Downloadable Book
Newspapers Grades 5-8
$20.99 CAD
Exciting hands-on activities improve reading skills and student's knowledge of current events with your daily newspaper. Students learn the basics about reporting, writing headlines and stories, interviewing, proofreading, how to debate and role play while they become newspaper reporters and...
Notre patrimoine mondial 5e à 7e année
$24.99 CAD
Le Canada est un pays multiculturel. Explorez les traditions, les coutumes, la langue, la religion et les mets des différentes cultures qui y vivent. Ce cahier contient 50 activités visant les compétences suivantes : la langue, l'étude des mots, l'art...
Ontario Grade 7 History & Geography 4 Book Curriculum Savings Bundle!
$89.95 CAD
New France & British North America 1713-1800 Activities will help students analyze aspects of the lives of various groups in Canada between 1713 and 1800, and compare them to the lives of people in present-day Canada. Exercises provided to use...
Our Universe Grades 5-8 - (Canadian Edition)
$25.99 CAD
Uncover interesting facts about space while reinforcing learned skills! Here are more than 50 high-interest reproducible activities and information cards that are integrated across the curriculum. Teach basic skills in reading comprehension, math, vocabulary and word use, research, creative writing...
Our Universe Grades 5-8 (US Edition)
$20.99 CAD
Uncover interesting facts about space while reinforcing learned skills! Here are more than 50 high-interest reproducible activities and information cards that are integrated across the curriculum. Teach basic skills in reading comprehension, math, vocabulary and word use, research, creative writing...
Remembrance Day Plays Grades 5-12
$30.99 CAD
Winner of "THE WRITERS AWARD" from the EFTO for 2014! Theatre is a powerful teaching and learning tool. The historical plays in this resource contain age-appropriate content that can be used to engage children in the stories of the struggles,...
Romeo & Juliet, by William Shakespeare Lit Link/Novel Study Grades 7-8
$16.99 CAD
In the city of Verona, two teenagers named Romeo and Juilet meet, fall in love and secretly marry despite that fact that their families are in the midst of a bitter feud. Tragedy upon tragedy befall the star-crossed couple until...
Steps in the Research Process Grades 5-8
$11.99 CAD
Improves Research Skills! Involve your students in the research process. It contains 10 reproducible research steps. This book has been field-tested and successfully meets the needs of students working at various grade levels. 31 pages.
Stone Orchard, by Susan E. Merritt Lit Link Grades 7-8
$16.99 CAD
Stone Orchard is the story of fourteen year-old Maud Fraser, who lives in the Canadian West in 1866. Maud meets "Dutch" who uses her tarot cards to read her future. After a time of challenge and stress, Maud discovers the...
Teaching Math Through Sports (US Version) Grades 5-8
$20.99 CAD
With coverage of math topics in the main strands of the curricula for these grade levels, these real-world problems will motivate your students to apply their knowledge. To appeal to everyone in your class, all kinds of sports have been...
The Amish Adventure, by Barbara Smucker Lit Link Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
Amish Adventure is a captivating story of a young 12-year-old boy, named Ian McDonald from Chicago who, because of a tragic accident, spends an extended stay with an Amish family in Waterloo County near Kitchener, Ontario. He discovers that they...
The Cay, by Theodore Taylor Lit Link Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
Phillip, an American boy, lived with his parents on the Dutch island of Curacao, off the coast of Venezuela during World War II. Phillips mother, who disliked living with people of other races, was determined to return to the United...
The Giver, by Lois Lowry Lit Link/Novel Study Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
Jonas, an insightful twelve-year old, and his family reside in a unique society where there is no poverty, hate, fear, pollution, dissension, conflict, pain or love. To achieve this end, the society has gained control over every aspect of their...
The Great Science Fair Disaster, by Martyn Godfrey Lit Link Gr. 7-8
$13.49 CAD
What happens when Mr. Wilder, the school principal, announces the First Annual Fifth Street School Science Fair can only be described as explosive. Novel by Martyn Godfrey Reproducible chapter questions, plus comprehension questions, a story summary, author biography, creative and...
The Phantom of the Opera Musical Grades 7-9
$14.99 CAD
High-Interest Topic for Older StudentsBring the Phantom to your classroom with this book for the transition years. It contains many different components integrating various subject areas: reading, history, research, music, art, drama, word study, and creative writing in an activity...
The Pigman, by Paul Zindel Lit Link/Novel Study Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
This is the story of two high school students, John and Lorraine, who find themselves looking for entertainment in order to escape their unhappy homes. During a prank charity solicitation phone call, they end up meeting with Mr. Pignati, who...
The River, by Gary Paulson Lit Link/Novel Study Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
This is the story of fifteen-year-old Brian's second ordeal in the Canadian wilderness. The fifteen-year old is approached to go back into the wilderness to repeat his ordeal so that his experiences can be used by astronauts and the military...
The Stock Market Grades 7-8
$11.99 CAD
Working in groups, students are given $100 000 to invest in stocks. The real-world application of this project will motivate students as they develop hand-on math skills, in addition to communication, computer, and fine art skills. Students will also learn valuable...
The Tragedy of the Titanic Grades 7-8
$12.99 CAD
These reproducible activities utilize the tragedy and romance of the Titanic to teach literacy and critical thinking skills. Students will love the variety of exercises including: cracking Morse code, menu planning and researching shipwrecks. A chapter-by-chapter novel study for The...
The Victorian Era Grades 7-8
$30.99 CAD
Enter the sometimes humorous and somewhat serious world of the Victorians. Included are 12 activities in English, research, creative writing, and creativity. The ideas and activities may be used as a follow-up study on early pioneer life. 121 pages Companion...
Timothy of the Cay, by Theodore Taylor Novel Study Guide Gr. 7-8
$10.99 CAD
Phillip Enright and his cat were rescued by USS Sedgewick in August of 1942. It was remarkable that Phillip had survived his ordeal as he was alone and blind on the island. When the ship on which he was travelling...
To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee Lit Link Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
A gentle story of Scout, a young girl who is growing up in a small town. Scout learns how prejudice stands the test of time. Condemned by the townspeople for a crime he didn't commit, Boo Radley mush depend on...
Toronto Grades 4-8
$19.99 CAD
This unit is an invaluable addition to your Social Science and Language Arts program. Reading Cards and 41 activities on History, Government, Transportation, Landmarks, Tourist Attractions, City Halls, and Famous Torontonians. Learning outcomes included an answer key.
Traditional Poetry from the Fifteenth to the early Twentieth Century Grades 7-10
$20.99 CAD
Share the poetry written by many of the important poets of the English language from the Fifteenth to the early Twentieth Century with your students. This resource presents a background to each of the major periods of writing, a biography...
Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson Lit Link Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island is one of the most beloved novels ever written. When an old seaman, Billy Bones, dies at young Jim Hawkins' inn, Jim discovers the treasure map of the famed Captain Flint among the old seaman's...
Understanding Nuclear Energy Gr. 5-8
$3.45 CAD
Learn how nuclear energy works by doing a procedure with dominoes and a ruler. Then read the explanation and answer the questions. This book supports many of the fundamental concepts and learning outcomes from the curriculum for these provinces: Ontario,...
Using Canadian Novels North - "A Guided - Independent Novel Study" Grades 7-9
$12.99 CAD
A Guided - Independent Novel Study is a carefully prepared set of classroom learning tasks using novels on the theme The Canadian North. Students complete skill exercises, their number and type, determined by their ability level. 30 pages.
War Horse, by Michael Morpurgo Lit Link Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
Powerful events filled with emotion, tragedy, and suffering during World War I are told through an animal narrator. The strong anti-war message will leave a long-lasting impact on your students while the activities in this lit link will guide their...
Whale Preservation Grades 5-9
$14.99 CAD
Enter the wonderful world of cetaceans with this informative resource. This book is dedicated to the conservation and preservation of whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Students will study popular North American whales including the world's most endangered species. Debating, critical thinking,...
World War II Grades 7-8
$29.99 CAD
Divided into two main sections; vocabulary/research and literature/writing and subdivided into four sections: vocabulary, research using non-fiction, specific novel activities and writing activities. Other contents include teacher suggestions, an annotated bibliography of novels, a list of books, songs and movies...