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Canadian West - It's Development Grades 7-8


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Additional information:

  • Author : Stanford, Frances

19 complete lesson plans help students understand the contributions made by different individuals and groups and they will learn about the conflicts and changes that occurred in the 19th century.  Discussion questions for the topic, reading passage and follow-up worksheets, and answer key.

Students learn about the development of western Canada from many perspectives including the Canadian government; Aboriginals; Métis and Early Immigrants.

The information in this unit has been provided so a teacher is able to make reproducible student handouts or overheads for large group lessons or they can be used to supplement a teacher’s knowledge pertaining to the development of Western Canada. The information can be used in any order the teacher desires and in any format. Select the amount of information needed for your individual class.

The lesson plans given are to be used as a guide or for ideas on how to introduce, teach, and reinforce the different aspects of the development of Western Canada. There is a follow-up provided for each lesson. Not all lessons need to be taught and not all follow-ups need to be completed. Use discretion and choose the ones that emphasize the curriculum guidelines for his/her provincial curriculum and local school board. An objective(s) has been included for each Lesson Plan. Some Lesson Plans and Reproducible Worksheets may have to be adapted to suit the needs of your students.

Learning Expectations:
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the growth and development of the Canadian West from the points of view of the Canadian government, Aboriginal peoples, Métis and new immigrants.
  • Students will analyse and describe the conflicts and changes that occurred in the Canadian West in the nineteenth century.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the factors that led to the settlement of the Canadian West.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of how diverse groups and individuals have contributed to the growth and development of the Canadian West.
  • Students will describe the role played by the North West Mounted Police in the opening of the West and identify some of the personalities associated with this role.
  • Students will describe the significance of the Canadian Pacific Railway in Canada’s expansion and identify the key individuals and groups whose efforts led to the railway’s completion.
  • Students will describe the everyday life of the various groups living in Western Canada at the time of the settlement by the Europeans.
  • Students will describe the causes, results, and personalities of the Red River Rebellion of 1870 and the North West Rebellion of 1885.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the effect of the discovery of gold and new wheat strains on the economy of the early Canadian West.
  • Students will describe the changing role of the North West Mounted Police (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).

For the Teacher:

  • Expectations
  • Teacher Information
  • Lesson Plan Instructions
  • Ways To Extend This Unit
  • List of Vocabulary

Lesson Topics:

Lesson One - First Peoples

Lesson Two - The People of the Plains

Lesson Three - The Northwest Coast People

Lesson Four - The Plateau People

Lesson Five - The Algonkian People

Lesson Six - Northern Hunters

Lesson Seven - The Explorers of Western Canada

Lesson Eight - The Fur Trade

Lesson Nine - The Métis and the Red River Cart

Lesson Ten - Louis Riel

Lesson Eleven - The Red River Rebellion

Lesson Twelve - The Northwest Rebellion

Lesson Thirteen - Personalities of the Northwest Rebellion

Lesson Fourteen

The Northwest Mounted Police:

The Reasons for Formation

Recruitment and the Great March West

Bringing Law to the Canadian West

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Personalities of the Mounted Police

Lesson Fifteen

The Canadian Pacific Railway:

Building the Railway

Personalities of the CPR

Lesson Sixteen - The Gold Rush

Lesson Seventeen - Western Settlement & Clifford Sifton

Lesson Eighteen - The New Canadians

Lesson Nineteen - Homesteading

 This book supports many of the fundamental concepts and learning outcomes from the curriculum for the province of Ontario, Grade 8, History, The Development of Western Canada.



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