Downloadable Book
How to Give a Presentation Grades 4-6
$20.99 CAD
This book presents suggestions and worksheets to help students feel more at ease when giving class presentations. The three types of speeches are discussed as well as ways of giving illustrated talks and multimedia presentations. The techniques of debating are...
How We Impact the Environment Gr. 5-8 - Human Impact; Endangered Animals and Plants
$25.99 CAD
Empower your students, by educating them on the human impact on our environment. Lessons with activities and experiments covering these topics, water treatment and contaminants, human impact on land - erosion - fertilizer - urban sprawl, pollution and energy -...
Human Body Systems and Nutrition Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Promote Healthy Living and Eating with your students. How knowledgeable are your students about their different body parts and their functions? Students will: become more familiar with their body parts and how they function recognize and label diagrams of body...
In Days of Yore Grades 4-6
$24.99 CAD
Plenty of research activities explore castles, knights, heraldry, chivalry, and the Feudal System. Includes the following activity cards: 12 information 12 reading 9-word study 7 phonics 7 language 8 research This book supports many of the fundamental concepts and learning...
Internet Activities for Language Arts Grades 4-8
$23.99 CAD
In this book, you will find 25 Internet sites that can be used with various Language Arts contexts. Each lesson provides a brief overview of what the specific site is about. The second-page details the type of site, how to...
It's a Fact! Develop Non-Fiction Reading Skills Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Most of the reading that we do in real life is non-fiction although most classroom programs focus mainly on reading fiction materials. Correct this imbalance and incorporate the 21 non-fiction stories found in this resource to develop and strengthen inquiry and research...
Just for Boys - High/Low Reading Comprehension Grades 4+, Reading Level 1.2 to 2.9
$30.99 CAD
Boys’ literacy continues to be at the forefront of educational concerns. Unfortunately, despite educators’ efforts, the gap between boys’ and girls’ academic successes remains uneven. This divide is potentially perilous to their overall success in life as a myriad of...
Just for Boys Grades 3-6 Fiction & Nonfiction Reading Comprehension
$25.99 CAD
Motivate The Boys To Read! Includes over 24 short fiction and nonfiction readings, a teacher guide, teacher and student rubrics, read-aloud observation form, and an answer key. What young boy can resist topics such as heroes, monster trucks, mysterious planets,...
Just for Boys Grades 6-8 Fiction & Nonfiction Reading Comprehension
$25.99 CAD
Motivate The Boys To Read! Includes over 18 short fiction and nonfiction readings, a teacher guide, teacher and student rubrics, read-aloud observation form, and answer key. What adolescent boy can resist topics such as snowboarding, tsunamis, iPods, and airport security?...
Just for Girls Grades 6-8 Reading Comprehension
$25.99 CAD
Fiction & Nonfiction Reading Just for Girls! Includes 18 short fiction and nonfiction readings, a teacher guide, teacher and student rubrics, read aloud observation form and answer key. Early teenage girls will enjoy reading fiction stories that relate to self-esteem,...
Just the Facts! Develop Non-Fiction Reading Skills - Common Core Gr. 4-6
$22.99 CAD
Most of the reading that we do in real life is non-fiction although most classroom programs focus mainly on reading fiction materials. Correct this imbalance and incorporate the 21 non-fiction stories found in this resource to develop and strengthen inquiry and research...
Le monde étonnant des insectes 4e à 6e année
$24.99 CAD
Faites votre étude des insectes avec Papa Pillons, Mam'zelle Sauterelle, Mémé-coccinelle et d'autres. Ils vous apprendront à propos du monde fascinant des insectes avec des activités de phonétique, d'étude de mots, d'écriture, de composition et de recherche. 38 Activités. Other...
Le Moyen Age 4e à 6e année
$25.99 CAD
Plongez vos élèves dans une époque toute différente de la leur. Grâce aux 45 activités de lecture, d'étude des mots, de langage, de grammaire et de recherche que propose ce cahier, ils découvriront des faits intéressants au sujet, notamment, du...
Legends Grades 4-6
$19.99 CAD
Long Ago Legends Provide Literary Lessons Today. Hold students' interest with legends that have been handed down from generation to generation. Students will research where legends originated, the facts behind legends, and their spiritual significance. Additional activities provide practice for...
Les autochtones de l'Amérique du Nord 4e à 6e année
$27.99 CAD
Tu apprendras tout ce qu'il faut savoir au sujet des croyances des Amérindiens et des Autochtones des plaines et des forêts du Nord ainsi que de la façon dont l'homme blanc a modifié leur mode de vie. L'ouvrage comprend 78...
Les mathématiques enseignées avec du matériel de manipulation 4e à 6e année
$24.99 CAD
Les notions enseignées dans ce cahier répondent aux attentes du programme d'études et elles sont présentées ici d'une manière qui saura captiver l'intérêt de vos élèves. En effet, toutes les activités proposées font usage d'objets courants, ce qui incitera les...
Let's Look at Canada Grades 4-6 (Canadian History)
$25.99 CAD
40 activities that will amaze your students about the development of this country as you travel through our history with the 13 reading information cards, and theme test provided. 94 pages including an answer key. Reading information topics include: an...
Light and Sound Lessons and Experiments Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
The activities in this book have two intentions: not only to teach students about lightand sound, but also to teach general science and technology curriculum objectivesthrough the theme of light and sound. Teacher Notes & Student Activities and Experiments for...
Magnets Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
No Prep fun-filled activities and experiments dealing with magnets. Your students will gain insight into the properties of magnets, their uses, and how they are used in science and technology. Teacher Notes & Student Activities and Experiments for these topics:...
Mammals Grades 5-6
$25.99 CAD
This resource has everything you need to teach young students about the mammals that inhabit our world. 55 reproducible worksheets and activities provide you with the information you need to increase your student's knowledge of the habitats, behaviors, food, and...
Managing Waste and Recycling Grades 5-8
$25.99 CAD
Teach About A Greener Tomorrow. Students will address pre and post-consumer waste, smog, managing landfills, incinerators, and oil spills. Get your students thinking about and developing their own opinions on how to reduce waste. and preserve their environment. This easy-to-use, teacher-friendly...
Mapping Skills Grades 4-6
$24.99 CAD
Provide in-depth coverage of the skills needed in map reading. Students make maps of their classroom, school, and Neighborhood. They will learn to locate places on a map, to find countries using coordinates, and locate themselves on a map. The...
Matter and Materials Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Matter matters! The NO PREP activities and experiments teach concepts related to matter and materials and relate the concepts to real-life situations. Students will learn about materials that transmit, reflect or absorb light and sound, properties of and changes in...
Media Literacy for Canadian Students Grades 4-6 - Understanding Media Texts and Messages
$23.99 CAD
The main purpose of this book is to create awareness in young people about those messages around them. Students will understand media texts, understand media forms and techniques and create media texts. Includes 5 messages in media activities, 59 understanding...
Microscopy Step-by-Step Labs Grade 5+
$25.99 CAD
This book enables students to make observations using the eye, hand lenses andcompound microscopes. The focus is, however, on the compound microscope.Students will learn important skills for observing, recording observations, andmanipulating a compound microscope. Once these skills are established,students will...
Moments in Canadian Black History Grades 5-8
$22.99 CAD
Fascinating Facts and Interesting Events, Build Comprehension Skills. By presenting little-known facts, this resource provides an intimate view of people and events in Canadian history. Activities in this resource serve as a springboard for dialogue, with a wide range of...
Mon rapport de lecture 4e à 6e année
$14.99 CAD
Voulez-vous rendre l'étude d'un roman plus intéressant pour l'élève et plus facile pour vous? Organisez-vous avec "Mon rapport de lecture". Dans ce cahier vous trouverez des idées pour l'enseignant(e), des activités de vocabulaire, de recherche, de poésie et d'art pour...
Multiplication Drills Grades 4-6
$19.99 CAD
Practice the basic facts of the 1 - 12 times tables, then progress through single to four-factor multiplication drills. Also included are factor pyramids and multiplication wheels and an introduction to decimals. Includes 57 pages of reproducible drill and word...
Novel Ideas Using Bloom's Taxonomy! -Activities for ANY Novel! Grades 4-6
$22.99 CAD
In a pinch and can't find a novel study for a book you want student to read! We've got you covered. This resource has activities for ALL Types of Literature. Motivate critical thinking and understanding with any piece of literature....
Ontario Grade 6 Language Test Prep Guide
$22.99 CAD
The 10 tests have been designed to be very similar to the Ontario test the students will be taking. Many of the questions are asked in a similar way so that students can get familiar with the questioning format and...
Ontario Grade 6 Math & Language Test Prep Guide
$34.99 CAD
20 tests to help prepare you Grade 6 students for the Ontario Mathematics & Language Assessment tests and increase their confidence with test taking! Math: The 10 practice tests were designed to be similar to the actual test the students...
Ontario Grade 6 Math Test Prep Guide
$22.99 CAD
The 10 practice tests were designed to be similar to the Ontario Math test the students will be taking. The questions are either multiple choice or open response so that students can get familiar with the question/answer format. The first...
Our Canadian Governments Grades 5-8
$37.99 CAD
Here is everything you need to teach your students about Canada's governments. Twenty-two lesson plans and more than 75 reproducible worksheets and information pages may be used in any order to suit the unique needs of your classroom. Lesson Plans Topics: Lesson One: What...
Our Solar System & Technology in Space - Earth Science Grade 6
$25.99 CAD
Outline Maps of Canada Grades 4-8
$21.99 CAD
"Outline Maps of Canada" is an important resource for use in support of the existing social studies curriculum. Almost every map included can be used to teach or review the use of directions on a compass rose, symbols on a...
Physical Science Grade 6
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to these four aspects of physical science: Air and Aerodynamics Characteristics of Flight Electricity Electrical Devices In each section, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the learning intention, the...
Prime Ministers of Canada Grades 4-8
$22.99 CAD
Examine the affects that each Prime Minister had on Canada and the important events that occurred during their time in government. Students will learn about these individuals, who they were, what their political views were, their beliefs for Canada as...
Reading Comprehension Exercises Grade 6 for the Ontario Standardized Test!
$19.99 CAD
This curriculum-based, high-interest fiction and nonfiction stories with follow-up exercises are designed to help students strengthen comprehension and literacy skills. Exercises include questions which require students to: locate literal information interpret and evaluate material arrange events in sequence infer ideas...
Reading Teams Grades 4-8 - A Guide to Setting up Reading Teams in Your Classroom
$20.99 CAD
Why implement Reading Teams in your classroom? For the teacher: • Only Thirty minutes of marking every three days!• Only Thirty minutes of photocopying once every month!• Plenty of assessment data for reporting!For the Students:• Students will improve their reading...
Reading with Canadian Celebrities Grades 4-8
$25.99 CAD
Each story spotlights some of Canada's and the world's hottest stars. Each biography is followed by hands-on activities designed to strengthen and improve reading comprehension, vocabulary development, language, and research skills. This resource is a compilation of forty-two biographies and...
Rocks & Minerals Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Students will enjoy learning the fascinating world of rocks and minerals with the 60+ reproducible worksheets and activities, plus 9 hands-on experiments. There are information cards on the different types of rocks and volcanoes with follow up activities. The higher-level thinking activities,...
Sciences physiques 6e année
$27.99 CAD
Les expériences dans ce livre se font à travers 13 sujets en lien à 3 aspects des sciences physiques : L’air et l’aérodynamique, Les caractéristiques du vol, et L’électricité et les dispositifs électriques. Dans chaque section vous trouverez des notes...
Sentence Writing - Canadian Writing Series Gr. 4-6
$23.99 CAD
This book will help you introduce, explain and practice the different types of sentences including compound & complex sentences, declarative, exclamatory, interrogative, and imperative with your students. 85 pages An introduction to figures of speech including Metaphors, Similes, Personification, Onomatopoeia,...
Shakespeare Shorts - Performing Arts Grades 4-6
$24.99 CAD
These adapted plays, each between 5 and 25 minutes long, will instill a love of Shakespeare and boost literacy skills! Included are 2 Holiday concert scripts, a program for easy staging, costumes, and a Shakespeare Festival or reading-only performances. Character...
Shakespeare Shorts - Readers Theater Grades 4-6 (Scripts for Shakespeare Plays)
$24.99 CAD
These Shakespeare adapted plays, each between 5 and 25 minutes long, will instill a love of Shakespeare and boost literacy skills! Background information provided to enrich the plays themselves, a program for easy staging and costumes are included. Character roles...
Simple Machines Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Teach the various types of Machines in Motion using concepts of gravity, air pressure, and motion. Study inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel, and axle, and pulley. Students will understand the properties of air and the principles of flight and...
Spelling Grade 6 - A Full Year Program
$25.99 CAD
Are you looking for a spelling program that includes the teaching guide with a strategic plan for students to ONLY Practice The Words They Don't Know, then this AWARD winning program is it! Here is everything you need to effectively...
Spelling Grades 5/6 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on language skills which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. This book was written primarily for students in grades five and six, but in certain instances, its use would...