Downloadable Book
Subtraction Fact Drills Grades 1-3
$19.99 CAD
Improve your students' subtraction math fact fluency as they practice from single digit to four digit subtraction. Includes 57 pages of reproducible Drill and Word Problem worksheets that can be used as homework sheets or timed exercises. Certificate of completion...
Timed Subtraction Drill Facts Grades 1-3
$15.99 CAD
Strengthen students' speed and accuracy on their subtraction facts. Each drill page concentrates on a specific area. 40+ reproducible drill worksheets. In subtraction fact recall, building students' skills as they progress from the easiest level to the most difficult. Each...
Subtraction Facts Workbook Grades 2/3
$15.99 CAD
Subtraction facts to 20 are covered. Students work with subtraction facts in exercises that include: missing addends matching questions and answers filling in the blanks true-false statements number wheels number triangles number mazes number spirals number squares review exercises Being...
Subtraction Practice Build Their Skills Workbook Grades 1-3
$13.99 CAD
Subtraction is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing subtraction concepts and operations. The worksheets focus on these skills: recognition of subtraction facts from 0 to 18 and their concepts; comparison of subtraction facts using the symbols for greater than,...