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Big Book of Canadian Mapping Skills Grades 1-3
$37.99 CAD
They will be introduced to mapping terms such as; country, border, ocean, province, territory, continent, hemisphere, latitude, longitude, symbols, legend, scale, and cardinal and intermediate directions. Everything you need to teach and strengthen mapping skills for Grades 1, 2 and...
Big Book of Canadian Mapping Skills Grades 4-6
$37.99 CAD
Students will learn geographic terms such as regions, territories, provinces, communities, bodies of water, natural resources, mapping symbols, and types of maps. The activities will develop skills such as reading and locating places on a map in a variety of...
Countries Around the World 4 Book Savings Bundle Grades 3-5 Alberta Grade 3 Social Studies
$72.95 CAD
The Teacher-Directed Activity Lessons provide teacher support information on India and ideas on how to implement it in the classroom. There are reproducible Student Activities that correspond with the various lessons. They may be done independently or as large group reading with...
Ontario Grade 7 Geography Curriculum Savings Bundle!
$38.95 CAD
Physical Patterns in a Changing World: Heritage & Identity Series Written with the intent of exposing students to the challenges and opportunities presented by the physical environment in the world. Goals and Objectives: Identify the location and describe the physical...
Ontario Grade 8 Geography Curriculum Savings Bundle!
$38.95 CAD
Global Settlement: Patterns and Sustainability: Heritage & Identity Series Students will have a chance to learn about settlement patterns, and how some countries are planning ahead to deal with climate change. Identify significant spatial patterns in the human settlement on...
Canada's Bodies of Water, Ontario Lakes & Rivers, Reading Google Slide Bundle Gr 3-4
$9.95 CAD
This collection of 4 fiction and non-fiction reading lessons are tailored to integrate language-based social studies content into their literacy time. It is also an excellent resource for split-grade teachers who would like some independent subject material for their students!...
Ontario Grade 7 History & Geography 4 Book Curriculum Savings Bundle!
$89.95 CAD
New France & British North America 1713-1800 Activities will help students analyze aspects of the lives of various groups in Canada between 1713 and 1800, and compare them to the lives of people in present-day Canada. Exercises provided to use...
Ontario Grade 8 History & Geography 4 Book Curriculum Savings Bundle!
$89.95 CAD
Creating Canada: 1850 to 1890 Activities will help students assess the impact of some key social, economic, and political factors, including social, economic, and/or political inequality, on various Canadians between 1850 and 1890 as well as on the creation and...