Downloadable Book
Reading with the Magic School Bus Author Study Grades 1-3
$20.99 CAD
These resources helps students develop the literacy strategies necessary to derive meaning from print and illustrations, read to find new information about a topic, and think and write creatively, using these favorite children's stories as a springboard. The Magic School...
Reading with the Magic Treehouse Study Grades 1-3
$19.99 CAD
Kids love the Magic Tree House Series! Here is a resource to help your students develop the literacy strategies necessary for them to derive meaning from print, read to find new information, and think and write creatively, all using The...
Rhyme & Repitition Grades Kindergarten to Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
Children adore rhyming words. By utilizing their interest this book will help you guide children to master and enjoy rhyming and repetition. This activities are designed to encourage students to play with words and to build a bank of rhyming...
Rocks & Soils Grades 2-3
$25.99 CAD
Study the rocks and soils found in our earth. Different types of rocks and soils are found on our earth. They play an important role on our planet. Involve your students in the study of these two concepts. Includes 12...
Safety Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Apply Problem Solving Techniques! Teaching children how to be safe is an ongoing lesson. Your students will learn about safety in the following areas: fire, traffic, electrical, water, strangers, medical, animals, nature, and more! These activities develop basic literacy skills...
Sciences physiques 2e année
$27.99 CAD
Les activités dans ce livre ont deux intentions : d’enseigner les concepts en lien aux sciences physiques et de fournir aux élèves l’occasion de la mise en application des habiletés nécessaires à la maîtrise des objectifs du curriculum de sciences...
Sentence Writing - Canadian Writing Series Gr. 1-3
$23.99 CAD
10+ lessons help you teach the different types of sentences and an overview of the 6-Trait Writing Process. Plus lessons on nouns, proper nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, preposition, conjunctions and interjections. A look at verb tenses, past-tense, present-tense and future-tense...
Sentence Writing Practice Workbook Grades 1-3
$13.99 CAD
The Build Their Skills workbooks are designed to develop a strong foundation of basic skills that promotes a child's success in future learning. Use this series to strengthen, through practice, a solid understanding of the basic concepts for sentence writing...
Shakespeare Plays Adapted for Readers Theater with Scripts & Activities Grades 2-4
$24.99 CAD
These adapted plays, each between 5 and 25 minutes long, will instill a love of Shakespeare and boost literacy skills! Background information provided to enrich the plays themselves, a program for easy staging and costumes are included. Character roles are...
Shakespeare Shorts - Performing Arts Grades 2-4
$24.99 CAD
These adapted plays, each between 5 and 25 minutes long, will instill a love of Shakespeare and boost literacy skills! Included are 2 Holiday concert scripts, a program for easy staging, costumes, and a Shakespeare Festival or reading-only performances. Character...
Shapes: Beginning Math Series Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
More than 60 reproducible worksheets and activities provide students with the opportunity to explore experiments with and manipulate 2D and 3D shapes. A combination of both written and manipulative activities may be adapted to suit the needs of a wide...
Simple Machines Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
These NO PREP activities and experiments in this resource are designed to help students understand how simple machines work and discover that working with tools means putting simple machines into action. Simple Machines - Experiments and Activities Inclined Plane The...
Space Grades 2-3
$18.99 CAD
Blast off into outer space with your students and explore its many mysteries! Here are 40 integrated, reproducible activities and an 8 page reproducible student booklet that reinforce learned skills. Topics include: The Solar System Planets Stars The Sun The...
Spelling Grade 2 - A Full Year Program
$25.99 CAD
Are you looking for a spelling program that includes the teaching guide with a strategic plan for students to ONLY Practice The Words They Don't Know, then this AWARD winning program is it! Here is everything you need to effectively...
Spelling Grade 2 Worksheets - 36 Weeks - A FULL YEAR!
$30.99 CAD
NO PREP! blackline masters can be used alone or can be used to support and extend the lessons in the Spelling Grade 2. This spelling program includes 36 carefully sequenced study units designed to increase student achievement in spelling. Each unit...
Spelling Grades 1/2 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. Each lesson contains a list of eight words. Instructions for three spelling games and a section of large print words...
Spelling Grades 2/3 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. This book was written primarily for students in grades two and three. Students of above average ability in mid to...
Story Writing - Canadian Writing Series Grades 1-3
$23.99 CAD
150+ Writing Prompts to introduce, explain and practice various writing styles including Pattern Writing; Sequence Writing; Retelling Stories; writing an Information Piece, and Opinion Piece. Twenty writing prompts for each writing style stimulate students' creativity and improve their writing skills. 85 Pages...
Structures, Mechanisms & Motion Grade 2
$24.99 CAD
Introduce your students to the wonderful world of shapes and structures. Begin with the reproducible storybook, "A Visit to Shapeville", to teach the concept of structures. Reinforce and extend students learning with 40 follow up activities that integrate science with...
Subtraction Fact Drills Grades 1-3
$19.99 CAD
Improve your students' subtraction math fact fluency as they practice from single digit to four digit subtraction. Includes 57 pages of reproducible Drill and Word Problem worksheets that can be used as homework sheets or timed exercises. Certificate of completion...
Taking off With Flight Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Students will demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the properties of air and principles of flight. Through experiments they will demonstrate an understanding of the effects of forces acting upon one another while they apply the scientific method. They will...
The Human Body Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Use these activities to help promote healthy living and eating with your students. 60 print and go worksheets and activities will: • develop an awareness of the parts of the body, and gain a basic understanding of their respective functions....
Time Activities with Real World Applications! Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Teach and reinforce basic math concepts with hands-on activities and instant reproducible activities that help children see real-world applications for math skills. Help your students understand the passage of time with more than 50 fun activities. Use this resource to...
Timed Addition Drill Facts Grades 1-3
$15.99 CAD
Strengthen students' speed and accuracy on their addition facts. 40+ reproducible drill worksheets. Each drill page concentrates on a specific area. In addition fact recall, building students' skills as they progress from the easiest level to the most difficult. Each...
Timed Subtraction Drill Facts Grades 1-3
$15.99 CAD
Strengthen students' speed and accuracy on their subtraction facts. Each drill page concentrates on a specific area. 40+ reproducible drill worksheets. In subtraction fact recall, building students' skills as they progress from the easiest level to the most difficult. Each...
Traditional Cursive Practice Workbook Grades 2-4
$19.99 CAD
50 Real-World Cursive Activities! Learning to write has never been so much fun! Our unique sailing theme assists young children with letter formation and flow, then our sailor children give instructions for innovative writing activities. Each letter has printing exercises...
Traditional Cursive: Beginning & Practice Big Book Grades 2-4
$28.99 CAD
A Fresh Approach to Learning to Print and Write. Over 100 activities further develop skills involved in handwriting and literacy. Writing exercises based on frequent sight words and real word contexts to maximize motivation and literacy connections. Cumulative assessment and...
Traditional Manuscript Beginning Workbook Grades PreK-2
$19.99 CAD
Learning to print has never been so much fun! Our unique sailing theme assists young children to acquire the spatial recognition of letters and their formation. Instructions are given by lively characters to whom children can relate, and extra attention...
Traditional Manuscript Practice Workbook Grades PreK-2
$19.99 CAD
Learning to print has never been so much fun! Our unique sailing theme assists young children with letter formation, then our sailor children give instructions for innovative printing activities. Each letter has printing exercises based on frequent sight words to...
Traditional Manuscript: Beginning and Practice Big Book Grades PreK-2
$28.99 CAD
Two great books brought together in one volume for children beginning and practicing manuscript. Our unique sailing theme assists young children with letter formation, with instructions from our engaging sailor characters. We've paid extra attention to details that make learning...
Traditions & Celebrations in Canada Grades 1-3
$22.99 CAD
Start Early and Increase Cultural Awareness. Background information for the teacher to share in lessons and discussions. Canada is a country of many diverse cultures that encompass various family traditions and celebrations. The reproducible booklet will broaden the student's knowledge and...
Water: Water Cycle, Erosion, and Water Flow Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Explore our Most Important Resource. Fun experiments to investigate water's properties learn about the water cycle, erosion, and water flow. Students will make a water clock and rain gauge. The water theme flows through language arts, math, and research and...
Word Families 2 & 3 Letters Grades 1-3
$23.99 CAD
Twenty-four-word families are covered in this resource featuring 2 and 3 letter word families for each of the 5 vowels. Students will become familiar with the rhyming words in each word family by completing the worksheets that focus on printing...
Word Families 2, 3 & 4 Letters Big Book Grades 1-3
$34.99 CAD
Forty-eight-word families are covered in this resource featuring 2, 3 & 4 letter word families for each of the 5 vowels. For each family, three parallel activities are included. Lessons start with a simple printing exercise, followed by an exercise...
Word Families 3 & 4 Letters Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
Twenty-four-word families are covered in this resource featuring 3 and 4 letter word families for each of the 5 vowels. For each family, three parallel activities are included. Lessons start with a simple printing exercise, followed by an exercise for...
Word Families: Long Vowels Grades 1-2
$25.99 CAD
Develop your students' reading and spelling strategies with these motivating multi-sensory activities. Teach the long vowel word families and reinforces short vowel word families with engaging word cards, puzzles, sorting activities, slide cards, and more. 45-word families or chunks are combined...
Word Families: Short Vowels Grades 1-2
$25.99 CAD
More than 100 Multi-Sensory Activities! Empower your students to recognize the common chunks or "families" in words and use these to read and spell new and multi-syllable vocabulary. A complete 5-day lesson plan provides step-by-step instructions for using the six activities for...
All About the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Grade 2-3
$23.99 CAD
Celebrate the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games in your classroom! Stimulate interest and awareness of the history of the games; traditions carried out prior to the games and during the Opening and Closing Ceremonies; types of sporting events; your countries athletes; sporting...
A Baby Sister for Frances Lit Link/Novel Study Grades 1-3
$16.99 CAD
Reproducible student booklet, plus comprehension questions, a story summary, author biography, creative and cross curricular activities, complete with answer key. Book Summary: With a new addition to the family, Frances is feeling left out. So Frances decides to run away—but...
A Bargain for Frances Lit Link/Novel Study Grades 1-3
$13.49 CAD
Each guide includes independent activities, a teacher's guide, and a reproducible student booklet, a story summary, and author biography, Plus creative activities. Thelma always seems to get Frances into trouble. When she tricks Frances into buying her tea set, it's the last...
A Graph for all Seasons - Monthly Graphing Lessons Grades 1-3
$18.99 CAD
Here is an easy to use resource that supports and extends any mathematics program. These activities can be used to teach and reinforce graphing skills for every month of the school year. Suggestions included for different ways to make large...
A Groundhog Celebration Grade 2
$10.99 CAD
21 NO PREP fun Groundhog Day activities provide a source of fun and excitement for your students as well as a basis for learning a wide range of critical skills in literacy, math, and science. The teacher guide will provide...
À la maison première année
$27.99 CAD
Une unité pour inciter l'enfant à intégrer le français dans sa vie. Éléments linguistiques nécessaires pour décrire son domicile et certaines de ses activités quotidiennes. Pages 118. Other French Titles you may like Follow us on: Facebook Instagram
A Spring Celebration: Explore the world of spring! Grades 2-3
$14.99 CAD
Put your students' excitement for the sounds and signs of spring to good use with these themed language art activities. With featured topics on games, music, animals, rain, puddles, and flowers, there is something to please every child as they...
A Time of Plenty Grade 2
$13.99 CAD
Thanksgiving is a time when good food is celebrated. This highly visual resource will teach your children about nutritional harvest foods to be grateful for - fruits, vegetables, and grains - while they develop essential skills in literacy and critical...
Addition Build Their Skills Workbook Grades 1-3
$13.99 CAD
Addition is an effective resource for teaching or reviewing addition concepts and operations. The worksheets focus on the following skills: comparison of addition facts using the symbols for greater than, less than, equal to, not equal to; place value; single column addition,...
Addition Drill Facts Workbook Grades 2/3 #1
$15.99 CAD
Addition facts to 20 are covered. Students work with addition facts in exercises that include: missing addends, matching questions and answers, filling in the blanks, true-false statements, number wheels, number triangles, number mazes, number spirals, number squares and review exercises....
Addition Drill Facts Workbook Grades 2/3 #2
$15.99 CAD
In book 2 addition facts are reviewed and then reinforced by having the student use them in follow-up questions that range from single column addition without regrouping to more difficult multiple column questions with regrouping. Word problems timed tests, and...