Downloadable Book
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 2-3
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canadian symbols, seasons, birds, wild animals, insects, reptiles, amphibians, sports, famous male and female athletes, famous Canadian animals, and special places to visit...
A Year of Grade 3 Math Assessments
$35.99 CAD
This 154-page book contains an end of unit assessments. Each test includes a rubric and is divided into 4 sections: Understanding Thinking/Problem Solving Communication Application Number Sense & Numeration Math Quiz Place Value Place Value Multiplication Division Adding & Subtracting...
Alberta Grade 3 Science Curriculum - An Entire Year of Lessons!
$30.99 CAD
The lessons and experiments in this book fall under 5 main topics that relate to the Alberta curriculum for Grade 3 Science. In each lesson you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the learning intentions; the...
All About India Grades 3-5
$23.99 CAD
This 11 Teacher-Directed Activity Lessons provide teacher support information on India and ideas on how to implement it in the classroom. There are 36 reproducible Student Activities that correspond with the various lessons. They may be done independently or as large group...
All About Peru Grades 3-5
$23.99 CAD
This 11 Teacher-Directed Activity Lessons provide teacher support information on India and ideas on how to implement it in the classroom. There are 36 reproducible Student Activities that correspond with the various lessons. They may be done independently or as large group...
All About Tunisia Grades 3-5
$23.99 CAD
The 8 Teacher-Directed Activity Lessons provide teacher support information on India and ideas on how to implement it in the classroom. There are 32 reproducible Student Activities that correspond with the various lessons. They may be done independently or as large group...
All About Ukraine Grades 3-5
$23.99 CAD
The 8 Teacher-Directed Activity Lessons provide teacher support information on India and ideas on how to implement it in the classroom. There are 32 reproducible Student Activities that correspond with the various lessons. They may be done independently or as large group...
Amazing Earthworms Grades 2-3 - Science Experiments and Cross Curricular Worksheets
$25.99 CAD
This science literacy based unit contains 6 science experiments and over 30 cross curricular activities. A seven page student booklet complete this unit and can be used as a whole class or small group assessment. Students will study the earthworm's...
Book Reports Grades 5-6 Aligned to Common Core
$19.99 CAD
Book reports allow the young reader to share their thoughts about the stories they have heard or have read themselves. As well, students need the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the materials. Each section begins with a Teacher's Notes...
Bugs, Bugs & More Bugs Grades 2-3
$25.99 CAD
Looking for non-fiction, high-interest literacy, and skill-building material for young students or an integrated resource that will excite and teach? Look no further. This resource is filled with activities that will capture student interest and teach or reinforce skills in...
Butterflies and Moths Grades 3-4 - The similarities and differences activities and worksheets
$25.99 CAD
Over 40+ activities encourage students to learn the similarities and differences between moths and butterflies. Students will find out the strange facts about their colors, sizes, shapes, and habits. Use these activities to help you teach and review your students...
Calendar Activities with Real World Applications! Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Teach and reinforce basic math concepts with 25+ hands-on activities and instant reproducible activities that help children see real-world applications for math skills. Here are fun ideas, activities, and worksheets to familiarize your students with the history, organization, and uses...
Canadian Comprehension Grades 3-4
$22.99 CAD
Canadian Comprehension, grades 3-4 is packed with ready-to-use information and worksheets that cover both social studies and language arts curriculum. There are 7 sections with 2 reading activities (fiction and non-fiction) and 1 writing activity per grade. Each chapter has...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 3
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grade 3 | Vowels | Blends | Suffixes | Syllabication
$35.99 CAD
31 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or the ideas and worksheets can...
Canadian Mapping Skills: Developing and Using Mapping Skills Grades 2-3
$29.99 CAD
Strengthen your students; mapping skills and understanding of geographic terminology. Students will be introduced to the terms hemisphere, continent, latitude, longitude, pictorial symbols, legend, key, scale, land-forms, and cardinal and intermediate directions. Students will explore Canada using maps and will...
Canadian Math Home Practise Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
Complete Canadian Math Curriculum! Everything You Need For Math Prep And Practise. This Math Home Practise Book Is A Condensed Course Of Instruction Or Review For Grade Three Mathematics. It Is 100% Canadian Content For Canadian Students! Following The Most...
Canadian Measurement Worksheets Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Activities and worksheets help teach the basic concepts and skills in measuring length, area, volume, capacity, and mass using objects found in the everyday environment. Both written and manipulative activities are included. Students will want to measure everything in sight once they learn...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for bell...
Canadian Mini-Books: Famous People Grades 2-4 Canadian History
$25.99 CAD
Ten reproducible reading booklets pertaining to famous figures that played an important role in Canada’s history and development. This resource gives your students a chance to create their own books of various styles while learning about some of the most...
Canadian Money Grades 3-4
$24.99 CAD
Learning how to count money is an important skill as we need money to buy some of our favourite things! This resource is packed with worksheets and activities that allow students to practice important concepts involving money to meet expectations...
Canadian Money: Currency & Literacy Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Currency & Literacy Combined in One Book! Help young students become familiar with money concepts and values. Activities teach the many concepts pertaining to money giving student practice with money. 21 math activities and 10 money illustrations, with additional activities in reading comprehension, phonics,...
Canadian Moving Ahead with Book Reports Grades 3-4
$20.99 CAD
This resource contains six sections: Vocabulary Development Identifying Important Information Character Analysis Summarizing & Sequencing Events Reasoning & Critical Thinking Creativity & Design Each section begins with a Teacher's Notes page that will provide suggestions to help you to introduce...
Canadian Quality Daily Physical Activities Grades 2-3
$25.99 CAD
80 - 20 Minute Activities Adapted for Classroom and Outside. This book was written to help engage teachers and students in the idea of being fit for life through play - to not be afraid to have fun while getting...
Developing Literacy Skills Using 17 Nursery Rhymes Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Develop reading comprehension and expressive speaking skills during the reading and reciting of enjoyable and pleasurable fun-filled rhymes. During the process of reading the rhymes other phonetic and language skills can be taught or reviewed. Includes 17 illustrated Nursery Rhymes,...
Developing Literacy Skills Using 17 Nursery Rhymes Grades 1-3 - Common Core
$22.99 CAD
Aligned to Common Core Standards. A Common Core Standards chart is located on page 2, identifying standards covered. The page numbers are noted for easy access. Develop reading comprehension and expressive speaking skills during the reading and reciting of enjoyable...
Developing Reading Skills Using Fairy Tales Grades 1-3
$30.99 CAD
Ten popular fairy tales that have been retold and vary in reading difficulty from first grade to the end of grade three to meet the range of your student needs. At the top of each page, the skill or skills...
Early Settlers in Upper Canada Grades 2-4
$27.99 CAD
There is NO PREP with these 29 lesson plans. Students will investigate the various communities of early settlers and First Nation peoples in Upper Canada during the 1800s. They will understand how the interaction between the new settlers and existing communities of...
Earth, Weather & Waste - Earth Science Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
The activities in this book have two intentions: to teach concepts related to earth and space science and to provide students the opportunity to apply the necessary skills needed for mastery of science and technology curriculum objectives. Throughout the experiments,...
Egyptians Today & Yesterday Grades 2-3
$26.99 CAD
Discover Ancient Cultures with Informative Worksheets! Learn about the building of the pyramids, mummification, and the lifestyles of the early Egyptians. Study the people and cultures of the ancient civilizations while learning about their magnificent achievements in architecture, government, science,...
Energy Types and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is energy and where does it come from? These are difficult but essential concepts for children to understand. Our hands-on activities will provide students with a solid basis to understanding energy, while practicing critical thinking skills and having fun....
Eric Carle Author Study Grades 1-3
$20.99 CAD
Kids love The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Busy Spider, The Very Quiet Cricket and many other stories by Eric Carle! Here is a resource to help your students develop the literacy strategies necessary for them to derive meaning from...
Fairy Tales using Blooms' Taxonomy: Grades 3-5
$29.99 CAD
Stories to Enjoy While Improving Higher Level Thinking Skills Developed to acquaint and familiarize students with the literary genre of fairy tales and to promote and improve the development of higher-level learning skills using the questioning technique of Blooms' Taxonomy....
Food, Fact, Fun & Fiction Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Fun with Food! Today it is so important to teach good nutrition and respect for the environment. These age-appropriate activities will provide your students with the information they need while they enjoy learning. Designed for: whole group, small groups, and...
Force & Motion Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Help students understand the various types of force and motion, to broaden their knowledge of basic concepts, develop skills including inquiry, design, and communication, and develop the opportunity to relate science and technology to life outside the classroom. For the...
Fractured Fairy Tales & The Stinky Cheese Man - using Bloom's Taxonomy Grades 2-4
$24.99 CAD
Literacy and critical thinking activities - with a sense of humor. Fractured fairy tales are familiar stories - with a twist. The unexpected makes them highly appealing, and they also present excellent opportunities for learning. This resource provides a wide...
Growth & Change in Animals - Fun Activities Teach Animal LIfe Cycles Grades 2-3
$25.99 CAD
Fun Activities Teach Animal Life Cycles. Students will become familiar with six animal groups and the animals in each. They will understand the physical and behavioral characteristics that enable animals to survive, gain an understanding of metamorphosis and become familiar...
Growth & Change in Plants Grades 2-3
$25.99 CAD
Imaginative & Innovative Activities that Meet Standards! Students will learn about the characteristics and requirements of plants and their patterns of growth. They will learn about the importance of plants as sources of food, a shelter for people and animals,...
Growth & Changes in Plants; and Animal Life Cycles: Life Science Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book fall under eleven topics that relate to two aspects of life science: Animal Life Cycles and Plant Growth & Changes. This resource meets the New 2022 Grade 3 Ontario Science Curriculum. In each section, you will find...
I'm Important Grades 2-3
$22.99 CAD
In order for children to think well for themselves, they must realize and accept that they are human beings with strengths and weaknesses. Incorporate the ideas and activities in your own program on self-concept. Assists in developing skills in critical...
Imperial Measurement Grades 1-3
$21.99 CAD
Students will want to measure everything in sight once they learn how! This resource is designed to teach basic concepts and skills in measuring length, area, volume, capacity and mass using objects found in the everyday environment. Includes teacher suggestions...
In Pioneer Days Grades 2-4
$26.99 CAD
50 activities help teach about pioneers, the early settlers. Students will compare a pioneer community to our modern community with 20 information and follow-up worksheets on topics including the early pioneers, farming, food, clothing, travel, and village life. Activities and...
Indigenous Peoples of Canada Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
This resource is based on the Ontario Curriculum and also incorporates topics covered in the curriculum from other provinces and territories. For each grade level, there is an in-depth look into a First Nation in Canada. This book looks at the: Nehiyawak...
It's a Fact! Developing Non-Fiction Reading Skills Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Most of the reading that we do in real life is non-fiction although most classroom programs focus mainly on reading fiction materials. Correct this imbalance and incorporate the 27 non-fiction stories found in this resource to develop and strengthen inquiry and research...
Just for Boys Grades 1-3 Fiction & Nonfiction Reading Comprehension
$25.99 CAD
Motivate The Boys To Read! Includes over 27 short fiction and nonfiction readings, a teacher guide, teacher and student rubrics, read aloud observation form and answer key. What boy can resist topics such as leeches, dinosaurs, dump trucks, and firemen?...
Just for Boys Grades 3-6 Fiction & Nonfiction Reading Comprehension
$25.99 CAD
Motivate The Boys To Read! Includes over 24 short fiction and nonfiction readings, a teacher guide, teacher and student rubrics, read-aloud observation form, and an answer key. What young boy can resist topics such as heroes, monster trucks, mysterious planets,...
Just for Girls Grades 1-3 Reading Comprehension
$25.99 CAD
Fiction & Nonfiction Reading Just for Girls! Includes 27 short fiction and nonfiction readings, a teacher guide, teacher and student rubrics, read aloud observation form and answer key. What girl can resist topics such as rainbows, best friends, picnics, and...
Just the Facts! Developing Non-Fiction Reading Skills Common Core Gr. 1-3
$22.99 CAD
Most of the reading that we do in real life is non-fiction although most classroom programs focus mainly on reading fiction materials. Correct this imbalance and incorporate the 27 non-fiction stories found in this resource to develop and strengthen inquiry and research...