Language Arts
52 Weekly Nonfiction Stories About Canada Grades 5-6
$31.99 CAD
The 52 nonfiction stories in this book have been designed to familiarize and develop student awareness of Canada. A year of nonfiction reading in one book! One story a week for bell work, review, indoor recess, enrichment or for the students who...
Canadian Daily Language Activities Grade 5
$28.99 CAD
32 Weeks - A Whole Year of Language Activities! There is an activity for every day of the week…. Yep… Monday to Friday! These NO PREP activities provide short and quick opportunities for students to review and reinforce skills in punctuation, grammar, spelling,...
How to Give a Presentation Grades 4-6
$20.99 CAD
This book presents suggestions and worksheets to help students feel more at ease when giving class presentations. The three types of speeches are discussed as well as ways of giving illustrated talks and multimedia presentations. The techniques of debating are...
How To Write and Present 4 Book Savings Bundle! (Essay, Paragraph, Composition)
$89.95 CAD
Help students improve their writing skills with these step-by-step guides starting with the paragraph, then the composition and the essay, and ending with how to give all types of presentations. Each is written from a student's perspective so that teachers...
Internet Activities for Language Arts Grades 4-8
$23.99 CAD
In this book, you will find 25 Internet sites that can be used with various Language Arts contexts. Each lesson provides a brief overview of what the specific site is about. The second-page details the type of site, how to...
Le monde étonnant des insectes 4e à 6e année
$24.99 CAD
Faites votre étude des insectes avec Papa Pillons, Mam'zelle Sauterelle, Mémé-coccinelle et d'autres. Ils vous apprendront à propos du monde fascinant des insectes avec des activités de phonétique, d'étude de mots, d'écriture, de composition et de recherche. 38 Activités. Other...
Le Moyen Age 4e à 6e année
$25.99 CAD
Plongez vos élèves dans une époque toute différente de la leur. Grâce aux 45 activités de lecture, d'étude des mots, de langage, de grammaire et de recherche que propose ce cahier, ils découvriront des faits intéressants au sujet, notamment, du...
Media Literacy for Canadian Students Grades 4-6 - Understanding Media Texts and Messages
$23.99 CAD
The main purpose of this book is to create awareness in young people about those messages around them. Students will understand media texts, understand media forms and techniques and create media texts. Includes 5 messages in media activities, 59 understanding...
Mon rapport de lecture 4e à 6e année
$14.99 CAD
Voulez-vous rendre l'étude d'un roman plus intéressant pour l'élève et plus facile pour vous? Organisez-vous avec "Mon rapport de lecture". Dans ce cahier vous trouverez des idées pour l'enseignant(e), des activités de vocabulaire, de recherche, de poésie et d'art pour...
Personal Spelling Dictionary Grades 2-5
$17.99 CAD
Improve Spelling and Editing Skills. Includes lists of the most commonly used words in children's writing. Blank line masters enable both primary and junior writers to create their own spelling dictionary. 26-word lists for primary students and 27-word lists for...
Sentence Writing - Canadian Writing Series Gr. 4-6
$23.99 CAD
This book will help you introduce, explain and practice the different types of sentences including compound & complex sentences, declarative, exclamatory, interrogative, and imperative with your students. 85 pages An introduction to figures of speech including Metaphors, Similes, Personification, Onomatopoeia,...
Spelling Grade 5 - A Full Year Program
$25.99 CAD
Are you looking for a spelling program that includes the teaching guide with a strategic plan for students to ONLY Practice The Words They Don't Know, then this AWARD winning program is it! Here is everything you need to effectively...
Spelling Grades 4/5 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on phonics which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. This book was written primarily for students in grades four and five, but in certain instances, its use would prove...
Spelling Grades 5/6 Workbook - Canadian Spelling Lessons/Worksheets
$15.99 CAD
Spelling lessons based on language skills which many teachers feel is the most effective way for children to learn to spell. This book was written primarily for students in grades five and six, but in certain instances, its use would...
The Role of Government and Responsible Citizenship Grade 5 Ontario Social Studies
$22.99 CAD
This resource has been developed to cover the overall expectations of the Ontario Ministry of Education Social Studies People and Environments: The Role of Government and Responsible Citizenship curriculum. The document is comprehensive and includes learning intentions, goals, success criteria...
Drake, Google Slides Reading Lesson Grades 4+
$3.45 CAD
Students will improve their grammar skills while complete the lesson on Drake - A Record-breaking Music Artist. One of Canada's Notable Black Canadians. An information story and a follow-up exercise designed to review and develop strong reading and phonetic skills....
All About Nouns Grades 5-7
$15.99 CAD
Arranged as e-lesson plans, each lesson includes a definition and example, plus student exercises to reinforce and practice what was taught. Each lesson increases in difficulty. Review activities throughout that lead-up to two mini-tests and one final test. Included in this...
All About Pronouns Grades 5-7
$12.99 CAD
Broken down into lessons, each segment includes a definition and example, plus student exercises to reinforce and practice what is taught. Each lesson increases in difficulty. Review activities throughout lead up to two mini-tests and a final test. This is...
Canadian Story Starters Grades 4-6
$19.99 CAD
This resource is filled with 58 photographs to be used to inspire students' creativity and knowledge pertaining to their country - Canada. Each story starter includes a photograph, a blank word list, a blank line for the story's title, and...
Cartoon Story Starters Big Bundle Grades 1-6
$30.99 CAD
These 138 cartoons will have you and your students laughing in the aisles as you practice creative writing skills. Every cartoon has been professionally drawn specifically for your student's age and interests, so you will not have any difficulty setting...
Cartoon Story Starters Grades 4-6
$20.99 CAD
Fuel Their Creativity with these Crazy Cartoons! These 75 cartoons will have you and your students laughing in the aisles as you practice creative writing skills. Every cartoon has been professionally drawn specifically for your students' age and interests, so...
Creativity with Food Grades 4-8 - develope critical thinking and literacy skills
$13.99 CAD
Food as a subject of inherent interest is used in this resource to develop critical thinking and literacy skills. Your students will find the many tidbits of food lore fascinating as they exercise their minds in creative and communicative ways....
Fêtons L'Halloween 4e à 6e année
$25.99 CAD
Activités de recherche, d'écriture, de composition de grammaire, d'arts plastiques et de lecture reflètent les habiletés plus développées des élèves dans cette année. Dessinez un sourire sur le visage de tous vos petits monstres quand vous célébrez l'Halloween dans la...
How to Write a Composition Grades 6-10
$20.99 CAD
A complete step by step guide for teachers and students. Written from a student's perspective so that teachers may give students the pages which they need. This resource is designed as a companion piece to How to Write an Essay...
How to Write a Paragraph Grades 5-10
$20.99 CAD
A Complete Step-by-Step Guide for teachers and students. This resource is designed as a companion piece to How to Write an Essay and How to Write a Composition. Its aim is to help students write various kinds of paragraphs from...
How to Write Poetry & Stories Grades 4-6
$20.99 CAD
Ideas and activities will motivate your students to become poetry masters, when writing limericks, cinquains, haiku, mysteries, tall tales, fairy tales, and many more. Creative writing actives provide a refreshing approach to teaching the standard forms of story writing. 62...
Skill Building With Slates Grades 1-8
$10.99 CAD
Provide a new and unique way to learn, review lessons and reduce paper consumption in your class. This resource provides activities that allow students to use visual and kinesthetic learning styles, and to involve students more in their own...
Spelling Work Sheets and Word Lists for Multi Level Student Abilities
$19.99 CAD
This resource will help you meet the huge range in student ability within any classroom as it is increasingly difficult to meet their diverse needs. We realized the need to be able to remediate where necessary and challenge other students...
Story Starters 116 - engaging creative writing worksheets! Grades 1-6
$28.99 CAD
Here are 116 engaging and detailed illustrations that will inspire students' creative writing. The images vary in complexity so that students with a wide range of critical thinking and writing abilities may engage meaningfully with them. They can be used...
Story Starters Grades 4-6
$19.99 CAD
Here are 58 engaging and detailed illustrations that will inspire students' creative writing. Reproducible Worksheet Genres: General Fiction Adventure Historical Fantasy The images vary in complexity so that students with a wide range of critical thinking and writing abilities may...