Downloadable Book
Book Reports for Beginners Grades 1-2 Aligned to Common Core
$19.99 CAD
Book reports allow the young reader to share their thoughts about the stories they have heard or have read themselves. As well, students need the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the materials. This resource contains six sections: Vocabulary Development,...
Book Reports Grades 5-6 Aligned to Common Core
$19.99 CAD
Book reports allow the young reader to share their thoughts about the stories they have heard or have read themselves. As well, students need the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the materials. Each section begins with a Teacher's Notes...
Book Reports Grades 7-8 Aligned to Common Core
$19.99 CAD
Book reports allow the young reader to share their thoughts about the stories they have heard or have read themselves. As well, students need the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the materials. This resource contains six sections: Vocabulary Development...
Bugs, Bugs & More Bugs Grades 2-3
$25.99 CAD
Looking for non-fiction, high-interest literacy, and skill-building material for young students or an integrated resource that will excite and teach? Look no further. This resource is filled with activities that will capture student interest and teach or reinforce skills in...
Butterflies and Caterpillars Grades 1-2 Lifecycle: Monarch Butterfly
$25.99 CAD
Students will learn about butterflies and caterpillar habitats, lifestyles, their body parts and functions. Storybooks on the monarch butterfly, the white cabbage butterfly, the painted lady and tiger swallowtail butterfly. Over 30 activities, a reproducible student booklet, and teacher guide...
Butterflies and Moths Grades 3-4 - The similarities and differences activities and worksheets
$25.99 CAD
Over 40+ activities encourage students to learn the similarities and differences between moths and butterflies. Students will find out the strange facts about their colors, sizes, shapes, and habits. Use these activities to help you teach and review your students...
C'est un fait! Compréhension de textes informatifs 1e à 3e année
$25.99 CAD
Un programme de littératie bien équilibré doit comprendre des textes informatifs. C'est ce que contient ce cahier. Les textes, qui touchent trois niveaux de lecture, procurent des renseignements variés, et les activités qui les accompagnent sont appropriées tant pour des...
C'est un fait! Compréhension de textes informatifs 4e à 6e année
$25.99 CAD
La plupart des programmes de littératie mettent l'accent sur des textes de fiction bien que, dans notre quotidien, nous lisions principalement des textes informatifs. Les nombreux textes informatifs de ce cahier vous aideront à corriger ce déséquilibre et permettront vos...
Calendar Activities with Real World Applications! Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Teach and reinforce basic math concepts with 25+ hands-on activities and instant reproducible activities that help children see real-world applications for math skills. Here are fun ideas, activities, and worksheets to familiarize your students with the history, organization, and uses...
Canada and It's Trading Partners Grades 6-8
$22.99 CAD
Canada & World Connections. The United States is Canada's major trading partner. Students will learn how this relationship affects our trade policies, media, immigration, culture, technology, tourism, history and geography. Students study the relationship Canada has with other trading partners...
Canada: A Changing Society 1890-1914 Grade 8 Hi/Lo
$33.99 CAD
Help your students working below grade level with Canadian History. Topics are presented in a clear, concise manner, which makes the information accessible to struggling learners. There are two levels of questions for each topic. Illustrations, maps, and diagrams visually...
Canada: Conflicts & Challenges - Canada 1800-1850 Grade 7, High Interest/Low Vocabulary
$33.99 CAD
Activities will help students analyze aspects of the lives of various groups in Canada between 1800 and 1850. Using the historical inquiry process students will be able to investigate perspectives of different groups on some significant events, developments, and/or issues...
Canada's Fathers of Confederation Grades 4-8 Biographies and Follow-up Worksheets
$22.99 CAD
Students will learn about each of the father's of confederation. This group of individuals helped bring about Canada's confederation. Each of their different backgrounds and personalities influenced the development of Canada, and the trials they endured to bring about the...
Canada's Federal Election Process Gr. 4-8
$25.99 CAD
Ten lessons assist your students in their understanding of the election process. Students will learn what elections are, their processes, and the reasons elections are held. Insight into how campaigns are run, what a platform is and the platforms of...
Canada's Interactions with the Global Community Grade 6 Ontario Social Studies Curriculum
$22.99 CAD
This resource has been developed to cover the overall expectations of the Ontario Ministry of Education Social Studies People and Environments: Canada's Interactions with the Global Community curriculum. This unit can be used as a whole to fulfill the overall...
Canada's Links to the World Grades 5-8
$22.99 CAD
This resource includes a wide variety of skill-based activities that engage students in learning about our interactions with the rest of the world. Some of the topics covered include: imports and exports media immigration world organizations peacekeeping the environment and...
Canada's Provinces & Territories Grades 4-6
$32.99 CAD
Students will study Canada's ten provinces and three territories. During this study, students will develop and strengthen reading, research, and mapping skills. Expand your student knowledge of Canada's: Physical Regions Climate Provinces Territories Capital Cities Bodies of Water Natural Resources Industrial Growth,...
Canadian Better Book Reports Grades 7-8
$20.99 CAD
Students in the Intermediate Division have more sophisticated reading skills and require purposeful and challenging activities that will promote successful and enjoyable reading experiences. Book reports allow young readers to share their thoughts about the stories they have heard or...
Canadian Book Reports for Beginners Grades 1-2
$20.99 CAD
This resource contains six sections: Vocabulary Development Identifying Important Information Character Analysis Summarizing & Sequencing Events Reasoning & Critical Thinking Creativity & Design Each section begins with a Teacher's Notes page that will provide suggestions to help you to introduce...
Canadian Citizenship and Immigration Lessons Grades 4-8
$25.99 CAD
The lesson plans are a guide for ideas on how to introduce, teach, and reinforce the various aspects of Citizenship and Immigration in Canada and the process involved for immigrants to become Canadian citizens. A follow-up is provided for each...
Canadian Comprehension Grades 1-2
$22.99 CAD
Canadian Comprehension, grades 1-2 is packed with ready-to-use information and worksheets that cover both social studies and language arts curriculum. There are 8 sections with 2 reading activities (fiction and non-fiction) and 1 writing activity per grade in each. Each...
Canadian Comprehension Grades 3-4
$22.99 CAD
Canadian Comprehension, grades 3-4 is packed with ready-to-use information and worksheets that cover both social studies and language arts curriculum. There are 7 sections with 2 reading activities (fiction and non-fiction) and 1 writing activity per grade. Each chapter has...
Canadian Comprehension Grades 5-6
$22.99 CAD
Canadian Comprehension, grades 5-6 is packed with ready-to-use information and worksheets that cover both social studies and language arts curriculum. There are 7 sections with 2 reading activities (fiction and non-fiction) and 1 writing activity per grade in each. Each...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 1
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 2
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 3
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 4
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 5
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 6
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 7
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 8
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grade 1 | Consonants | Vowels | Blends
$35.99 CAD
32 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or the ideas and worksheets...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grade 2
$35.99 CAD
32 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background for Grade Two students. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grade 3 | Vowels | Blends | Suffixes | Syllabication
$35.99 CAD
31 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background. The lessons cover a wide range of skills needed to develop strong reading skills. The teaching plans and activity sheets can be used on a weekly basis or the ideas and worksheets can...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grades 4-6 Strengthen Phonics and Word Attack Skills
$35.99 CAD
20 weeks of lesson help your students at the junior grade level, to improve and strengthen their phonetic and word attack skills which will enable them to have strong reading, spelling, and language skills. Each concept occupies a separate section in...
Canadian Daily Phonics Grades K-1 - Initial Consonants
$35.99 CAD
Daily Phonics provides an introduction to the initial consonants in the alphabet. 24 weekly lessons provide a strong phonetic background for early learners. Teaching the sounds initial consonants make, how they proceed, and how to recognize their appearance and formation...
Canadian Heroes Grades 5-8 - everyday heroes in times of disaster, medicine, science, sports and more!
$25.99 CAD
The purpose of this book is to introduce these unique Canadians to students inthe classroom. These life stories of Canadians-young and old, male and female, from all across the country will provide your students with solid role models. Heroes in...
Canadian Mapping Skills: An Introduction to Mapping Grades 1-2
$29.99 CAD
Help young learners to understand the geography of Canada with the introduction of basic mapping skills. Students will learn the terms compass rose, scale, legend, map symbols, and directional terms. They will be introduced to various types of maps and...
Canadian Mapping Skills: Developing and Using Mapping Skills Grades 2-3
$29.99 CAD
Strengthen your students; mapping skills and understanding of geographic terminology. Students will be introduced to the terms hemisphere, continent, latitude, longitude, pictorial symbols, legend, key, scale, land-forms, and cardinal and intermediate directions. Students will explore Canada using maps and will...
Canadian Mapping Skills: Extending Knowledge Grades 4-5
$29.99 CAD
They will learn terms such as regions, provinces, territories, physical features, land-forms, parallels of latitude, meridians of longitude, coordinates, map symbols, cardinal and intermediate directions, and scale. Skills such as locating places on a map, recording on maps, interpreting different...
Canadian Mapping Skills: Extending Knowledge Grades 5-6
$29.99 CAD
Students will learn about the different regions, provinces, territories, communities, bodies of water, natural resources, mapping symbols, and kinds of maps. They will develop skills such as locating places on a map in a variety of ways, labeling and coloring...
Canadian Math Home Practise Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
A Complete Canadian Math Curriculum! Everything you need for Math prep and practise. This Math Home Practise book is a condensed course of instruction or review for Grade One Mathematics. Following the most up-to-date mathematics curriculum guidelines, each book is...
Canadian Math Home Practise Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Complete Canadian Math Curriculum! Everything you need for Math prep and practise. This Math Home Practise book is a condensed course of instruction or review for Grade Two Mathematics. Following the most up-to-date mathematics curriculum guidelines, each book is organized according...
Canadian Math Home Practise Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
Complete Canadian Math Curriculum! Everything You Need For Math Prep And Practise. This Math Home Practise Book Is A Condensed Course Of Instruction Or Review For Grade Three Mathematics. It Is 100% Canadian Content For Canadian Students! Following The Most...
Canadian Math Home Practise Grade 4
$25.99 CAD
Complete Canadian Math Curriculum! Everything You Need For Math Prep And Practise. This Math Home Practise Book Is A Condensed Course Of Instruction Or Review For Grade Four Mathematics. It Is 100% Canadian Content For Canadian Students! Following The Most...
Canadian Measurement Worksheets Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Activities and worksheets help teach the basic concepts and skills in measuring length, area, volume, capacity, and mass using objects found in the everyday environment. Both written and manipulative activities are included. Students will want to measure everything in sight once they learn...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for...
Canadian Mini Lessons: Improving Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Your emerging reader will enjoy the stories and activities while further developing literacy skills. The stories, concepts, and skills are Canadian content, grade-appropriate, and aligned with the Canadian Language Arts curriculum. PRINT and students can get started quickly. Great for...