Ontario Curriculum
A Year of Grade 2 Math Assessments
$35.99 CAD
This 158-page book contains 15 end of unit assessments. Each test includes a rubric and is divided into the four sections outlined in the curriculum: Knowledge Thinking/Problem Solving Communication Application The following unit tests are included: place value adding &...
Addition & Subtraction Drills Bundle! Grades 1-3
$32.99 CAD
114 worksheets of addition and subtraction drills to use as timed exercises or homework sheets, Boost student's confidence as they practice the basic facts. 128 pages including certificates of completion and answer key. Addition worksheets for these skills: addition facts...
Air, Water & Soil in the Environment - Earth Science Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Students will learn about air and water in our environment. The activities in this book have two intentions: to teach concepts related to earth and space science and to provide students the opportunity to apply the necessary skills needed for...
An Aboriginal Connection Grade 2
$4.45 CAD
Students will learn about the importance of certain animals to the lives of Aboriginal people. 4 pages. Success Criteria: discuss with a partner the usefulness of some animals to Aboriginal people depict the uses of animals to Aboriginal people of...
Birds Lesson and Worksheets Gr 2 - Physical Characteristics; Flight; Behavior
$6.95 CAD
Students will learn about the physical characteristics of birds, make comparisons between birds in flight, and research to learn more about bird behavior. Success Criteria: recognize the physical characteristics of different birds make observations of different birds in flight and...
Canadian Comprehension Grades 1-2
$22.99 CAD
Canadian Comprehension, grades 1-2 is packed with ready-to-use information and worksheets that cover both social studies and language arts curriculum. There are 8 sections with 2 reading activities (fiction and non-fiction) and 1 writing activity per grade in each. Each...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 2
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grade 2
$35.99 CAD
32 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background for Grade Two students. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for...
Canadian Money Grades 1-2
$26.99 CAD
Learning how to count money is an important skill as we need money to buy some of our favourite things! This resource is packed with worksheets and activities that allow students to practice important concepts involving money to meet expectations...
Changing Family and Community Tradition Grade 2 Ontario Social Studies
$22.99 CAD
14 lessons help students gain an understanding of today's families and our community and family traditions and celebrations. The following unit of study supports teachers and students as they work through the Social Studies Inquiry Process. This resource focuses on...
Early Settlers in Upper Canada Grades 2-4
$27.99 CAD
There is NO PREP with these 29 lesson plans. Students will investigate the various communities of early settlers and First Nation peoples in Upper Canada during the 1800s. They will understand how the interaction between the new settlers and existing communities of...
Energy Types and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is energy and where does it come from? These are difficult but essential concepts for children to understand. Our hands-on activities will provide students with a solid basis to understanding energy, while practicing critical thinking skills and having fun....
Fish Lesson and Activities Grade 2
$6.45 CAD
Students will learn about the physical characteristics of fish, and research to learn more about fish behavior. Success Criteria: make observations of the breathing rate of a goldfish record results using a chart and a diagram make conclusions about the...
Force & Motion Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Help students understand the various types of force and motion, to broaden their knowledge of basic concepts, develop skills including inquiry, design, and communication, and develop the opportunity to relate science and technology to life outside the classroom. For the...
Global Communities Grade 2 Ontario Social Studies Curriculum
$22.99 CAD
In this resource, students will learn about Global Communities. The resource covers the overall expectations of the Ontario Social Studies curriculum. Lesson topics cover the continents, oceans and other bodies of water, countries, equators, the environment, and daily life around...
Grade 2 Canadian Math & Reading Practise Bundle!
$35.95 CAD
Canadian Math Curriculum! Math Home Practise is a condensed course of instruction or review for Grade Two Mathematics. Each topic area contains individual skills and concepts that match the learning expectations of the curriculum. Following the most up-to-date mathematics curriculum...
Growth & Change in Animals - Fun Activities Teach Animal LIfe Cycles Grades 2-3
$25.99 CAD
Fun Activities Teach Animal Life Cycles. Students will become familiar with six animal groups and the animals in each. They will understand the physical and behavioral characteristics that enable animals to survive, gain an understanding of metamorphosis and become familiar...
Growth & Change in Plants Grades 2-3
$25.99 CAD
Imaginative & Innovative Activities that Meet Standards! Students will learn about the characteristics and requirements of plants and their patterns of growth. They will learn about the importance of plants as sources of food, a shelter for people and animals,...
How Animals and Humans Co-Exist Lesson Plan and Worksheets Grade 2
$6.95 CAD
Students will learn about how animals and humans co-exist on Earth and how they depend on each other for survival. 11 pages, with answer key. Success Criteria: identify animals that are useful to humans describe the ways that animals are...
Human Development e-Lesson Plan Grade 2
$6.95 CAD
Students will learn about the life cycle stages of a human, and about the healthy food that is needed for growth and development. Success Criteria: recognize and record the changes that humans experience as they grow older recognize and record...
In Pioneer Days Grades 2-4
$26.99 CAD
50 activities help teach about pioneers, the early settlers. Students will compare a pioneer community to our modern community with 20 information and follow-up worksheets on topics including the early pioneers, farming, food, clothing, travel, and village life. Activities and...
Indigenous Peoples of Canada Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
This resource is based on the Ontario Curriculum and also incorporates topics covered in the curriculum from other provinces and territories. For each grade level, there is an in-depth look into a First Nation in Canada. This book looks at the: Nehiyawak...
Invertebrates e-Lesson Plan Grade 2
$6.95 CAD
Students will learn about the different types of invertebrates and their physical characteristics. Success Criteria: identify the body parts of an insect, a spider, a worm, and a crustacean list types of common insects research and retell some facts on...
Let's Visit Alberta Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Alberta is one of Canada's three Prairie Provinces. It is a geographically diverse land of mountains, grasslands, farms, lakes and rivers. Provide your students with the opportunity to become more aware of the greatness of Alberta, the "Sunshine Province"....
Life Cycles e-Lesson Plan Grade 2
$6.45 CAD
Students will learn about the life cycle stages of different animals. 9 pages, with answer key. Success Criteria: discuss the life cycle of a butterfly with a partner illustrate the changes that happen at each stage in a Monarch Butterfly's...
Life Science Grade 2: Animal Growth & Changes Ontario 2022 Science Curriculum
$25.99 CAD
This resource meets the New 2022 Grade 2 Ontario Science Curriculum. The experiments in this book fall under ten topics that relate to two aspects of life science: Small Crawling & Flying Animals; and Animal Growth & Changes. In each section,...
Life Systems Growth and Change in Animals Ontario Grade 2 Curriculum
$25.99 CAD
This resource meets the New 2022 Grade 2 Ontario Science Curriculum. The experiments in this book fall under eight topics that relate to aspects of life systems:Growth and Change in Animals. In each section you will find teacher notes designed toprovide...
Light and Sound Lessons and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Light and sound are everywhere, but hard to define. These age-appropriate activities will provide your students with a solid basis for exploring these concepts with confidence. Experiments with laser beams and hands-on models will delight students as they learn about...
Magnets Lessons and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is a magnet and how does it work? These simple but fun hands-on activities and experiments will put your students in charge of their own learning as they are given the tools and guidance to discover the fascinating world...
Mammals e-Lesson Plan Grade 2
$5.95 CAD
Students will learn about the different categories of mammals and their physical characteristics; then research to learn more about a mammal of their choice. Success Criteria: identify three categories of mammals, describe their physical characteristics list different types of mammals...
Matter and Materials Lessons and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is the world made of? Through hands-on activities and experiments, students will enjoy exploring the world around them as they practice science skills like observing and concluding. Games like "Simon Says" bring the realm of atoms and particles to...
Media Literacy for Canadian Students Grades 2-3 - Understanding Texts and Media Forms
$23.99 CAD
Students will understand media texts; understand media forms and techniques; create media texts with the 7 media texts activities, 2 media forms and technique activities, 4 creating media texts activities, and 11 additional activities plus a teacher guide. 80 pages In...
Ontario Grade 2 Science & Social Studies 5 Book Savings Bundle!
$89.95 CAD
Three Science & Two Social Studies books = A YEAR OF CURRICULUM COVERED! SCIENCE: 1. Physical Science: The experiments in this book fall under seventeen topics that relate to four aspects of physical science: Materials, Objects, and Building Things; Energy...
Ontario Grade 2 Social Studies Curriculum Savings Bundle!
$38.95 CAD
Helping you meet the Ontario Grade 2 Social Studies Curriculum, these two books includes lessons that can be used as a starting point to add to your own ideas, or as a complete units. Each resource is designed to support...
Physical Science Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to four aspects of physical science: Movement: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases Buoyancy and Boats Magnets Hot and Cold Temperature. In each section, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance...
Reptiles & Amphibians e-Lesson Plan Grade 2
$5.25 CAD
Students will learn about the physical characteristics of reptiles and amphibians, and research to learn more about a reptile or an amphibian. Success Criteria: recognize the physical characteristics of reptiles and amphibians identify reptiles and amphibians research two interesting facts...
Spelling Grade 2 - A Full Year Program
$25.99 CAD
Are you looking for a spelling program that includes the teaching guide with a strategic plan for students to ONLY Practice The Words They Don't Know, then this AWARD winning program is it! Here is everything you need to effectively...
Spelling Grade 2 Worksheets - 36 Weeks - A FULL YEAR!
$30.99 CAD
NO PREP! blackline masters can be used alone or can be used to support and extend the lessons in the Spelling Grade 2. This spelling program includes 36 carefully sequenced study units designed to increase student achievement in spelling. Each unit...
Spelling Grades 1/2 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. Each lesson contains a list of eight words. Instructions for three spelling games and a section of large print words...
Spelling Grades 2/3 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. This book was written primarily for students in grades two and three. Students of above average ability in mid to...
Structures, Mechanisms & Motion Grade 2
$24.99 CAD
Introduce your students to the wonderful world of shapes and structures. Begin with the reproducible storybook, "A Visit to Shapeville", to teach the concept of structures. Reinforce and extend students learning with 40 follow up activities that integrate science with...
A Study of Invertebrates Lesson Plan and Worksheets Grade 2
$5.45 CAD
Students will learn about the behavioral characteristics of invertebrates, through research and through compare and contrast. Success Criteria: choose an invertebrate to research describe its appearance, where it lives, what it eats, its predators, its day and night time activity,...
Canada's Provinces, Territories & Capital Cities Reading Gr. 3-4 Google Slides
$2.95 CAD
This non-fiction reading lesson is tailored to integrate language-based social studies content into their literacy time. Students will learn the names of the provinces, territories, and capital cities of Canada. Literacy Skills: Reading a Chart Reading for Detail The links...
Canadian Animals Google Slides Reading Lesson Bundle! Grades 1-2
$9.95 CAD
Students will read about five of Canada's popular animals. Each topic contains an information story and a follow-up exercise designed to review and develop strong reading and phonetic skills. The link in the PDF directs you to the google slide lesson. You can...
Canadian Data Management Grade 2 Google Slides & Printables
$6.95 CAD
These 13 second-grade Data Management lesson plans are 100% Canadian content and follow the elementary mathematics curriculum guidelines. The lesson plans include pictographs, probability of an event, understanding data and data values to name a few. The links in the...

Learning About the Anishinaabe Nation Grade 2 Google Slides & Printables Distance Learning
$7.95 CAD
These lessons and activities focus on the Anishinaabe Nation. The lessons and activities draw on cross-curricular instruction which allows Native Studies to be incorporated into a variety of subject areas. Also included in this resource is an Educator's Guide to...
The Beaver Reading Lesson Gr. 1-2 Google Slides & Printables Distance Learning
$2.45 CAD
Students will read about one of Canada's busiest animals, the Beaver. This lesson contains an information story and a follow-up exercise designed to review and develop strong reading and phonetic skills. Skills Practiced: Recalling Details | Rhyming Words The vocabulary list may need to be...