Downloadable Book
Pets - Every Child's Best Friend Grades Prek-Kindergarten
$25.99 CAD
Students will learn that having a pet requires care and responsibility. Designed for preschool through kindergarten, this theme-based book features ideas, activities, puzzles, and story sequencing to aid in the development of the fundamental skills needed in early learning. Curriculum...
Physical Science Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
In each section, you will find teacher notes to provide you guidance with the learning intention, the success criteria, materials needed, a lesson outline, as well as provide some insight on what results to expect when the experiments are conducted....
Physical Science Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to four aspects of physical science: Movement: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases Buoyancy and Boats Magnets Hot and Cold Temperature. In each section, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance...
Physical Science Grade 5
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to these four aspects of physical science: Properties of and Changes in Matter, Chemistry in the Classroom Forces and Simple Machines Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms Mechanisms Using Electricity; and Electricity and Magnetism...
Physical Science Grade 6
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to these four aspects of physical science: Air and Aerodynamics Characteristics of Flight Electricity Electrical Devices In each section, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the learning intention, the...
Physical Science Grade 7
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to these four aspects of physical science: Structural Form and Function Heat and Temperature Chemistry of Pure Substances Mixtures In each section, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the...
Physical Science Grade 8
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to four aspects of physical science: Fluids and Dynamics Systems in Action Light Optical Systems In each section, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the learning intention, the success...
Rocks & Minerals Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Students will enjoy learning the fascinating world of rocks and minerals with the 60+ reproducible worksheets and activities, plus 9 hands-on experiments. There are information cards on the different types of rocks and volcanoes with follow up activities. The higher-level thinking activities,...
Rocks & Soils Grades 2-3
$25.99 CAD
Study the rocks and soils found in our earth. Different types of rocks and soils are found on our earth. They play an important role on our planet. Involve your students in the study of these two concepts. Includes 12...
Sciences physiques 1e année
$27.99 CAD
Les activités dans ce livre ont deux intentions: d’enseigner les concepts en lien aux sciences physiques et de fournir aux élèves l’occasion de la mise en application des habiletés nécessaires à la maîtrise des objectifs du curriculum de sciences et...
Sciences physiques 3e année
$27.99 CAD
Les activités dans ce livre ont deux intentions : d’enseigner les concepts en lien aux sciences physiques et de fournir aux élèves l’occasion de la mise en application des habiletés nécessaires à la maîtrise des objectifs du curriculum de sciences...
Sciences physiques 4e année
$27.99 CAD
Les activités dans ce livre ont deux intentions : d’enseigner les concepts en lien aux sciences physiques et de fournir aux élèves l’occasion de la mise en application des habiletés nécessaires à la maîtrise des objectifs du curriculum de sciences...
Sciences physiques 5e année
$27.99 CAD
Les expériences dans ce livre se font à travers quatorze sujets en lien à six aspects des sciences physiques: Les propriétés de la matière et les changements qu’elle subit ; La chimie en salle de classe ; Forces et machines...
Sciences physiques 6e année
$27.99 CAD
Les expériences dans ce livre se font à travers 13 sujets en lien à 3 aspects des sciences physiques : L’air et l’aérodynamique, Les caractéristiques du vol, et L’électricité et les dispositifs électriques. Dans chaque section vous trouverez des notes...
Sciences physiques 7e année
$27.99 CAD
Les expériences dans ce livre se font à travers treize sujets en lien à trois aspects des sciences physiques: Forme et fonction structurelles; Chaleur et température; Chimie des substances pures et des mélanges. Dans chaque section vous trouverez des notes à...
Sciences physiques 8e année
$27.99 CAD
Les expériences dans ce livre se font à travers onze sujets en lien à trois aspects des sciences physiques : Fluides et dynamique; Systèmes en action; et Lumière et systèmes optiques. Dans chaque section vous trouverez des notes à l’intention...
Simple Machines Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
These NO PREP activities and experiments in this resource are designed to help students understand how simple machines work and discover that working with tools means putting simple machines into action. Simple Machines - Experiments and Activities Inclined Plane The...
Simple Machines Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Teach the various types of Machines in Motion using concepts of gravity, air pressure, and motion. Study inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel, and axle, and pulley. Students will understand the properties of air and the principles of flight and...
Space Grades 2-3
$18.99 CAD
Blast off into outer space with your students and explore its many mysteries! Here are 40 integrated, reproducible activities and an 8 page reproducible student booklet that reinforce learned skills. Topics include: The Solar System Planets Stars The Sun The...
Stable Structures & Functions of Mechanisms Grade 3 (Canadian Edition)
$24.99 CAD
Reproducible Storybook, Visual Activities, Manipulatives & More! This resource uses an integrated approach to teaching the concept of structures. The step-by-step teacher instructions make it easy for the most reluctant teacher to want to teach this topic. A reproducible story,...
Taking off With Flight Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Students will demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the properties of air and principles of flight. Through experiments they will demonstrate an understanding of the effects of forces acting upon one another while they apply the scientific method. They will...
The Environment Grades 4-6
$22.99 CAD
Promotes Environmental Awareness Get students enthusiastic about their environment? This easy to use teacher-friendly resource provides 60 high interest, information-packed reproducible activities that are integrated across the curriculum. These activities are designed to foster positive environmental attitudes while developing basic...
The Human Body Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Use these activities to help promote healthy living and eating with your students. 60 print and go worksheets and activities will: • develop an awareness of the parts of the body, and gain a basic understanding of their respective functions....
Water: Water Cycle, Erosion, and Water Flow Grades 2-4
$25.99 CAD
Explore our Most Important Resource. Fun experiments to investigate water's properties learn about the water cycle, erosion, and water flow. Students will make a water clock and rain gauge. The water theme flows through language arts, math, and research and...
Weather Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Learning about Weather is a Breeze with these NO PREP, 50 activities, and 8 hands on experiments that integrate science and language arts! This resource focuses on temperature, wind, storms, air pressure, moisture, and weather lore. Use the ideas and...
A Rainbow of Colours Grade 4-6
$14.99 CAD
Our world is a rainbow of colour. Celebrate the world of colour with your students by implementing the ideas and activities in this book into your science program. Activities focus on research, creative writing, art, math and word study. 50 plus...
A Zoo Celebration Grades 3-4
$13.99 CAD
Celebrate life at the zoo with your class by using these activities. This unit contains the following: 6 phonics cards 7 creative writing cards 10 reading cards 6 research cards 10-word study cards 7 brainstorming cards 5 classification cards
African Animals Grade 4-6
$15.99 CAD
Take your students on an African Safari and explore the habits and lifestyles of the animal life located in the hot, steamy jungles and on the dry, flat plains of Africa. 15 information topics include: From Aardvark to Zorilla, The...
All About Bears Grade 1-2
$14.99 CAD
Real or make-believe, the bear is a creature that has captured the hearts and the attention of young children. Discuss the different types of bears, their homes and foods they eat. Complete with sentence puzzle cards of the story goldilocks...
All About Cattle Grade 5-7
$14.99 CAD
This book has everything teachers need to teach about the various types of cattle and their uses. Extensive information on cattle and the various charts and diagrams make this an invaluable resource for teaching this topic. Designed to be used...
All About Dinosaurs Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
From the albertousaurus to the ultrasaurus! Budding paleontologists will be amazed at what they don't already know about the giants of the past. More than 50 activities in phonics, word study, creative writing, brainstorming, science, art, and math as well...
All About Elephants Grades 3-4
$14.99 CAD
Elephants are enormous mammals that always capture the attention and interest of children. Use these ideas and activities to explore the world of elephants. This unit contains the following: 8 reading cards 6 brainstorming cards 6 research cards 2 writing/printing...
All About Fish Grades 4-6
$14.99 CAD
Fish of various kinds are found in all the fresh and salt waters of the world. Implement the ideas and activities in this unit into your learning program to increase your student's knowledge and understanding of how these creatures live...
All About Plants Grades 2-3
$14.99 CAD
Young botanists learn about the characteristics and requirements of plants and their patterns of growth. They will gain an understanding of what plants need to grow, different kinds of plants and plants we can eat. Extensive teacher information, vocabulary lists,...
All About Rabbits Grades 3-4
$14.99 CAD
Be like Alice in Wonderland! Lead your students down the rabbit hole and discover the different kinds of rabbits, their homes, appearance, feeding habits, babies, enemies, and protection, plus the uses of rabbits. Also included are cross-curricular activities that extend...
All About Spiders Grade 3-6
$14.99 CAD
Dispel your students' fears and beliefs about these talented and fascinating creatures by implementing the ideas and activities found in this resource into your science program. Student information with follow-up exercises on Spiders, A Spider's Body, Silk Spinners, Master Weavers,...
All About the Ocean Grades 5-7
$24.99 CAD
With more than 40 information cards and reproducible activities, students will explore the ocean world, and explore ocean animals, plant tides, coral, sea travel, volcanic islands, Atlantis - The Lost City, and whales. Additional activities in the word study, mathematics,...
All About the Sea Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Students will learn about the majestic tall ships, unusual fish, buried treasure, the lure of the sea, sea poetry, mermaid magic, a whale of a time, life on a coral reef, sea chanteys, and much more. 99 pages Includes: Nineteen...
All About Trees Grades 4-6
$15.99 CAD
Study the different types of trees, how trees grow and their importance to our environment with the 33 activities in this resource. Teacher information is included along with a 13-page reproducible student booklet.
All About Weather Grades 7-8
$20.99 CAD
Short & Simple Experiments Explore the fascinating science of meteorology with practical information, easily created experiments, and activities that cross the curriculum. Experiments include making a simple thermometer, barometer, wind vane, anemometer, humidity indicator, and hygrometer; proving that plants give...
All About Whales Grades 3-4
$14.99 CAD
Let the scientists in your classroom climb aboard a whaling ship and explore the ocean. Lead them into the wonderful world of whales. This unit contains the following: 11 reading cards 7 creative writing cards 4 brainstorming cards 6 research...
All Kinds of Structures Grade 1
$24.99 CAD
Introduce your students to the wonderful world of shapes and structures. Begin with the reproducible storybook, "A Visit to Shapeville", to teach the concept of structures. Reinforce and extend students learning with 30 follow up activities that integrate science with...
Apple Mania Grades 2-3 Study Apples in Autumn
$14.99 CAD
In the fall, juicy red apples decorate the apple orchards across the country. The topic 'apples' will provide a delicious, mouth-watering way to welcome your class back to school.
Apples are the Greatest Grades PreK-K
$15.99 CAD
Learn the stages of an apple's life from seed to harvest. Enjoy eating and cooking apples. Designed for preschool through kindergarten, this theme-based book features ideas, activities, puzzles, and story sequencing to promote active learning. Curriculum topics include visual discrimination,...
Arctic Animals Grade 4-6
$14.99 CAD
Journey to the frozen north and explore the world of Arctic Animals with your students. The 17 research activities will increase students' knowledge of the following animals; polar bears, various whales, seals, deer, foxes, rodents, and owls. Students will learn...
Bats Grades 4-6
$14.99 CAD
Students will enjoy unraveling the mysteries of bats. Learn if these amazing mammals really do drink blood, are blind, hang upside down, and more. Study different kinds of bats and find out about their habitat, eating habits, mating patterns, and...
Bears Grades 4-6
$14.99 CAD
Bears have their own way of living in which most people do not understand. The activities in this unit will provide your students with a better understanding of the bear family and how they interact with each other, with nature...
Beavers Grades 3-5
$14.99 CAD
Beavers are considered to be the greatest animal engineers in the world. With the 7 reading exercises, students will learn about the beaver and its appearance, home, enemies, plus family life, work, and building a dam. An additional 32 cross-curricular...