics curriculum guidelines, each book is organized according...
Canadian Math Home Practise Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
Complete Canadian Math Curriculum! Everything You Need For Math Prep And Practise. This Math Home Practise Book Is A Condensed Course Of Instruction Or Review For Grade Three Mathematics. It Is 100% Canadian Content For Canadian Students! Following The Most...
Canadian Math Home Practise Grade 4
$25.99 CAD
Complete Canadian Math Curriculum! Everything You Need For Math Prep And Practise. This Math Home Practise Book Is A Condensed Course Of Instruction Or Review For Grade Four Mathematics. It Is 100% Canadian Content For Canadian Students! Following The Most...
Canadian Measurement Worksheets Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Activities and worksheets help teach the basic concepts and skills in measuring length, area, volume, capacity, and mass using objects found in the everyday environment. Both written and manipulative activities are included. Students will want to measure everything in sight once they learn...
Canadian Money Grades 1-2
$26.99 CAD
Learning how to count money is an important skill as we need money to buy some of our favourite things! This resource is packed with worksheets and activities that allow students to practice important concepts involving money to meet expectations...
Canadian Money Grades 3-4
$24.99 CAD
Learning how to count money is an important skill as we need money to buy some of our favourite things! This resource is packed with worksheets and activities that allow students to practice important concepts involving money to meet expectations...
Canadian Money: Currency & Literacy Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Currency & Literacy Combined in One Book! Help young students become familiar with money concepts and values. Activities teach the many concepts pertaining to money giving student practice with money. 21 math activities and 10 money illustrations, with additional activities in reading comprehension, phonics,...
Division Drills Grades 4-6
$19.99 CAD
Practice the basic division steps starting with single-digit divisors without remainders to three-digit divisors with remainders. Includes 57 pages of reproducible drill and word problem worksheets that can be used as homework sheets or timed exercises. Answer keys and certificates...
Imperial Measurement Grades 1-3
$21.99 CAD
Students will want to measure everything in sight once they learn how! This resource is designed to teach basic concepts and skills in measuring length, area, volume, capacity and mass using objects found in the everyday environment. Includes teacher suggestions...
La mesure du temps 1e à 3e année
$26.99 CAD
Ce cahier propose plus de 50 activités amusantes qui aideront vos élèves à comprendre la notion du temps. Servez-vous de cette ressource pour enseigner les diverses façons de mesurer le temps. Le cahier vise aussi l'apprentissage du français, avec des...
Le Canada 1e à 2e année
$24.99 CAD
Que signifie la feuille d'érable? Qu'est-ce un agent de la Gendarmerie royale? Combien de provinces et territoires y a-t-il? Comment s'appellent-elles? Introduisez vos élèves aux symboles et à la géographie du Canada. En compagnie du petit castor vous pouvez faire...
Les mathématiques enseignées avec du matériel de manipulation 4e à 6e année
$24.99 CAD
Les notions enseignées dans ce cahier répondent aux attentes du programme d'études et elles sont présentées ici d'une manière qui saura captiver l'intérêt de vos élèves. En effet, toutes les activités proposées font usage d'objets courants, ce qui incitera les...
Les mesures années du primaire
$26.99 CAD
Vos élèves voudront mesurer tout ce qu'ils voient, une fois qu'ils sauront comment s'y prendre! Les activités proposées dans ce cahier utilisent des objets courants pour inculquer aux élèves les notions de base qui leur permettront de mesurer la longueur,...
Let's Go Shopping with Canadian Money using real- life scenarios Grades K-3
$23.99 CAD
Real-life scenarios help students learn about money. Age-appropriate activities concentrate on what is fun and interesting for young children, such as a candy store, a flea market, a trip to the beach, role-playing in a grocery store, and restaurant setting. Your...
Mastering Canadian Grade 3 Math
$25.99 CAD
Adheres to the Canadian Curriculum! This Mastering Math book is a complete, condensed course of instruction or review for Grade Three Mathematics. 100% Canadian content following the elementary mathematics curriculum guidelines. Each Mastering Math book is organized according to these...
Mastering Canadian Grade 4 Math
$25.99 CAD
These no prep math worksheets, cover the five math curriculums. Each topic contains individual skills and concepts that match the learning expectations of the curriculum. Mastering Math is an excellent framework for reviewing the math curriculum at home for students...
Multiplication Drill Facts: Tips, Tricks & Strategies Grades 2-5
$23.99 CAD
Students find learning multiplication facts challenging so we developed this step-by-step approach to making things as easy as possible. We start with the easiest facts and build on prior knowledge to achieve the hardest facts to learn. The student-friendly worksheets...
Multiplication Drills Grades 4-6
$19.99 CAD
Practice the basic facts of the 1 - 12 times tables, then progress through single to four-factor multiplication drills. Also included are factor pyramids and multiplication wheels and an introduction to decimals. Includes 57 pages of reproducible drill and word...
Numbers Activities with Real World Applications! - Beginning Math Series Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
This resource is jam-packed with fun activities that promote an understanding of numbers, number systems, and their related operations. Begin with number concepts and counting forwards by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's, and progress to place value, ordinals, and fractions....
Probability & Inheritance Grades 7-8
$19.99 CAD
This resource is designed to support and extend any mathematics program by providing activities and worksheets that can be used for independent or group practice. Students are introduced to the concepts of probability and inheritance. In the probability section, they...
Shapes: Beginning Math Series Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
More than 60 reproducible worksheets and activities provide students with the opportunity to explore experiments with and manipulate 2D and 3D shapes. A combination of both written and manipulative activities may be adapted to suit the needs of a wide...
Subtraction Fact Drills Grades 1-3
$19.99 CAD
Improve your students' subtraction math fact fluency as they practice from single digit to four digit subtraction. Includes 57 pages of reproducible Drill and Word Problem worksheets that can be used as homework sheets or timed exercises. Certificate of completion...
Teaching Math Through Sports (Canadian Version) Grades 5-8
$23.99 CAD
These real-world problems will motivate your students to apply their knowledge. To appeal to all students, all kinds of sports have been included: skateboarding, biking, karate, parking lot basketball, track and field, soccer, hockey, baseball, and basketball. This culturally diverse...
Teaching Math with Everyday Manipulatives Grades 4-6
$24.99 CAD
The major curriculum expectations for junior math are brought to life with these hands-on activities that involve students directly in their learning. There is no better way to learn concepts than to experience them, and with these activities students create...
Time Activities with Real World Applications! Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Teach and reinforce basic math concepts with hands-on activities and instant reproducible activities that help children see real-world applications for math skills. Help your students understand the passage of time with more than 50 fun activities. Use this resource to...
Timed Addition Drill Facts Grades 1-3
$15.99 CAD
Strengthen students' speed and accuracy on their addition facts. 40+ reproducible drill worksheets. Each drill page concentrates on a specific area. In addition fact recall, building students' skills as they progress from the easiest level to the most difficult. Each...
Timed Division Drill Facts Grades 4-6
$15.99 CAD
40+ reproducible drill worksheets. Strengthen students' speed and accuracy on their division facts. Each drill page concentrates on a specific area. In division fact recall, building students' skills as they progress from the easiest level to the most difficult. Each level...
Timed Multiplication Drill Facts Grades 4-6
$15.99 CAD
40+ reproducible drill worksheets. Strengthen students' speed and accuracy on their multiplication facts. Each drill page concentrates on a specific area. In multiplication fact recall, building students' skills as they progress from the easiest level to the most difficult. Each...
A Graph for all Seasons - Monthly Graphing Lessons Grades 1-3
$18.99 CAD
Here is an easy to use resource that supports and extends any mathematics program. These activities can be used to teach and reinforce graphing skills for every month of the school year. Suggestions included for different ways to make large...
Addition Build Their Skills Workbook Grades 1-3
$13.99 CAD
Addition is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing addition concepts and operations. The worksheets focus on the following skills: comparison of addition facts using the symbols for greater than, less than, equal to, not equal to; place value; single column addition,...
Addition Drill Facts Workbook Grades 2/3 #1
$15.99 CAD
Addition facts to 20 are covered. Students work with addition facts in exercises that include: missing addends, matching questions and answers, filling in the blanks, true-false statements, number wheels, number triangles, number mazes, number spirals, number squares and review exercises....
Addition Drill Facts Workbook Grades 2/3 #2
$15.99 CAD
In book 2 addition facts are reviewed and then reinforced by having the student use them in follow-up questions that range from single column addition without regrouping to more difficult multiple column questions with regrouping. Word problems timed tests, and...
All About Time Grades 4-6
$16.99 CAD
This resource can be used in conjunction with your mathematics study on time. The activities can be adapted to a variety of situations providing for individual enrichment and also reinforcement in math and other skill areas. Students will gain an...
All Kinds of Clocks Black & White Picture Collection Grades K-8
$12.99 CAD
27 black and white illustrations ranging from cuckoo clocks, Egyptian shadow clocks, sun dials, anniversary clocks, hourglasses, watches and grandfather clocks plus many more. This collection can be easily integrated into any area of the curriculum. Uses for the illustrations:...
Canadian Animal Math Concept Cards & Activities Grades 1-3
$13.99 CAD
The delightful animal cartoons on these concept cards will encourage students as they learn numeracy. Students match concept patterns that have the same amount, match numerals to concept patterns, match concept patterns to number words, and numerals to number words....
Canadian Money Workbook Grades 1-3
$17.99 CAD
This resource covers the most common coins and bills used in Canada today. Students develop knowledge of coins and bills through a series of exercises that focus on: currency recognition counting addition subtraction making change 52 pages You may also...
Canadian Problem Solving Grades 4-6
$11.99 CAD
Make this topic more interesting to teach using Canadian facts and figures. 54 supplementary, introductory, and individual activities Canadian Facts and Figures Activity Cards Canadian Cities Activity Cards Landscapes of Canada Activity Cards Canadian Personalities Activity Cards Canada Survey Activity Cards...
Division Drill Facts Workbook Grades 3/4
$15.99 CAD
Division by numbers up to 9 is covered. Exercises include: matching questions and answers, filling in the blanks, missing facts, true-false statements, number circles, number mazes, and relationship to multiplication word problems. This book contains a series of timed tests...
It's About Time Grades 2-4
$16.99 CAD
Developed as a set of enrichment activities for a mathematics program, these activities can also be used and adapted to a variety of learning situations and skills. Students will gain an understanding of early calendars, early timepieces, and clocks of...
L'addition/Addition A French and English Workbook Grades 1-3
$21.99 CAD
L'addition/Addition is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing addition concepts and operations. The worksheets focus on the following skills: comparison of addition facts using the symbols for greater than, less than, equal to, not equal to; place value; single column addition,...
La numération/Numeration: An English and French Workbook Grades 1-3/1e à 3e année
$21.99 CAD
Voici une série de cahiers d'exercices prêts à utiliser, en français et en anglais, pour les élèves d'immersion française, d'ALS, de FLS et d'ALM. Enseignez-leur, révisez avec eux ou aidez-les à perfectionner leurs connaissances langagières et mathématiques de base dans...
La soustraction/Subtraction: A French and English Workbook Grades 1-3/1e à 3e année
$21.99 CAD
La soustraction/Subtraction is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing subtraction concepts and operations. The worksheets focus on these skills: recognition of subtraction facts from 0 to 18 and their concepts; comparison of subtraction facts using the symbols for greater...