Downloadable Book
Alberta Grade 1 Science Curriculum - An Entire Year of Lessons!
$30.99 CAD
his resource is designed to give students an understanding and appreciation of the five topics from the Alberta Grade 1 Science Curriculum. It's an entire year of Science lessons! In each lesson you will find teacher notes designed to provide...
Alberta Grade 1 Social Studies: Citizenship: Belonging and Connecting
$22.99 CAD
This teacher resource has been designed to give students an understanding and appreciation of the topics in the Grade 1 Social Studies Alberta Curriculum. The lessons are designed to involve tactile participation and knowledge application while providing opportunities to connect...
Alberta Grade 2 Science Curriculum - An Entire Year of Lessons!
$30.99 CAD
This teacher resource has been designed to give students an understanding and appreciation of the 5 topics in the Grade 2 Science Alberta Curriculum. In each lesson you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the learning...
Alberta Grade 2 Social Studies: Communities in Canada
$22.99 CAD
This teacher resource helps students gain an understanding and appreciation of Canada’s Dynamic Communities as well as A Community in the Past. The lessons are designed to involve tactile participation and knowledge application while providing opportunities to connect ideas between...
Alberta Grade 3 Science Curriculum - An Entire Year of Lessons!
$30.99 CAD
The lessons and experiments in this book fall under 5 main topics that relate to the Alberta curriculum for Grade 3 Science. In each lesson you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the learning intentions; the...
Alberta Grade 4 Science Curriculum - An Entire Year of Lessons!
$30.99 CAD
The lessons and experiments in this book fall under 5 main topics that relate to the Alberta curriculum for Grade 4 Science. In each lesson, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the learning intentions, the...
Alberta Grade 5 Science Curriculum - An Entire Year of Lessons!
$30.99 CAD
The lessons and experiments in this book fall under 5 main topics that relate to the Alberta curriculum for Grade 5 Science. In each lesson, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the learning intentions, the...
Alberta Grade 5 Social Studies: Canada: The Land, History & Stories
$23.99 CAD
This book is organized into four integrated, multi-day lessons that can be adopted in many ways to suit the variety of needs and interests in the classroom. The length of the lesson and style is dependent on its content. For...
Alberta Grade 6 Science Curriculum - An Entire Year of Lessons!
$30.99 CAD
The lessons and experiments in this book fall under 5 main topics that relate to the Alberta curriculum for Grade 6 Science. In each lesson, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the learning intentions, the...
Alberta Grade 6 Social Studies: Government: Rights, Responsibilities & History
$23.99 CAD
In this book, students will learn about democracy and its role in federal, provincial and municipal governments. Through articles, activities, and assignments, they will explore how governments and treaties of the past have shaped the democratic process and the various...
Alberta Grade 7 Science Curriculum - An Entire Year of Lessons!
$39.99 CAD
The lessons and experiments in this book fall under 5 main topics that relate to the Alberta curriculum for Grade 7 Science. In each lesson, you will find teacher notes designed to provide guidance with the learning intentions, the success...
Alberta Grade 7 Social Studies: Canada: Origins, Histories & Movement of People
$32.99 CAD
This resource gives students an understanding and appreciation of the Aboriginal, French, and English peoples in the history of Canada. Together, through both cooperation and conflict, they forged the foundations of the Canadian Confederation. Each topic is presented in a...
Alberta Grade 8 Science Curriculum - An Entire Year of Lessons!
$39.99 CAD
The lessons and experiments in this book fall under 5 main topics that relate to the Alberta curriculum for Grade 8 Science. In each lesson, you will find teacher notes designed to provide guidance with the learning intentions, the success...
Alberta Grade 8 Social Studies: Historical Worldviews Examined
$42.99 CAD
Aligned to Alberta Curriculum, this resource has been designed to give students an understanding and appreciation of the issues related to contact between societies with differing worldviews. Inquiry and examination into the elements of these worldviews will give students the...
All About India Grades 3-5
$23.99 CAD
This 11 Teacher-Directed Activity Lessons provide teacher support information on India and ideas on how to implement it in the classroom. There are 36 reproducible Student Activities that correspond with the various lessons. They may be done independently or as large group...
All About Peru Grades 3-5
$23.99 CAD
This 11 Teacher-Directed Activity Lessons provide teacher support information on India and ideas on how to implement it in the classroom. There are 36 reproducible Student Activities that correspond with the various lessons. They may be done independently or as large group...
All About Tunisia Grades 3-5
$23.99 CAD
The 8 Teacher-Directed Activity Lessons provide teacher support information on India and ideas on how to implement it in the classroom. There are 32 reproducible Student Activities that correspond with the various lessons. They may be done independently or as large group...
All About Ukraine Grades 3-5
$23.99 CAD
The 8 Teacher-Directed Activity Lessons provide teacher support information on India and ideas on how to implement it in the classroom. There are 32 reproducible Student Activities that correspond with the various lessons. They may be done independently or as large group...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 1
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 2
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 3
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 4
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 5
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 6
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 7
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 8
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grade 1 | Consonants | Vowels | Blends
$35.99 CAD
32 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or the ideas and worksheets...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grade 2
$35.99 CAD
32 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background for Grade Two students. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grade 3 | Vowels | Blends | Suffixes | Syllabication
$35.99 CAD
31 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or the ideas and worksheets can...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grades 4-6 Strengthen Phonics and Word Attack Skills
$35.99 CAD
20 weeks of lesson help your students at the junior grade level, to improve and strengthen their phonetic and word attack skills which will enable them to have strong reading, spelling, and language skills. Each concept occupies a separate section in...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for bell...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 4
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for bell...
Canadian Money Grades 1-2
$26.99 CAD
Learning how to count money is an important skill as we need money to buy some of our favourite things! This resource is packed with worksheets and activities that allow students to practice important concepts involving money to meet expectations...
Canadian Money Grades 3-4
$24.99 CAD
Learning how to count money is an important skill as we need money to buy some of our favourite things! This resource is packed with worksheets and activities that allow students to practice important concepts involving money to meet expectations...
Early Societies 3000 BCE - 1500 CE Grade 4 Ontario Social Studies
$22.99 CAD
Developed to cover the overall expectations of the Ontario Ministry of Education Social Studies Early Societies, 3000 BCE - 1500 CE curriculum. It provides opportunities for students to participate in the social studies inquiry process using visuals, primary sources, maps,...
Exploring My School & Local Community Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
Help your students familiarize themselves with their school, community, and the people involved in it. 2 reproducible booklets: My Local Community & Our Community Helpers, plus over 27 activities. Divided into three sections: 1. Exploring the School Community To explore...
Let's Visit Alberta Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Alberta is one of Canada's three Prairie Provinces. It is a geographically diverse land of mountains, grasslands, farms, lakes and rivers. Provide your students with the opportunity to become more aware of the greatness of Alberta, the "Sunshine Province"....
Mastering Canadian Grade 3 Math
$25.99 CAD
Adheres to the Canadian Curriculum! This Mastering Math book is a complete, condensed course of instruction or review for Grade Three Mathematics. 100% Canadian content following the elementary mathematics curriculum guidelines. Each Mastering Math book is organized according to these...
Mastering Canadian Grade 4 Math
$25.99 CAD
These no prep math worksheets, cover the five math curriculums. Each topic contains individual skills and concepts that match the learning expectations of the curriculum. Mastering Math is an excellent framework for reviewing the math curriculum at home for students...
Media Literacy for Canadian Students Grades 2-3 - Understanding Texts and Media Forms
$23.99 CAD
Students will understand media texts; understand media forms and techniques; create media texts with the 7 media texts activities, 2 media forms and technique activities, 4 creating media texts activities, and 11 additional activities plus a teacher guide. 80 pages In...
Media Literacy for Canadian Students Grades 4-6 - Understanding Media Texts and Messages
$23.99 CAD
The main purpose of this book is to create awareness in young people about those messages around them. Students will understand media texts, understand media forms and techniques and create media texts. Includes 5 messages in media activities, 59 understanding...
Media Literacy for Canadian Students Grades K to 1 - Understanding Media Forms and Texts
$23.99 CAD
These activities help young learners to understand media texts; understand media forms and techniques; create media texts. The lessons create the opportunity to study forms of media and discuss how it impacts their lives. Once students have acquired the skills...
Spelling Grades 1/2 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. Each lesson contains a list of eight words. Instructions for three spelling games and a section of large print words...
Spelling Grades 2/3 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. This book was written primarily for students in grades two and three. Students of above average ability in mid to...
Spelling Grades 3/4 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. This book was written primarily for students in grades three and four. Students of above average ability in mid to...
Spelling Grades 4/5 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. This book was written primarily for students in grades four and five, but in certain instances, its use would prove...