Downloadable Book
Sciences physiques 7e année
$27.99 CAD
Les expériences dans ce livre se font à travers treize sujets en lien à trois aspects des sciences physiques: Forme et fonction structurelles; Chaleur et température; Chimie des substances pures et des mélanges. Dans chaque section vous trouverez des notes à...
Teaching Math Through Sports (Canadian Version) Grades 5-8
$23.99 CAD
These real-world problems will motivate your students to apply their knowledge. To appeal to all students, all kinds of sports have been included: skateboarding, biking, karate, parking lot basketball, track and field, soccer, hockey, baseball, and basketball. This culturally diverse...
The Nature of Matter Grades 5-8
$25.99 CAD
The subject is broken down into bite-sized activities that can be performed in a classroom setting as well as by students at home. Some are quick experiments; others include observations over many weeks. All are unified by explaining how matter interacts...
The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Grade 4-8
$25.99 CAD
Celebrate the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games in your classroom! Information on the Winter Olympic venues, the Olympic Mascots; Medals; and Torch will stimulate interest and awareness during the games. Study the traditions and the ceremonies held before and after the Games....
A Victorian Christmas Theme Grades 5-8
$17.99 CAD
Students will study how many of our present-day Christmas customs and traditions began in Victorian times with the 50 activities in this theme. Table of Contents List of Skills List of Resources Teacher Evaluation Record Student Tracking Sheet Student Self-Evaluation Form ...
A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeline L'Engle, Lit Link Grades 7-8
$16.99 CAD
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle Lit Link contains reproducible chapter questions, plus comprehension questions, a story summary, author biography, creative and cross-curricular activities, and a complete answer key. 64 pages. Expectations: To emphasize the major reading strategies during...
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain Lit Link Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
Mark Twain tackles the problem of racism head-on. He shows his readers what the conditions were like and exposes us to one of history's greatest injustices in American society. This unit attempts to provide some of the background material in...
All About Cattle Grade 5-7
$14.99 CAD
This book has everything teachers need to teach about the various types of cattle and their uses. Extensive information on cattle and the various charts and diagrams make this an invaluable resource for teaching this topic. Designed to be used...
All About Nouns Grades 5-7
$15.99 CAD
Arranged as e-lesson plans, each lesson includes a definition and example, plus student exercises to reinforce and practice what was taught. Each lesson increases in difficulty. Review activities throughout that lead-up to two mini-tests and one final test. Included in this...
All About the Ocean Grades 5-7
$24.99 CAD
With more than 40 information cards and reproducible activities, students will explore the ocean world, and explore ocean animals, plant tides, coral, sea travel, volcanic islands, Atlantis - The Lost City, and whales. Additional activities in the word study, mathematics,...
All About Weather Grades 7-8
$20.99 CAD
Short & Simple Experiments Explore the fascinating science of meteorology with practical information, easily created experiments, and activities that cross the curriculum. Experiments include making a simple thermometer, barometer, wind vane, anemometer, humidity indicator, and hygrometer; proving that plants give...
Anne of Green Gables, by Lucy Maud Montgomery Lit Link Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
Marilla Cuthbert and her brother Matthew want a sturdy boy to help with the chores on their farm located in Prince Edward Island, Canada. They applied to the local orphan asylum for a boy and they were surprised when a...
Australia "The Land Down Under" Grades 5-8
$24.99 CAD
Explore the land of amazing animals and outback adventures! From British colonization to koalas and kangaroos, this resource provides an engaging study of Australia's unique history, climate, wildlife, industries and much more. 50+ reproducible activities and information cards are integrated...
Banner in the Sky, by James Ramsey Ullman Lit Link Grades 7-8
$16.99 CAD
Set in 1865 in the Swiss village of Krutal, sixteen-year old Rudi Matt is the main character, He is the only son of Isle and the famous alpine guide Josef Matt. Josef died fifteen years before the story begins on...
Bon appétit! 7e à 8e année
$24.99 CAD
Attirez l'attention de tous vos élèves et encouragez-les à vivre en bonne santé, en étudiant la nourriture, un sujet que tout le monde adore. Les activités de cette unité se concentrent sur les résultas d'apprentissage du programme d'études communs et...
Bon voyage tout le monde 7e et 8e année
$20.99 CAD
Ce cahier, qui s'adresse aux élèves de 7e et 8e années apprenant le français de base, vise à leur faire apprécier la langue française et à leur démontrer à quel point elle peut être utile en voyage. À la fin...
Call of the Wild, by Jack London Lit Link Grades 7-8
$16.99 CAD
At first Buck, a domestic dog does not understand his restlessness. Something is calling him, a sound, a feeling, a desire, too compelling to ignore. Day after day it grows more urgent, until finally the magnificent dog understands and obeys....
Canada's First Nations Grades 7-8
$19.99 CAD
How did the first peoples arrive in North America? What was the importance of corn, horses, reservations, masks to natives? What different kinds of shelters did natives use and how did these shelters meet the individual needs of each group?...
Canadian Story Starters Grades 7-8
$19.99 CAD
This resource is filled with 58 photographs to be used to inspire students' creativity and knowledge pertaining to their country - Canada. Each story starter includes a photograph, a blank word list, a blank line for the story's title, a...
Captains Courageous, by Rudyard Kipling Lit Link Grades 7-8
$16.99 CAD
Harvey Cheyne, the spoiled son of a millionaire, falls from the deck of an ocean liner during a heavy fog. He is rescued by the crew of a fishing schooner bound for the Grand Banks. Harvey accepts a job on...
Chic alors! 7e à 8e année
$20.99 CAD
Cette unité suscitera chez les élèves une appréciation envers la langue française et les fera réaliser combien cela est utile quand on fait des courses. À la fin de cette unité, les élèves pourront se débrouiller s'ils voulaient acheter et...
Cinematography Grades 7-8
$13.99 CAD
Cinematography is the art of film making. Use the exercises in this resource to teach media literacy and provide analysis of the story elements, technology, and other aspects of film making that make this medium so popular. Students will enjoy...
Classical Poetry from the Elizabethan Age to the Nineteenth Century Grades 7-12
$20.99 CAD
Share the poetry written by many of the important poets of the English language from the Elizabethan Age to the Nineteenth Century with your students. This resource presents a background to each of the major periods of writing, a biography...
Cowboys Don't Cry, by Marilyn Halvorson Novel Study Gr. 7-8
$13.49 CAD
Shane Morgan, a 14 year old from Alberta lives a nomadic life with his father, a former champion-bull rider turned rodeo clown. Novel by Marilyn Halvorson This novel is an excellent piece of contemporary realistic fiction. Adolescents will be especially interested...
Creativity with Food Grades 4-8 - develope critical thinking and literacy skills
$13.99 CAD
Food as a subject of inherent interest is used in this resource to develop critical thinking and literacy skills. Your students will find the many tidbits of food lore fascinating as they exercise their minds in creative and communicative ways....
Daily Fitness Activities Grades 7-8
$24.99 CAD
80 - 20 Minute Activities Adapted for Classroom & Outside. This book was written to help engage teachers and students in the idea of being fit for life through not be afraid to have fun while getting fit. We...
Development of Manufacturing Grade 7-8
$14.99 CAD
Through hands-on, experiential activities, your students will learn firsthand how manufacturing companies are developed. Your students will explore how a new company can be financed, the importance of location, transportation, resources, and markets. Group work, along with oral and written...
Explorers & Mapmakers of Canada Grades 7-8
$23.99 CAD
Focuses on the Territorial Claims of Canada, Henry Hudson, Samuel de Champlain, and Christopher Columbus are a few of the explorers featured. Activities pertaining to History, Geography, Research, and Creativity. Ten Information Sheets and 15 Explorer Pictures. 40 activities. 78...
Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes Lit Link Grades 7-10
$16.99 CAD
Flowers for Algernon has been widely taught throughout North America for more than a quarter of a century, and for good reason. Students need to know some basic terms from psychology, but these can easily be explained by the teacher...
Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens Lit Link Grades 7-8
$16.99 CAD
Growing up with his cranky older sister, Pip has often found life difficult. However, his sister's husband, Joe, has always been kind and loyal to him making his life more tolerable. When Pip is summoned to the home of rich,...
Greek Mythology: Tales of the Gods Grades 7-8
$25.99 CAD
Bring the excitement of Greek Mythology to your classroom with this teacher-friendly resource. All of the important Greek myths have been written in a language that your students can understand. Background information on the ancient Greek world and the meaning...
Harper & Moon, by Ramon Royal Ross Lit Link Grades 7-8
$16.99 CAD
Twelve year old Harper introduces his best friend Moon to Olinger, an old mountain man. They spend a wonderful weekend at Olinger's cabin before Harper goes back to school. Moon is older and decides to serve in the war. Sometime...
Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen Lit Link Grades 5-7
$16.99 CAD
This is a story of personal tragedy and achievement. Hatchet is the story of thirteen-year-old Brian Robeson's ordeal in the rugged Canadian North Country. While en-route to visit his father, the pilot of the single-engine plane in which he is...
How to Write a Composition Grades 6-10
$20.99 CAD
A complete step by step guide for teachers and students. Written from a student's perspective so that teachers may give students the pages which they need. This resource is designed as a companion piece to How to Write an Essay...
How to Write a Paragraph Grades 5-10
$20.99 CAD
A Complete Step-by-Step Guide for teachers and students. This resource is designed as a companion piece to How to Write an Essay and How to Write a Composition. Its aim is to help students write various kinds of paragraphs from...
How to Write an Essay Grades 7-12
$20.99 CAD
A complete guide for teachers and students. Written from a student's perspective so that teachers may give students the pages they need. This resource is designed to prepare and help students write essays in the first years of secondary school....
Island of the Blue Dolphins, by Scott O'Dell Lit Link Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
This is a first person narrative story of Karana, a native of the village of Ghalas-at. In the Pacific there is an island that looks like a big fish sunning itself in the sea. Around it blue dolphins swim, otters...
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte: Novel Study Guide Gr. 7-8
$13.49 CAD
Jane Eyre, lives with an uncaring aunt and three cruel cousins. Unwilling to continue to provide for her niece, the aunt sends Jane to a harsh charity school for girls. Trained as a teacher, Jane accepts a job as governess...
Journey to the Center of the Earth, by Jules Verne Lit Link/Novel Study Grades 7-8
$17.99 CAD
Use the 48 pages of chapter questions, plus a booklet cover page, for the novel Journey to the Center of the Earthy by Jules Verne. Each set of chapter questions includes Before You Read the Chapter Questions: Vocabulary; Questions (comprehension);...
Julie of the Wolves, by Jean Craighead George Lit Link Grades 7-8
$16.99 CAD
A pack of wolves gradually accepts a 13-year-old Inuit girl lost in the Alaskan wilderness. Reproducible chapter questions, plus comprehension questions, a story summary, author biography, creative and cross curricular activities, complete with answer key. 64 pages. A novel by...
Les Insectes Collection D'images 1e à 8e année
$13.99 CAD
Vingt-huit dessins. La fourmi, le hanneton, léthocére, la luciole, le papillon lune, etc. This collection can be easily integrated into any area of the curriculum. Uses for the illustrations: The illustrations can be colored, mounted, and laminated and used to...
Light in the Forest, by Conrad Ritcher Lit Link Grades 7-8
$16.99 CAD
This story begins as True Son learns that he must be returned to his white family after having been "adopted" by an Indian tribe 11 years ago. He tried to run away, but his native father found him and handed...
Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott Novel Study Guide Gr. 7-8
$13.49 CAD
Separated from their father, who is serving with the Union Army, the March girls rely upon each other and their strong mother as they experience the joys and hardships of adolescence and young adulthood. Novel by Louisa May Alcott 52 pages including...
Mapping Skills: Activities & Outlines Grades 4-8
$29.99 CAD
50 Lessons to Improve Mapping Skills. This resource provides in-depth coverage of the skills needed in map reading: north-south-east-west, legend, scale, longitude, and latitude. Students make maps of their classroom, school, and Neighborhood. Learn to locate places on a map,...
My Side of the Mountain, by Jean Craighead George Lit Link Grades 7-8
$16.99 CAD
Written in the form of a diary, this story relates the days of Sam Gribley a young boy who runs away to the wilderness to live as one with nature in the Catskill Mountains. The novel is about a teenage...
Mysteries, Monsters & Magic Gr. 7-8
$13.99 CAD
Mystery and Intrigue Anyone? Curiosity is one of the most powerful learning motivators, and this book is oozing with it! Your student will not even notice they are practicing: Critical Thinking, Research, Language, Reading, and Creative Skills as they delve...
New France Part I: The Founders 1608-1700 Grades 7-8
$25.99 CAD
Champlain, Talon, Maisonneauve, Frontenac and numerous others were the early founders of New France. Activities deal with the geographical location of New France, the important role played by the many explorers, missionaries and nuns in the new settlement, the organization...
New France Part II: The Rise & Fall 1700-1775 Grades 7-8
$25.99 CAD
Examine the struggle for the survival of New France up to the implementation of the Quebec Act in 1775. Study the struggle for New France to survive, the Jesuits in Huronia, the government, the Seigneurial system, wars and treaties that...