Characteristics of Flight Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Explore the characteristics of flight and the properties of air through experimentation and investigation. Worksheets & Experiments on these topics: Aviation Timeline Properties of Air Parts of a Plane How Planes Fly Types of Planes Word search -Planes Paper Airplanes...
Electricity Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
This resource is divided into four components: the properties and uses of electricity how electricity travels electromagnetism the production of electricity With more than 25 reproducible information sheets and activities, and 8 hands-on experiments, students will develop their skills and...
Energy Lessons and Experiments Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Building on their present knowledge base, students will have the opportunity to learn about various types of energy using the five-step investigative method. The topics covered are: Light and Sound Energy Conservation of Energy States of Energy Energy Sources Electrical...
Energy Types and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is energy and where does it come from? These are difficult but essential concepts for children to understand. Our hands-on activities will provide students with a solid basis to understanding energy, while practicing critical thinking skills and having fun....
Force & Motion Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Help students understand the various types of force and motion, to broaden their knowledge of basic concepts, develop skills including inquiry, design, and communication, and develop the opportunity to relate science and technology to life outside the classroom. For the...
Force & Motion Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
No Prep, worksheets with experiments that teach your students about force and motion, air pressure, gravity, centripetal force just to name a few. Additional activities will assist in broadening their basic knowledge, while developing skills including inquiry, design, and communication, and initiate...
Light and Sound Lessons and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Light and sound are everywhere, but hard to define. These age-appropriate activities will provide your students with a solid basis for exploring these concepts with confidence. Experiments with laser beams and hands-on models will delight students as they learn about...
Light and Sound Lessons and Experiments Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
The activities in this book have two intentions: not only to teach students about lightand sound, but also to teach general science and technology curriculum objectivesthrough the theme of light and sound. Teacher Notes & Student Activities and Experiments for...
Machines in Motion Grades 1-3 Bundle!
$84.95 CAD
Master Physical Science with this Hands-on Series! Teach the various types of Machines in Motion using concepts of gravity, air pressure, and motion. Study inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel, and axel, and pulley. Students will understand the properties of...
Machines in Motion Grades 4-6 Bundle!
$84.95 CAD
3 Book Set Master Physical Science with this Hands-on Series! Teach the various types of Machines in Motion using concepts of gravity, air pressure, and motion. Study inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel, and axel, and pulley. Students will understand...
Magnets Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
No Prep fun-filled activities and experiments dealing with magnets. Your students will gain insight into the properties of magnets, their uses, and how they are used in science and technology. Teacher Notes & Student Activities and Experiments for these topics:...
Magnets Lessons and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is a magnet and how does it work? These simple but fun hands-on activities and experiments will put your students in charge of their own learning as they are given the tools and guidance to discover the fascinating world...
Matter and Energy: Light and Sound Ontario Grade 4 Curriculum
$25.99 CAD
This resource meets the New 2022 Grade 4 Ontario Science Curriculum. The experiments in this book fall under eleven topics that relate to aspects of light and sound, but also to teach general science and technology curriculum objectives thorough the theme...
Matter and Materials Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Matter matters! The NO PREP activities and experiments teach concepts related to matter and materials and relate the concepts to real-life situations. Students will learn about materials that transmit, reflect or absorb light and sound, properties of and changes in...
Matter and Materials Lessons and Experiments Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
What is the world made of? Through hands-on activities and experiments, students will enjoy exploring the world around them as they practice science skills like observing and concluding. Games like "Simon Says" bring the realm of atoms and particles to...
Microscopy Step-by-Step Labs Grade 5+
$25.99 CAD
This book enables students to make observations using the eye, hand lenses andcompound microscopes. The focus is, however, on the compound microscope.Students will learn important skills for observing, recording observations, andmanipulating a compound microscope. Once these skills are established,students will...
Physical Science Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
In each section, you will find teacher notes to provide you guidance with the learning intention, the success criteria, materials needed, a lesson outline, as well as provide some insight on what results to expect when the experiments are conducted....
Physical Science Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to four aspects of physical science: Movement: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases Buoyancy and Boats Magnets Hot and Cold Temperature. In each section, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance...
Physical Science Grade 3
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to four aspects of physical science: Strong and Stable Structures Building With a Variety of Materials and Testing Designs Forces Causing Movement Hearing and Sound In each section, you will find teacher notes designed...
Physical Science Grade 4
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to four aspects of physical science: Pulleys and Gears Wheels and Levers Building Devices and Vehicles that Move Light and Sound; and Shadows In each section, you will find teacher notes designed to provide...
Physical Science Grade 5
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to these four aspects of physical science: Properties of and Changes in Matter, Chemistry in the Classroom Forces and Simple Machines Forces Acting on Structures and Mechanisms Mechanisms Using Electricity; and Electricity and Magnetism...
Physical Science Grade 6
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to these four aspects of physical science: Air and Aerodynamics Characteristics of Flight Electricity Electrical Devices In each section, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the learning intention, the...
Physical Science Grade 7
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to these four aspects of physical science: Structural Form and Function Heat and Temperature Chemistry of Pure Substances Mixtures In each section, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the...
Physical Science Grade 8
$25.99 CAD
The experiments in this book relate to four aspects of physical science: Fluids and Dynamics Systems in Action Light Optical Systems In each section, you will find teacher notes designed to provide you guidance with the learning intention, the success...
Physical Science Grades 4-6 - 4 Book Bundle!
$104.95 CAD
Primary Physical Science 4 Book Set Building on their present knowledge base, students will have the opportunity to learn about these four topics using the five-step investigative method during the activities and experiments. The activities and concepts relate to real-life...
Sciences physiques 1e année
$27.99 CAD
Les activités dans ce livre ont deux intentions: d’enseigner les concepts en lien aux sciences physiques et de fournir aux élèves l’occasion de la mise en application des habiletés nécessaires à la maîtrise des objectifs du curriculum de sciences et...
Sciences physiques 2e année
$27.99 CAD
Les activités dans ce livre ont deux intentions : d’enseigner les concepts en lien aux sciences physiques et de fournir aux élèves l’occasion de la mise en application des habiletés nécessaires à la maîtrise des objectifs du curriculum de sciences...
Sciences physiques 3e année
$27.99 CAD
Les activités dans ce livre ont deux intentions : d’enseigner les concepts en lien aux sciences physiques et de fournir aux élèves l’occasion de la mise en application des habiletés nécessaires à la maîtrise des objectifs du curriculum de sciences...
Sciences physiques 4e année
$27.99 CAD
Les activités dans ce livre ont deux intentions : d’enseigner les concepts en lien aux sciences physiques et de fournir aux élèves l’occasion de la mise en application des habiletés nécessaires à la maîtrise des objectifs du curriculum de sciences...
Sciences physiques 5e année
$27.99 CAD
Les expériences dans ce livre se font à travers quatorze sujets en lien à six aspects des sciences physiques: Les propriétés de la matière et les changements qu’elle subit ; La chimie en salle de classe ; Forces et machines...
Sciences physiques 6e année
$27.99 CAD
Les expériences dans ce livre se font à travers 13 sujets en lien à 3 aspects des sciences physiques : L’air et l’aérodynamique, Les caractéristiques du vol, et L’électricité et les dispositifs électriques. Dans chaque section vous trouverez des notes...
Sciences physiques 7e année
$27.99 CAD
Les expériences dans ce livre se font à travers treize sujets en lien à trois aspects des sciences physiques: Forme et fonction structurelles; Chaleur et température; Chimie des substances pures et des mélanges. Dans chaque section vous trouverez des notes à...
Sciences physiques 8e année
$27.99 CAD
Les expériences dans ce livre se font à travers onze sujets en lien à trois aspects des sciences physiques : Fluides et dynamique; Systèmes en action; et Lumière et systèmes optiques. Dans chaque section vous trouverez des notes à l’intention...
Simple Machines Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
These NO PREP activities and experiments in this resource are designed to help students understand how simple machines work and discover that working with tools means putting simple machines into action. Simple Machines - Experiments and Activities Inclined Plane The...
Simple Machines Grades 4-6
$25.99 CAD
Teach the various types of Machines in Motion using concepts of gravity, air pressure, and motion. Study inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, wheel, and axle, and pulley. Students will understand the properties of air and the principles of flight and...
Simple Machines Three Lesson Bundle! Grade 5
$10.95 CAD
Students will learn how the inclined plane and the wedge, the pulley, the wheel, and the axel, and the screw and the lever are used to make tasks easier.
Stable Structures & Functions of Mechanisms Grade 3 (Canadian Edition)
$24.99 CAD
Reproducible Storybook, Visual Activities, Manipulatives & More! This resource uses an integrated approach to teaching the concept of structures. The step-by-step teacher instructions make it easy for the most reluctant teacher to want to teach this topic. A reproducible story,...
Taking off With Flight Grades 1-3
$25.99 CAD
Students will demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the properties of air and principles of flight. Through experiments they will demonstrate an understanding of the effects of forces acting upon one another while they apply the scientific method. They will...
The Nature of Matter Grades 5-8
$25.99 CAD
The subject is broken down into bite-sized activities that can be performed in a classroom setting as well as by students at home. Some are quick experiments; others include observations over many weeks. All are unified by explaining how matter interacts...
Parts of an Airplane Lesson Plan Grade 4+ with Google Slides & Printables
$3.45 CAD
Students will learn about parts of an airplane using a variety of question formats and hands-on opportunities to test students' knowledge of the topic and help them integrate what they have learned. The clear, straightforward presentation of essential facts, the...
Pulley, Wheel & Axel (Simple Machines - Part Three) Grade 5 Lesson with Experiments
$5.45 CAD
Students will learn how the pulley and the wheel and axle are used to make the task easier.
Screw & Lever (Simple Machines - Part Two) Grade 5 Lesson with Experiments
$5.45 CAD
Students will learn how the screw and the lever are used to make tasks easier.
Soils & Plant Growth Lesson, Google Slides & Printables Grade 7 Distance Learning
$6.75 CAD
Students will learn about the components in soils, their compaction, and moisture content; they will learn about the main parts of a plant, seed germination, and how plants grow to maturity. Success Criteria: make and record observations of the components...
Survival in the Wetlands Lesson, Google Slides & Printables Grade 5 Distance Learning
$6.95 CAD
Students will learn about wetland food chains and food webs; the role of producers, consumers, and decomposers in a wetland. Success Criteria: identify and describe a wetland food chain create a food chain typically found in a wetland, using pictures...
The Animal Kingdom Lessons, Grade 6 Google Slides & Printables Distance Learning
$6.75 CAD
Students will learn about the types of multi-cellular organisms that make up the kingdom of animals. Success Criteria: identify invertebrates and recognize their common and their different body parts research an invertebrate to describe its appearance, its habitat, what it...
The Plant Kingdom Lessons, Grade 6 Google Slides & Printables Distance Learning
$6.45 CAD
Students will learn about the types of multi-cellular organisms that make up the kingdom of plants. Success Criteria: recognize plants as belonging to one of four categories determine the category type of specific plants recognize different plant types in the...
14 Physical Science Mini-Posters Grades 4+
$6.95 CAD
These posters feature color photos and facts about machines and force and motion. Students will be engaged with these vivid posters and they are great for visual learners. This format is great for visual learners and students with short attention...
A Ballistic Balloon Activity Grades 1-3 - Force and Motion
$3.45 CAD
Have your students observe what force makes a balloon move forward when the air is coming out by using a string, piece of straw, balloon, and tape. 2 pages.