Downloadable Book
La vie des pionniers 2e à 4e année
$25.99 CAD
Servez-vous de cette unité de quarante-neuf activités pour étudier leur mode de vie et pour le comparer au nôtre d'aujourd'hui. Vous trouverez de l'information détaillée pour l'enseignant(e), des idées pratiques pour faire des comparaisons, un cahier de l'élève de six...
Le Canada 1e à 2e année
$24.99 CAD
Que signifie la feuille d'érable? Qu'est-ce un agent de la Gendarmerie royale? Combien de provinces et territoires y a-t-il? Comment s'appellent-elles? Introduisez vos élèves aux symboles et à la géographie du Canada. En compagnie du petit castor vous pouvez faire...
Les cartes géographiques 1e à 3e année
$22.99 CAD
Aidez vos élèves à assimiler les bases de la lecture de cartes au moyen des suggestions et de l'information contenues dans ce livre. Ils decouvriront la rose des vents, les termes de direction, les symboles et les légendes. Des cartes...
Les dinosaures 2e à 3e année
$22.99 CAD
Entrez dans le monde fascinant et mystérieux des dinosaures. De beaux dessins de dinosaures figurent sur les quarante-six activités de phonétique, de casse-tête, de composition, d'étude de mots, d'écriture et de recherche de cette unité. Étudiez les dinosaures en s'amusant!...
Les insectes 2e à 3e année
$24.99 CAD
Faites votre étude des insectes avec Papa Pillons, Mam'zelle Sauterelle, Mémé-coccinelle et d'autres. Ils vous apprendront à propos du monde fascinant des insectes avec des activités de phonétique, d'étude de mots, d'écriture, de composition et de recherche. 50 Activités. Other...
Les majuscules et la ponctuation: Capitalization & Punctuation: A French and English Workbook, 1e à 3e année
$21.99 CAD
Voici une série de cahiers d'exercices prêts à utiliser, en français et en anglais, pour les élèves d'immersion française, d'ALS, de FLS et d'ALM. Enseignez-leur, révisez avec eux ou aidez-les à perfectionner leurs connaissances langagières et mathématiques de base dans...
Les mesures années du primaire
$26.99 CAD
Vos élèves voudront mesurer tout ce qu'ils voient, une fois qu'ils sauront comment s'y prendre! Les activités proposées dans ce cahier utilisent des objets courants pour inculquer aux élèves les notions de base qui leur permettront de mesurer la longueur,...
Les petits insectes 1e à 2e année
$24.99 CAD
Faites votre étude des insectes avec Papa Pillons, Mam'zelle Sauterelle, Mémé-coccinelle et d'autres. Ils vous apprendront à propos du monde fascinant des insectes avec des activités de phonétique, d'étude de mots, d'écriture, de composition et de recherche; 30 Activités Other...
Let's Go Shopping with Canadian Money using real- life scenarios Grades K-3
$23.99 CAD
Real-life scenarios help students learn about money. Age-appropriate activities concentrate on what is fun and interesting for young children, such as a candy store, a flea market, a trip to the beach, role-playing in a grocery store, and restaurant setting. Your...
Let's Look at Canada Grades 4-6 (Canadian History)
$25.99 CAD
40 activities that will amaze your students about the development of this country as you travel through our history with the 13 reading information cards, and theme test provided. 94 pages including an answer key. Reading information topics include: an...
Let's Visit Alberta Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Alberta is one of Canada's three Prairie Provinces. It is a geographically diverse land of mountains, grasslands, farms, lakes and rivers. Provide your students with the opportunity to become more aware of the greatness of Alberta, the "Sunshine Province"....
Let's Visit British Columbia Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
British Columbia is the western most Canadian province. It is a land of mountains, valleys, gold mining, giant trees and a rich source of Canadian history. Make your students more aware of the greatness of this magnificent province. This book...
Let's Visit Manitoba Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Manitoba is one of Canada's three Prairie Provinces. It is a land of open plains, large lakes and mountains. Study the Keystone Province with your students and learn about the province that lies right in the middle of Canada and...
Let's Visit New Brunswick Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
New Brunswick is one of Canada's Maritime provinces. It is surrounded by 2000 kilometres of coastline! Learn about the natural wonders of New Brunswick as you explore this unique Canadian province with your students. This book highlights the history, land,...
Let's Visit Newfoundland & Labrador Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Newfoundland consists of an island and mainland Labrador. It is part of the Canadian Shield and it has valleys, mountains, forests and coastlines. Help students become aware of the greatness of this magnificent province. This book highlights the history, land,...
Let's Visit Nova Scotia Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Nova Scotia is a beautiful Maritime province with a long coastline and many natural wonders. Its development has been shaped by its strategic location, overlooking the sea to North America from Europe. Study the history and unique features of this...
Let's Visit Nunavut Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Teach students about Nunavut, the land of the tundra, ice, polar bears, and midnight sun. Students will: be provided with the opportunity to study the territory of Nunavut. be familiarized with the location of Nunavut in Canada, North America, and...
Let's Visit Ontario Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Ontario is home to the nation's capital. Study this diversely beautiful and interesting province with your students and help them become more aware of this magnificent province. This book highlights the history, land, industry, animals, symbols and interesting places found...
Let's Visit Prince Edward Island Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Prince Edward Island is the smallest Canadian province, but it is big on interesting history, places to visit and things to do. Study this unique provincial island with your students as they become aware of the greatness of Prince Edward...
Let's Visit Quebec Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Tucked between the Maritime provinces and central Canada is Quebec, the largest and arguably the most unique province. The St. Lawrence River, pine-filled forests and rugged tundra are all part of the Quebecois culture. This book highlights the history, land,...
Let's Visit Saskatchewan Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
This land of the Canadian Shield, the grain belt, white sand beaches, and the barren badlands is the magnificent Saskatchewan. Guide your students in their development of a deep appreciation for the geography, habitats and the people who live and...
Let's Visit the Yukon Territory Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
The Yukon Territory is known as the land of the midnight sun. Its rugged, arctic landscape contains the largest mountains in North America. Enrich your students' knowledge of Canada by studying this peaceful wilderness in your classroom. This book highlights...
Life Science Grade 2: Animal Growth & Changes Ontario 2022 Science Curriculum
$25.99 CAD
This resource meets the New 2022 Grade 2 Ontario Science Curriculum. The experiments in this book fall under ten topics that relate to two aspects of life science: Small Crawling & Flying Animals; and Animal Growth & Changes. In each section,...
Life Systems Growth and Change in Animals Ontario Grade 2 Curriculum
$25.99 CAD
This resource meets the New 2022 Grade 2 Ontario Science Curriculum. The experiments in this book fall under eight topics that relate to aspects of life systems:Growth and Change in Animals. In each section you will find teacher notes designed toprovide...
Light and Sound Lessons and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Light and sound are everywhere, but hard to define. These age-appropriate activities will provide your students with a solid basis for exploring these concepts with confidence. Experiments with laser beams and hands-on models will delight students as they learn about...
Magnets Lessons and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is a magnet and how does it work? These simple but fun hands-on activities and experiments will put your students in charge of their own learning as they are given the tools and guidance to discover the fascinating world...
Mammals Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
This resource has everything you need to teach young students about the mammals that inhabit our world. Students will learn the basic similarities between people and animals, and become familiar with the ways different types of mammals are born. More...
Matter and Materials Lessons and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is the world made of? Through hands-on activities and experiments, students will enjoy exploring the world around them as they practice science skills like observing and concluding. Games like "Simon Says" bring the realm of atoms and particles to...
Media Literacy for Canadian Students Grades 2-3 - Understanding Texts and Media Forms
$23.99 CAD
Students will understand media texts; understand media forms and techniques; create media texts with the 7 media texts activities, 2 media forms and technique activities, 4 creating media texts activities, and 11 additional activities plus a teacher guide. 80 pages In...
Media Literacy Grades K to 1 Aligned to Common Core - Understanding Media Texts and Forms
$20.99 CAD
Help students understand media texts, understand media forms and techniques, and create media texts. These activities help young learners to understand media texts; understand media forms and techniques; create media texts. The lessons create the opportunity to study forms of...
Multiplication Drill Facts: Tips, Tricks & Strategies Grades 2-5
$23.99 CAD
Students find learning multiplication facts challenging so we developed this step-by-step approach to making things as easy as possible. We start with the easiest facts and build on prior knowledge to achieve the hardest facts to learn. The student-friendly worksheets...
Numbers Activities with Real World Applications! - Beginning Math Series Grades 1-3
$24.99 CAD
This resource is jam-packed with fun activities that promote an understanding of numbers, number systems, and their related operations. Begin with number concepts and counting forwards by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's, and progress to place value, ordinals, and fractions....
Our Trash Grades 2-3
$20.99 CAD
Promotes Environmental Awareness 40+ reproducible activities, 7information cards on waste disposal, and recycling. This resource is designed to foster a positive attitude about the environment with your students. Students will learn their role in creating a clean and safe environment...
Outer Space Grades 1-2
$25.99 CAD
Engage your student's natural curiosity and sense of wonder while reinforcing basic skills! Here are more than 60 high-interest reproducible activities, including a 14-page reproducible student booklet, that are integrated across the curriculum. Teach basic skills in mathematics, phonics, reading...
Outline Maps of Canada Grades K-3
$21.99 CAD
Outline Maps of Canada help introduce and review mapping skills and Canadian geography. Almost every map included can be used to teach or review the use of: directions on a compass rose, symbols on a legend and mapping terms such...
Paragraph Writing - Canadian Writing Series Gr. 2-4
$23.99 CAD
200 Writing Prompts gives you 40 weeks of paragraph prompts help students to master their paragraph writing skills. A step-by-step method to teach paragraph writing is provided. Students will learn and practice how to write the different parts that make...
Personal Spelling Dictionary Grades 2-5
$17.99 CAD
Improve Spelling and Editing Skills. Includes lists of the most commonly used words in children's writing. Blank line masters enable both primary and junior writers to create their own spelling dictionary. 26-word lists for primary students and 27-word lists for...
Physical Science Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to four aspects of physical science: Movement: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases Buoyancy and Boats Magnets Hot and Cold Temperature. In each section, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance...
Raising A Reader: Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Parents who take an active role in their child's education can have a great impact on the child's success. This resource is designed to give parents the opportunity to support what happens in the classroom. Your beginning reader will enjoy...
Reading Logs Grades 2-3 - The Home and School Connection
$21.99 CAD
The Home and School Connection Studies show that what happens at home has a remarkable influence on learning success; this resource can help you influence your students' reading success out of school hours. This resource is designed to provide you...
Reading with Beatrix Potter Author Study - A Biography Grades 2-4
$20.99 CAD
Kids love the stories of Beatrix Potter! The emphasis of this resource is not upon the little books, but upon the life of their creator, Beatrix Potter. Students will learn how Beatrix Potter triumphed over obstacles that stood in her way,...
Reading with Beatrix Potter Author Study Grades 2-4
$20.99 CAD
Reading with Author Series. Kids love the stories of Beatrix Potter! Here is a resource to help your students develop the literacy strategies necessary to derive meaning from print and illustrations, read to find new information about a topic, and...
Reading with Curious George Author Study Grades 2-4
$20.99 CAD
Kids love Curious George! Here is a resource to help your students develop the literacy strategies necessary for them to derive meaning from print and illustrations, read to find new information about a topic, and think and write creatively, all using...
Reading with Frances, Russell Hoban Author Study Grades 1-3
$20.99 CAD
Using these five books about Frances, a little badger, will help your students to develop and strengthen the literacy strategies necessary to derive meaning from print and illustrations. Children love these five Frances Books: Bread and Jam For Frances Bedtime...
Reading with Franklin the Turtle Author Study Grades 1-3
$20.99 CAD
Kids love Franklin and readily identify with him as he sometimes makes poor decisions but always finds a solution to his problem. Use this resource to help your students develop the literacy strategies necessary to derive meaning from print and...
Reading with Phoebe Gilman Author Study Grades 1-3 (Jillian Jiggs)
$20.99 CAD
Kids love The Balloon Tree, Jillian Jiggs, Something from Nothing and many other stories by Phoebe Gilman. Stories to teach reading fluency & literacy strategies! These resources will help your students develop the literacy strategies necessary to derive meaning from...
Reading with Robert Munsch Author Study Grades 1-3
$20.99 CAD
Reading with Author Series Here is a resource to help your students develop the literacy strategies necessary to derive meaning from print and illustrations, read to find new information about a topic, and think and write creatively, all using the...
Reading with the Kids at Baily Elementary School Author Study Grades 2-4
$20.99 CAD
Enter the grade three classroom at Bailey Elementary School and prepare to be amused. The school secretary is a gremlin, the substitute janitor is Santa Claus, a witch teaches gymnastics, and the homeroom teacher is a vampire! Use this resource...