Downloadable Book
All About Color Grades Kindergarten to 1
$25.99 CAD
Teaching the recognition of color words is a great way to begin the development of early reading skills with young students. Each lesson plan is divided into eight sections. For each color lesson, there is a color poem and a...
All about Colour Grades K-1
$29.99 CAD
Teaching the recognition of colour words is a great way to begin the development of early reading skills with young students. Each lesson plan is divided into eight sections. For each colour lesson, there is a colour poem and a...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grades K-1 - Initial Consonants
$35.99 CAD
Daily Phonics provides an introduction to the initial consonants in the alphabet. 24 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background for early learners. Teaching the sounds initial consonants make, how they proceed, and how to recognize their appearance and formation...
Farmyard Friends Grades Pre K-Kindergarten
$25.99 CAD
The sights and sounds of the farm have delighted young children for many years. Designed for preschool through kindergarten, this theme-based book features ideas, activities, puzzles, and story sequencing to aid in the development of the fundamental skills needed in...
Learning the Alphabet Grades Preschool to Kindergarten
$30.99 CAD
In order to become strong readers, young students must be able to recognize the letters of the alphabet and the sounds that they make. This resource has been designed to provide students with that strong base. There are individual lesson...
Let's Go Shopping with Canadian Money using real- life scenarios Grades K-3
$23.99 CAD
Real-life scenarios help students learn about money. Age-appropriate activities concentrate on what is fun and interesting for young children, such as a candy store, a flea market, a trip to the beach, role-playing in a grocery store, and restaurant setting. Your...
Making Sense of our Senses Grades Kindergarten - 1
$22.99 CAD
Fun Science Experiments, Puzzles, Optical Illusions, and More! Find out what seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching are all about. This topic is so essential to learning that the ideas in this resource can be used throughout the year. These...
Media Literacy for Canadian Students Grades K to 1 - Understanding Media Forms and Texts
$23.99 CAD
These activities help young learners to understand media texts; understand media forms and techniques; create media texts. The lessons create the opportunity to study forms of media and discuss how it impacts their lives. Once students have acquired the skills...
Nursery Rhymes: Developing Reading, Rhyming & Phonetic Skills Grades Kindergarten
$25.99 CAD
Developing Reading, Rhyming and Phonetic Skills, Nursery rhymes are an excellent resource to aid in the development of students' sensitivity to the sound patterns of language. They can be used to introduce the structure of a story in a simple...
Outline Maps of Canada Grades K-3
$21.99 CAD
Outline Maps of Canada help introduce and review mapping skills and Canadian geography. Almost every map included can be used to teach or review the use of: directions on a compass rose, symbols on a legend and mapping terms such...
Pets - Every Child's Best Friend Grades Prek-Kindergarten
$25.99 CAD
Students will learn that having a pet requires care and responsibility. Designed for preschool through kindergarten, this theme-based book features ideas, activities, puzzles, and story sequencing to aid in the development of the fundamental skills needed in early learning. Curriculum...
Reading Logs Grades Kindergarten to Grade 1 - The Home and School Connection
$20.99 CAD
The Home and School Connection Studies show that what happens at home has a remarkable influence on learning success; this resource can help you influence your students' reading success out of school hours. This resource is designed to provide you...
Rhyme & Repitition Grades Kindergarten to Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
Children adore rhyming words. By utilizing their interest this book will help you guide children to master and enjoy rhyming and repetition. This activities are designed to encourage students to play with words and to build a bank of rhyming...
The Canadian Alphabet Grades Kindergarten to One
$34.99 CAD
This resource has been designed, using a Canadian theme, to teach students the names and formations of the twenty-six letters of the alphabet and at the same time make them more aware of the various sounds the letters make. The...
Traditional Manuscript Beginning Workbook Grades PreK-2
$19.99 CAD
Learning to print has never been so much fun! Our unique sailing theme assists young children to acquire the spatial recognition of letters and their formation. Instructions are given by lively characters to whom children can relate, and extra attention...
Traditional Manuscript: Beginning and Practice Big Book Grades PreK-2
$28.99 CAD
Two great books brought together in one volume for children beginning and practicing manuscript. Our unique sailing theme assists young children with letter formation, with instructions from our engaging sailor characters. We've paid extra attention to details that make learning...
Ways We Travel Grades Preschool to Kingergarten
$25.99 CAD
Everything from tractors to subways and tricycles to space ships is used to enliven these early learning activities including: visual discrimination, coloring, sequencing, reading, phonics, association, counting, recognizing patterns and classifying. The high quality graphics are ready for you to...
10 Literacy Building Nursery Rhymes Aligned to Common Core Gr. PK-Kindergarten
$24.99 CAD
Developing Reading, Rhyming and Phonetic Skills, Nursery rhymes are an excellent resource to aid in the development of students' sensitivity to the sound patterns of language. They can be used to introduce the structure of a story in a simple...
Apples are the Greatest Grades PreK-K
$15.99 CAD
Learn the stages of an apple's life from seed to harvest. Enjoy eating and cooking apples. Designed for preschool through kindergarten, this theme-based book features ideas, activities, puzzles, and story sequencing to promote active learning. Curriculum topics include visual discrimination,...
Au bout de l'arc-en-ciel année P-1e
$19.99 CAD
Les 47 activités de ce cahier sont parfaites pour les élèves de ce groupe d'âges. Elles mettent l'accent sur la réflexion, le vocabulaire, l'écriture, l'association, la lecture, les graphiques et la grammaire. Le cahier contient aussi huit activités d'assemblage et...
Beginning & Practice Modern Manuscript Big Book Grades Pre K-2
$28.99 CAD
Two great books brought together in one volume for children beginning and practicing manuscript. Our unique sailing theme assists young children with letter formation, with instructions from our engaging sailor characters. We've paid extra attention to details that make learning...
Celebrate Groundhog Day 80+ Worksheets for Reading, Word Study and Writing
$13.99 CAD
Over 80 NO PREP Groundhog Day worksheets and activities give students the opportunity to explore groundhogs, play with shadows and learn more about the weather. Inquiry questions about groundhogs and legends will stretch their imaginations and creativity. Students will practice a...
Celebrate Valentine's Day Grades Kindergarten to 3
$13.99 CAD
Over 90 NO PREP Valentine's Day worksheets and activities to help acquaint students with the signs, symbols and history of St. Valentine’s Day and to promote and strengthen the skills in the following areas: phonics, word recognition, rhyming, root words,...
Christmas - An Integrated Theme Unit Grades Jk-Sk
$12.99 CAD
Use This Activity-Based Resource To Incorporate A Variety Of Christmas Activities Into Your Classroom. Included in this package are numerous activities involving, cooking, math, art, language, poems, and environmental studies.
Daily Fitness Activities Grades Kindergarten to 1
$24.99 CAD
80 - 20 Minute Activities Adapted for Classroom & Outside This book was written to help engage teachers and students in the idea of being fit for life through not be afraid to have fun while getting fit. We...
Developing Music Skills Grades Kindergarten to 3
$36.99 CAD
Over 200 NO PREP music worksheets with creative ways to implement musical skills while involving other aspects of the curriculum in the classroom. Written for the non-musical teacher. This resources covers four grades and is an asset for your entire...
Dinosaurs - An Integrated Theme Unit Grades JK/SK
$24.99 CAD
Study the giant animals of the world to find out how they differ from animals today. Included in this package are numerous activities involving, cooking, math, art, language, poems, and environmental studies. 101 pagesAims & Objectives1. To instill the time...
Easter Delights Theme Grades PreK-K
$14.99 CAD
Celebrate Easter with these skill-based activities that provide practice in: visual discrimination, numeral, and word recognition, sequencing, matching, ordering, associating, puzzles, motor skills, and more. Easter eggs, bunnies, chicks, bonnets, and chocolates are some of the themes that will delight...
Emotions: Emotional & Cognitive Development Grades Preschool to 2
$22.99 CAD
Learning to identify, label and constructively express our emotions are the stepping stones to building positive social skills and self-esteem. Guide your students through the world of their emotions and then explore with them sexual abuse prevention education through the...
Farm - An Integrated Theme Unit Grades Jk-Sk
$18.99 CAD
Explore the world of farms and farm animals in this total concept resource. Learn about the importance of farms and how they contribute. Included in this package are numerous activities involving, cooking, math, art, language, poems, and environmental studies.Aims &...
February - An Integrated Theme Unit Grades Jk-Sk
$14.99 CAD
This total concept resource is designed to increase a student's knowledge of Groundhog Day and Valentine's Day. Incorporate the many activities in these total concept units into your daily activities.Included in this package are numerous activities involving, cooking, math, art,...
Hallowe'en Spirits Grades Prek-K
$16.99 CAD
Halloween is an exciting time of the year for young children. Some of the skills covered include visual discrimination, shape booklets, color coding, sequencing, rhyming, and word recognition. 46 activities. The following skills are developed and reinforced throughout the unit.1....
Halloween - An Integrated Theme Unit Grades Jk-Sk
$14.99 CAD
Celebrate Halloween with your students and experience all of the delights of this time of the year. Included in this package are numerous activities involving, cooking, math, art, language, poems, and environmental studies. Aims and Objectives of this resource: To...
Hearts and Flowers Theme Grades Prek-K
$16.99 CAD
Develop a sharing and caring attitude with your students by implementing these activities into your Valentine's Day program. Some skills covered are hand-eye coordination, word patterning, and recognition, number concepts. association and classification. 31 activities.
Incredible Dinosaurs Grades PreK-1
$25.99 CAD
Engage your students' curiosity and imagination with more than 45 fun activities designed to build fundamental skills needed in early learning. Skills include visual discrimination, word patterning, and recognition, eye-hand coordination, sequencing, rhyming, number concepts, association, classification. 86 pages
Les Dinosaures Unité thématique - Jardin d'enfants
$24.99 CAD
Les jeunes ne se lassent jamais de faire des activités où il est question de dinosaures. Vous trouverez dans ce cahier des exercices de lecture, de création littéraire, de mathématiques, d'écoute et d'expression orale. Dans les activités d'intégration, on invite...
Look! Visual Discrimination Gr. Pk-1
$12.99 CAD
Practice visual discrimination skills with your students with this resource. Aimed primarily at young students who are at the pre-reading stage. Worksheets are included to help students discriminate between patterns and pictures, letters and shapes, thus enabling children to acquire...
March - An Integrated Theme Unit Grades Jk-Sk
$12.99 CAD
This truly integrated resource is jam-packed with ideas and visual activities to provide coverage of the essential skills with the interest of a theme. St. Patrick's Day, leprechauns, the color green, the letter L, and weather are featured. Students will...
Me I'm Special Grades Preschool to 1
$22.99 CAD
A young student's ideas and attitudes about his or her self-esteem are developed through emotions, situations, and contact with people. The activities deal with the family, homes, friends, the school, and the neighborhood. 45 activities in the following areas: visual...
Modern Manuscript Beginning Workbook Grades PreK-2
$19.99 CAD
Learning to print has never been so much fun! Our unique sailing theme assists young children to acquire the spatial recognition of letters and their formation. Instructions are given by lively characters to whom children can relate, and extra attention...
Music is Fun! Grades PreK to Kindergarten
$21.99 CAD
This resource is a creative way to implement musical skills while involving other aspects of the curriculum. The various reproducible games and activities introduce and teach many music fundamentals such as: musical notes and their values, the music alphabet, identification...
November - An Integrated Theme Unit Grades Jk-Sk
$12.99 CAD
This truly integrated resource is jam-packed with ideas and visual activities to provide coverage of the essential skills while thinking about the approach of winter. Remembrance Day, sadness, and the color grey are topics. Young children will be delighted with...
Remembrance Day Grades Kindergarten to 3
$29.99 CAD
Here is everything you need to teach your students about endurance, courage, and resolving conflict while providing an understanding of the sacrifices made by Canadian soldiers in the wars. A variety of language art activities - picture matching, vocabulary exercises,...
September - An Integrated Theme Unit Grades Jk-Sk
$12.99 CAD
Get back to the basics in September. Refresh the young minds in your classroom with these packages overflowing with work-sheets and activities to help you get to know your students. Included in this package are numerous activities involving, cooking, math,...
Sight Words & Phonics Book 1 Grades Junior Kindergarten to Grade 1
$35.99 CAD
A unique resource designed for emerging readers and readers having difficulty or requiring review at any level. Designed to assist educators and parents to build and improve reading skills through the introduction of the first 60 Dolch Sight Words and the reinforcement...
Sight Words & Phonics Book 2 Grades Junior Kindergarten to Grade 1
$35.99 CAD
A unique resource designed for emerging readers and readers having difficulty or requiring review at any level. Designed to assist educators and parents to build and improve reading skills through the introduction of 61-120 Dolch Sight Words and the reinforcement of important...
Sight Words & Phonics Book 3 Grades Junior Kindergarten to Grade 1
$35.99 CAD
A unique resource designed for emerging readers and readers having difficulty or requiring review at any level. Designed to assist educators and parents to build and improve reading skills through the introduction of the third set of 50 Dolch Sight Words...
Sight Words & Phonics Book 4 Grades Junior Kindergarten to Grade 1
$35.99 CAD
A unique resource designed for emerging readers and readers having difficulty or requiring review at any level. Designed to assist educators and parents to build and improve reading skills through the introduction of the fourth set of 50 Dolch Sight Words and...