Downloadable Book
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 1-2
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canadian symbols, animals, birds, seasons, the month of the year, special celebrations, famous places, and famous people. Each topic contains an information story...
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 2-3
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canadian symbols, seasons, birds, wild animals, insects, reptiles, amphibians, sports, famous male and female athletes, famous Canadian animals, and special places to visit...
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 3-4
$31.99 CAD
The 52 stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canadian symbols, sports, birds, wild animals, insects, reptiles, famous inventors and inventions, famous Canadian athletes, famous Canadian people, special Canadian places and sights to...
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 4-5
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canada. A year of nonfiction reading in one book! One story a week for bell work, review, indoor recess, enrichment or for the students who...
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 5-6
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canada. A year of nonfiction reading in one book! One story a week for bell work, review, indoor recess, enrichment or for the students who...
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 6-7
$31.99 CAD
The 52 non-fiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of the various Canadian topics while reviewing and strengthening various reading, language, and word study skills. Each topic contains an information story and a follow-up...
Alberta Grade 1 Social Studies: Citizenship: Belonging and Connecting
$22.99 CAD
This teacher resource has been designed to give students an understanding and appreciation of the topics in the Grade 1 Social Studies Alberta Curriculum. The lessons are designed to involve tactile participation and knowledge application while providing opportunities to connect...
Alberta Grade 2 Social Studies: Communities in Canada
$22.99 CAD
This teacher resource helps students gain an understanding and appreciation of Canada’s Dynamic Communities as well as A Community in the Past. The lessons are designed to involve tactile participation and knowledge application while providing opportunities to connect ideas between...
Alberta Grade 5 Social Studies: Canada: The Land, History & Stories
$23.99 CAD
This book is organized into four integrated, multi-day lessons that can be adopted in many ways to suit the variety of needs and interests in the classroom. The length of the lesson and style is dependent on its content. For...
Alberta Grade 7 Social Studies: Canada: Origins, Histories & Movement of People
$32.99 CAD
This resource gives students an understanding and appreciation of the Aboriginal, French, and English peoples in the history of Canada. Together, through both cooperation and conflict, they forged the foundations of the Canadian Confederation. Each topic is presented in a...
Alberta Grade 8 Social Studies: Historical Worldviews Examined
$42.99 CAD
Aligned to Alberta Curriculum, this resource has been designed to give students an understanding and appreciation of the issues related to contact between societies with differing worldviews. Inquiry and examination into the elements of these worldviews will give students the...
Big Book of Canadian Mapping Skills Grades 4-6
$37.99 CAD
Everything you need to teach and strengthen mapping skills for Grades 1, 2 and 3! No Prep Worksheets teach every aspect of mapping. Students will learn about Canada, as they study its geography. They will be introduced to mapping...
Canada and It's Trading Partners Grades 6-8
$22.99 CAD
Canada & World Connections. The United States is Canada's major trading partner. Students will learn how this relationship affects our trade policies, media, immigration, culture, technology, tourism, history and geography. Students study the relationship Canada has with other trading partners...
Canada: A Changing Society 1890-1914 Grade 8 Hi/Lo
$33.99 CAD
Help your students working below grade level with Canadian History. Topics are presented in a clear, concise manner, which makes the information accessible to struggling learners. There are two levels of questions for each topic. Illustrations, maps, and diagrams visually...
Canada: Conflicts & Challenges - Canada 1800-1850 Grade 7, High Interest/Low Vocabulary
$33.99 CAD
Activities will help students analyze aspects of the lives of various groups in Canada between 1800 and 1850. Using the historical inquiry process students will be able to investigate perspectives of different groups on some significant events, developments, and/or issues...
Canada's Fathers of Confederation Grades 4-8 Biographies and Follow-up Worksheets
$22.99 CAD
Students will learn about each of the father's of confederation. This group of individuals helped bring about Canada's confederation. Each of their different backgrounds and personalities influenced the development of Canada, and the trials they endured to bring about the...
Canada's Federal Election Process Gr. 4-8
$25.99 CAD
Ten lessons assist your students in their understanding of the election process. Students will learn what elections are, their processes, and the reasons elections are held. Insight into how campaigns are run, what a platform is and the platforms of...
Canada's Interactions with the Global Community Grade 6 Ontario Social Studies Curriculum
$22.99 CAD
This resource has been developed to cover the overall expectations of the Ontario Ministry of Education Social Studies People and Environments: Canada's Interactions with the Global Community curriculum. This unit can be used as a whole to fulfill the overall...
Canada's Links to the World Grades 5-8
$22.99 CAD
This resource includes a wide variety of skill-based activities that engage students in learning about our interactions with the rest of the world. Some of the topics covered include: imports and exports media immigration world organizations peacekeeping the environment and...
Canada's Provinces & Territories Grades 4-6
$32.99 CAD
Students will study Canada's ten provinces and three territories. During this study, students will develop and strengthen reading, research, and mapping skills. Expand your student knowledge of Canada's: Physical Regions Climate Provinces Territories Capital Cities Bodies of Water Natural Resources Industrial Growth,...
Canadian Citizenship and Immigration Lessons Grades 4-8
$25.99 CAD
The lesson plans are a guide for ideas on how to introduce, teach, and reinforce the various aspects of Citizenship and Immigration in Canada and the process involved for immigrants to become Canadian citizens. A follow-up is provided for each...
Canadian Mapping Skills: An Introduction to Mapping Grades 1-2
$29.99 CAD
Help young learners to understand the geography of Canada with the introduction of basic mapping skills. Students will learn the terms compass rose, scale, legend, map symbols, and directional terms. They will be introduced to various types of maps and...
Canadian Mapping Skills: Developing and Using Mapping Skills Grades 2-3
$29.99 CAD
Strengthen your students; mapping skills and understanding of geographic terminology. Students will be introduced to the terms hemisphere, continent, latitude, longitude, pictorial symbols, legend, key, scale, land-forms, and cardinal and intermediate directions. Students will explore Canada using maps and will...
Canadian Mapping Skills: Extending Knowledge Grades 4-5
$29.99 CAD
They will learn terms such as regions, provinces, territories, physical features, land-forms, parallels of latitude, meridians of longitude, coordinates, map symbols, cardinal and intermediate directions, and scale. Skills such as locating places on a map, recording on maps, interpreting different...
Canadian Mapping Skills: Extending Knowledge Grades 5-6
$29.99 CAD
Students will learn about the different regions, provinces, territories, communities, bodies of water, natural resources, mapping symbols, and kinds of maps. They will develop skills such as locating places on a map in a variety of ways, labeling and coloring...
Canadian Mini-Books: Famous People Grades 2-4 Canadian History
$25.99 CAD
Ten reproducible reading booklets pertaining to famous figures that played an important role in Canada’s history and development. This resource gives your students a chance to create their own books of various styles while learning about some of the most...
Canadian Peacekeepers Grades 5-8
$25.99 CAD
Share the missions our Canadian Peacekeepers have aided in to keep peace in International Affairs. These NO Prep, 50+ pages of information and follow-up activities, a glossary of terms, teacher guide and answer key. 80 pages. Since the end of...
Canadian West - It's Development Grades 7-8
$25.99 CAD
19 complete lesson plans help students understand the contributions made by different individuals and groups and they will learn about the conflicts and changes that occurred in the 19th century. Discussion questions for the topic, reading passage and follow-up worksheets,...
Confederation - The Dominion of Canada Grades 7-8
$25.99 CAD
Help students understand the significant events, including coalition government and the Quebec Conference, that led to the creation of the Dominion of Canada in 1867. Students will develop an understanding of the diverse groups and important individuals, such as Sir...
Conflict & Change - Rebellions of 1837-38 Grades 7-8 Upper & Lower Canada
$25.99 CAD
Teach the causes, personalities, and consequences of rebellions of 1837-38 in Upper and Lower Canada. Students will recognize the nature of change and conflict, different ways of creating change, and methods of resolving conflicts. Information for students to examine the...
Creating Canada 1850-1890 Grade 8, High Interest, Low Vocabulary
$33.99 CAD
Activities will help students assess the impact of some key social, economic, and political factors, including social, economic, and/or political inequality, on various Canadians between 1850 and 1890 as well as on the creation and expansion of the Dominion of...
Early Settlers in Upper Canada Grades 2-4
$27.99 CAD
There is NO PREP with these 29 lesson plans. Students will investigate the various communities of early settlers and First Nation peoples in Upper Canada during the 1800s. They will understand how the interaction between the new settlers and existing communities of...
Famous Canadian: Explorers, Writers, Inventors, Pioneers, Sport, Arts, Entertainers, Prime Ministers
$25.99 CAD
Study famous Canadians and from eight differed areas: Prime Ministers, Explorers, Writers, Inventors, Pioneers, Sports, Entertainers, and Artists. Designed to be used as learning centres with activity cards ready to be coloured, mounted and laminated. Teaching suggestions, a list of...
Global Settlement Patterns and Sustainability Grade 8 Ontario Curriculum
$22.99 CAD
The activities in this book have two intentions: to teach concepts that relate to Global Settlement, but also expose students to a variety of issues that affect the lives of many people around the world. The book starts off with...
Indigenous Peoples of Canada Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
This resource is based on the Ontario Curriculum and also incorporates topics covered in the curriculum from other provinces and territories. For each grade level, there is an in-depth look into a First Nation in Canada. This book looks at the: Nehiyawak...
Le Canada 1e à 2e année
$24.99 CAD
Que signifie la feuille d'érable? Qu'est-ce un agent de la Gendarmerie royale? Combien de provinces et territoires y a-t-il? Comment s'appellent-elles? Introduisez vos élèves aux symboles et à la géographie du Canada. En compagnie du petit castor vous pouvez faire...
Let's Look at Canada Grades 4-6 (Canadian History)
$25.99 CAD
40 activities that will amaze your students about the development of this country as you travel through our history with the 13 reading information cards, and theme test provided. 94 pages including an answer key. Reading information topics include: an...
Let's Visit Canada Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
Here is a no prep fun way to teach your students about Canada's provinces, cities, tourist and historical attractions! A twelve page reproducible student booklet will teach students about the provinces and territories, their names, locations, flowers, and flags. More...
Moments in Canadian Black History Grades 5-8
$22.99 CAD
Fascinating Facts and Interesting Events, Build Comprehension Skills. By presenting little-known facts, this resource provides an intimate view of people and events in Canadian history. Activities in this resource serve as a springboard for dialogue, with a wide range of...
New France & British North America 1713-1800 Grade 7 High Interest/Low Vocabulary
$33.99 CAD
Help your students working below grade level with Canadian History. Topics are presented in a clear, concise manner, which makes the information accessible to struggling learners. There are two levels of questions for each topic. Illustrations, maps, and diagrams visually...
Outline Maps of Canada Grades 4-8
$21.99 CAD
"Outline Maps of Canada" is an important resource for use in support of the existing social studies curriculum. Almost every map included can be used to teach or review the use of directions on a compass rose, symbols on a...
Prime Ministers of Canada Grades 4-8
$22.99 CAD
Examine the affects that each Prime Minister had on Canada and the important events that occurred during their time in government. Students will learn about these individuals, who they were, what their political views were, their beliefs for Canada as...
The Canadian Classroom Election Grades 4-7
$25.99 CAD
Your students will be thrilled with this hands-on, experimental approach to learning about the Canadian government and how elections are held. Everything you need to run a complete election is included to ensure your students experience the excitement and hard work...
Traditions & Celebrations in Canada Grades 1-3
$22.99 CAD
Start Early and Increase Cultural Awareness. Background information for the teacher to share in lessons and discussions. Canada is a country of many diverse cultures that encompass various family traditions and celebrations. The reproducible booklet will broaden the student's knowledge and...
Alberta Grade 3 Social Studies: Connecting with the World
$25.99 CAD
This teacher resource has been designed to give students an understanding and appreciation of the topics in the Grade 3 Social Studies Alberta Curriculum. Those topics include Communities in the World as well as Global Citizenship. The lessons are designed...
A Lumbering Community Grades 3-4
$14.99 CAD
Familiarize your students with the lumbering communities existing in Canadian society today. This volume offers a vivid look at a lumbering community and its lifestyle. Explore the reasons why this community provides Canada with an essential industry. 33 Activities.
A Mining Community Grades 3-4
$14.99 CAD
Familiarize your students with the mining communities existing in Canadian society today. This volume offers a vivid look at this community and its lifestyle. Explore the reasons why this community provides Canada with an essential industry. 25 Activities.
A Ranching Community Grades 3-4 book
$14.99 CAD
Familiarize your students with the ranching communities existing in Canadian society today. This volume offers a vivid look at a ranching community and its lifestyle. Explore the reasons why this community provides Canada with an essential industry. 30 Activities.