Ontario Curriculum
A Year of Grade 1 Math Assessments
$35.99 CAD
This 154-page book includes math assessments for the entire year on these topics: Number Sense & Numeration Money Measurement Geometry & Spatial Sense Patterning & Algebra Data Management & Probability Each test includes a rubric and is divided into four...
Addition & Subtraction Drills Bundle! Grades 1-3
$32.99 CAD
114 worksheets of addition and subtraction drills to use as timed exercises or homework sheets, Boost student's confidence as they practice the basic facts. 128 pages including certificates of completion and answer key. Addition worksheets for these skills: addition facts...
Animal Senses Lesson Plan and Student Worksheets Grade 1
$5.25 CAD
Students will learn about how animals use their senses to survive in the natural world. Success Criteria: recognize that animals need to use their senses to survive in nature research and describe how an animal uses its senses orally communicate...
Canadian Comprehension Grades 1-2
$22.99 CAD
Canadian Comprehension, grades 1-2 is packed with ready-to-use information and worksheets that cover both social studies and language arts curriculum. There are 8 sections with 2 reading activities (fiction and non-fiction) and 1 writing activity per grade in each. Each...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 1
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grade 1 | Consonants | Vowels | Blends
$35.99 CAD
32 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or the ideas and worksheets...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for...
Canadian Money Grades 1-2
$26.99 CAD
Learning how to count money is an important skill as we need money to buy some of our favourite things! This resource is packed with worksheets and activities that allow students to practice important concepts involving money to meet expectations...
Canadian Quality Daily Physical Activities Grades Kindergarten to 1
$25.99 CAD
80 - 20 Minute Activities Adapted for Classroom and Outside. This book was written to help engage teachers and students in the idea of being fit for life through play - to not be afraid to have fun while getting...
Daily & Seasonal Changes Grade 1 - Meets the New 2022 Ontario Science Curriculum
$25.99 CAD
The activities in this book have two intentions: to teach concepts related to earth and space science and to provide students the opportunity to apply the necessary skills needed for mastery of science and technology curriculum objectives. Throughout the experiments,...
Energy Types and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is energy and where does it come from? These are difficult but essential concepts for children to understand. Our hands-on activities will provide students with a solid basis to understanding energy, while practicing critical thinking skills and having fun....
Exploring & Applying Your Senses Lesson Plan Grade 1
$7.25 CAD
Students will learn about the five senses and how they are used to identify objects in our world. Success Criteria: identify the five senses and explain their function give examples of how each sense is used to recognize objects in...
Exploring My School & Local Community Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
Help your students familiarize themselves with their school, community, and the people involved in it. 2 reproducible booklets: My Local Community & Our Community Helpers, plus over 27 activities. Divided into three sections: 1. Exploring the School Community To explore...
Force & Motion Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Help students understand the various types of force and motion, to broaden their knowledge of basic concepts, develop skills including inquiry, design, and communication, and develop the opportunity to relate science and technology to life outside the classroom. For the...
Grade 1 Canadian Math & Reading Practise Bundle!
$35.95 CAD
Canadian Math Curriculum! Math Home Practise is a condensed course of instruction or review for Grade One Mathematics. Each topic area contains individual skills and concepts that match the learning expectations of the curriculum. Following the most up-to-date mathematics curriculum guidelines,...
Human Body Lesson & Worksheets Gr. 1 (body parts location and function)
$5.45 CAD
Students will learn about the location and function of major parts in the human body and how they are used to meet our needs and explore our world. This lesson can be done as one long lesson, or be divided...
In the Animal Kingdom Grade 1 Lesson and Worksheets
$5.45 CAD
Students will learn about the physical characteristics of a variety of animals in the animal kingdom. Suggestions for differentiation are also included so that all students can be successful in the learning environment. 7 pages with answer key. Success Criteria:...
In Your Environment Grade 1 (eLesson Plan)
$5.95 CAD
Students will learn about living and non-living things that are in their environment and the importance of showing care for their environment. Suggestions for differentiation are also included so that all students can be successful in the learning environment. 8...
Indigenous Peoples of Canada Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
This resource is based on the Ontario Curriculum and also incorporates topics covered in the curriculum from other provinces and territories. For each grade level, there is an in-depth look into a First Nation in Canada. This book looks at the: Nehiyawak...
Life Science: Needs & Characteristics of Living Things; Exploring Senses Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
This resource meets the New 2022 Grade 1 Ontario Science Curriculum. The experiments in this book fall under ten topics that relate to two aspects of life science: Needs and Characteristics of Living Things; and Exploring the Senses. In each section,...
Life Systems Needs and Characteristics of Living Things Ontario Grade 1 Curriculum
$25.99 CAD
This resource meets the New 2022 Grade 1 Ontario Science Curriculum. The experiments in this book fall under eight topics that relate to aspects of life systems:Needs and Characteristics of Living Things. In each section you will find teacher notesdesigned...
Light and Sound Lessons and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Light and sound are everywhere, but hard to define. These age-appropriate activities will provide your students with a solid basis for exploring these concepts with confidence. Experiments with laser beams and hands-on models will delight students as they learn about...
Magnets Lessons and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is a magnet and how does it work? These simple but fun hands-on activities and experiments will put your students in charge of their own learning as they are given the tools and guidance to discover the fascinating world...
Matter and Materials Lessons and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is the world made of? Through hands-on activities and experiments, students will enjoy exploring the world around them as they practice science skills like observing and concluding. Games like "Simon Says" bring the realm of atoms and particles to...
Media Literacy for Canadian Students Grades K to 1 - Understanding Media Forms and Texts
$23.99 CAD
These activities help young learners to understand media texts; understand media forms and techniques; create media texts. The lessons create the opportunity to study forms of media and discuss how it impacts their lives. Once students have acquired the skills...
Needs Intertwined! e-Lesson Plan Grade 1
$5.45 CAD
Students will learn about what living things provide for each other, and the problems that could result from the loss of some kinds of living things. Suggestions for differentiation are also included so that all students can be successful in...
Ontario Grade 1 Science & Social Studies 5 Book Savings Bundle!
$89.95 CAD
Three Science & Two Social Studies books = A YEAR OF CURRICULUM COVERED! SCIENCE: 1. Physical Science: The experiments in this book fall under seventeen topics that relate to four aspects of physical science: Materials, Objects, and Building Things; Energy...
Our Changing Roles & Responsibilities Grade 1 Ontario Social Studies Curriculum
$26.99 CAD
Helping you meet the Ontario Grade 1 Social Studies Curriculum, these six lessons provide a great start to help you expose students to the many roles and responsibilities that help make a community a success. The goals of these lessons...
Physical Science Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
In each section, you will find teacher notes to provide you guidance with the learning intention, the success criteria, materials needed, a lesson outline, as well as provide some insight on what results to expect when the experiments are conducted....
Protecting the Senses e-Lesson Plan Grade 1
$6.95 CAD
Students will learn about the protective parts of the eye and ear; and about the importance of protecting our senses that contribute to our safety in daily living activities. Success Criteria: identify and label some parts of the eye, and...
Senses - 4 Lesson Bundle Grade 1 (eLesson Plan)
$16.76 CAD
Lesson 1: Explore Your Senses Students will learn about the five senses and how they are used to identify objects in our world. Success Criteria: identify the five senses and explain their function give examples of how each sense is...
Spelling Grade 1 - A Full Year Program
$25.99 CAD
Are you looking for a spelling program that includes the teaching guide with a strategic plan for students to ONLY Practice The Words They Don't Know, then this AWARD winning program is it! Here is everything you need to effectively...
Spelling Grade 1 - Worksheets for a full year!
$30.99 CAD
NO PREP! worksheet can be used alone or can be used to support and extend the lessons in the Spelling Grade 1. This spelling program includes 36 carefully sequenced study units designed to increase student achievement in spelling. Each unit focuses on...
Spelling Grades 1/2 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. Each lesson contains a list of eight words. Instructions for three spelling games and a section of large print words...
The Human Factor e-Lesson Plan Grade 1
$6.95 CAD
Students will learn about the physical characteristics and the basic needs of humans, and compare basic needs to other living things. Success Criteria: identify the physical characteristics of humans and describe each of their uses identify common human physical characteristics...
The Local Community Grade 1 Ontario Social Studies Curriculum
$22.99 CAD
The activities have two intentions: to teach concepts that relate to the local community and to help students make connections with their own experiences and the community they live in. This resource provides a snapshot for the teacher to expose their students...
The Plant World Grade 1 Lesson Plan and Activities
$5.95 CAD
Students will learn about the physical characteristics of plants and how they meet their needs. Suggestions for differentiation are also included so that all students can be successful in the learning environment. 12 pages with answer key. Success Criteria: recognize...
Today's Canadian Families Grades Pre K-1
$26.99 CAD
Students will gain an understanding of: the different family structures and the diversity and cultural differences found within families develop respect for others who come from different backgrounds than themselves accept and celebrate differences in their classroom society as well...
Canadian Animals Google Slides Reading Lesson Bundle! Grades 1-2
$9.95 CAD
Students will read about five of Canada's popular animals. Each topic contains an information story and a follow-up exercise designed to review and develop strong reading and phonetic skills. The link in the PDF directs you to the google slide lesson. You can...
Canadian Data Management Grade 1 Google Slides & Printables
$6.95 CAD
These 8 first-grade Data Management lesson plans are 100% Canadian content and follow the elementary mathematics curriculum guidelines. The lessons include organize objects; re-sort collections, pictographs and, concrete graphs to name a few. The links in the PDF direct you...
Learning About the Nehiyawak Nation Grade 1 Google Slides & Printables Distance Learning
$7.95 CAD
These lessons and activities focus on the Nehiyawak Nation. The lessons and activities draw on cross-curricular instruction which allows Native Studies to be incorporated into a variety of subject areas. Also included in this resource is an Educator's Guide to...
The Beaver Reading Lesson Gr. 1-2 Google Slides & Printables Distance Learning
$2.45 CAD
Students will read about one of Canada's busiest animals, the Beaver. This lesson contains an information story and a follow-up exercise designed to review and develop strong reading and phonetic skills. Skills Practiced: Recalling Details | Rhyming Words The vocabulary list may need to be...
The Chipmunk Reading Lesson Gr. 1-2 Google Slides & Printables Distance Learning
$2.45 CAD
Students will read about one of Canada's popular animals, the Chipmunk. Each topic contains an information story and a follow-up exercise designed to review and develop strong reading and phonetic skills. Skills Practiced: Using Context Clues | Digraph "Ch". The vocabulary list may need to...
The Raccoon Reading Lesson Gr. 1-2 Google Slides & Printables Distance Learning
$2.45 CAD
Students will read about one of Canada's popular animals, the Raccoon. Each topic contains an information story and a follow-up exercise designed to review and develop strong reading and phonetic skills. Each topic contains an information story and a follow-up exercise designed to review...
The Red Fox Reading Lesson Gr. 1-2 Google Slides & Printables Distance Learning
$2.45 CAD
Students will read about one of Canada's popular animals, the Red Fox. Each topic contains an information story and a follow-up exercise designed to review and develop strong reading and phonetic skills. Skills Practiced: Recalling Details | Short Vowel "Oo". The vocabulary list may need...
A Year at a Glance Lesson Plan and Student Worksheets Grade 1
$5.45 CAD
Students will learn about the months of the year and the sequencing of monthly events that take place in one year. Teacher notes provide guidance with the learning intention, the success criteria, materials needed, a lesson outline, as well as...
Aboriginal Activities Throughout Seasonal Changes Lesson Plan Grade 1
$5.25 CAD
Students will learn about the activities of Aboriginals throughout seasonal changes. Teacher notes provide guidance with the learning intention, the success criteria, materials needed, a lesson outline, as well as provide some insight on what results to expect when the...
All Kinds of Structures Grade 1
$24.99 CAD
Introduce your students to the wonderful world of shapes and structures. Begin with the reproducible storybook, "A Visit to Shapeville", to teach the concept of structures. Reinforce and extend students learning with 30 follow up activities that integrate science with...