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ESL - Vocabulary Development for Advanced Students
$26.99 CAD
The 15 lessons teach Advanced Level ESL students 150 common words to improve conversation, comprehension, and writing. Simple strategies incorporate new vocabulary into everyday life situations. Photo's help students recall vocabulary more quickly. 91 pages. Learning Expectations: Recognizes new vocabulary words...
ESL - Vocabulary Development for Beginner Students
$26.99 CAD
The 12 lessons teach Beginner Level ESL students 240 common words to create conversation, improve comprehension, and initiate the writing process. Simple strategies incorporate new vocabulary into everyday life situations. Photo's help students recall vocabulary more quickly. 133 pages Learning...
ESL - Vocabulary Development for Intermediate Students
$26.99 CAD
The 15 lessons teach Intermediate Level ESL students 150 common words to improve conversation, comprehension, and writing. Simple strategies incorporate new vocabulary into everyday life situations. Photo's help students recall vocabulary more quickly. 88 pages Learning Expectations: Recognizes new vocabulary...