Downloadable Book
Canadian Daily Phonics Grade 1 | Consonants | Vowels | Blends
$35.99 CAD
32 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or the ideas and worksheets...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grade 2
$35.99 CAD
32 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background for Grade Two students. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grade 3 | Vowels | Blends | Suffixes | Syllabication
$35.99 CAD
31 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or the ideas and worksheets can...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grades 4-6 Strengthen Phonics and Word Attack Skills
$35.99 CAD
20 weeks of lesson help your students at the junior grade level, to improve and strengthen their phonetic and word attack skills which will enable them to have strong reading, spelling, and language skills. Each concept occupies a separate section in...
Canadian Math Home Practise Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
A Complete Canadian Math Curriculum! Everything you need for Math prep and practise. This Math Home Practise book is a condensed course of instruction or review for Grade One Mathematics. Following the most up-to-date mathematics curriculum guidelines, each book is...
Canadian Math Home Practise Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Complete Canadian Math Curriculum! Everything you need for Math prep and practise. This Math Home Practise book is a condensed course of instruction or review for Grade Two Mathematics. Following the most up-to-date mathematics curriculum guidelines, each book is organized according...
Canadian Math Home Practise Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
Complete Canadian Math Curriculum! Everything You Need For Math Prep And Practise. This Math Home Practise Book Is A Condensed Course Of Instruction Or Review For Grade Three Mathematics. It Is 100% Canadian Content For Canadian Students! Following The Most...
Mastering Canadian Grade 4 Math
$25.99 CAD
These no prep math worksheets, cover the five math curriculums. Each topic contains individual skills and concepts that match the learning expectations of the curriculum. Mastering Math is an excellent framework for reviewing the math curriculum at home for students...
Raising A Reader: Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
Parents who take an active role in their child's education can have a great impact on the child's success. This resource is designed to give parents the opportunity to support what happens in the classroom. Your beginning reader will enjoy...
Raising A Reader: Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Parents who take an active role in their child's education can have a great impact on the child's success. This resource is designed to give parents the opportunity to support what happens in the classroom. Your beginning reader will enjoy...
Raising A Reader: Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
Parents who take an active role in their child's education can have a great impact on the child's success. This resource is designed to give parents the opportunity to support what happens in the classroom. Your beginning reader will enjoy...
Spelling Grades 1/2 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. Each lesson contains a list of eight words. Instructions for three spelling games and a section of large print words...
Spelling Grades 2/3 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. This book was written primarily for students in grades two and three. Students of above average ability in mid to...
Spelling Grades 3/4 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. This book was written primarily for students in grades three and four. Students of above average ability in mid to...
Spelling Grades 4/5 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. This book was written primarily for students in grades four and five, but in certain instances, its use would prove...
Spelling Grades 5/6 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on language skills which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. This book was written primarily for students in grades five and six, but in certain instances, its use would...
Timed Multiplication Drill Facts Grades 4-6
$15.99 CAD
40+ reproducible drill worksheets. Strengthen students' speed and accuracy on their multiplication facts. Each drill page concentrates on a specific area. In multiplication fact recall, building students' skills as they progress from the easiest level to the most difficult. Each...
Word Families 3 & 4 Letters Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Twenty-four-word families are covered in this resource featuring 3 and 4 letter word families for each of the 5 vowels. For each family, three parallel activities are included. Lessons start with a simple printing exercise, followed by an exercise for...