Going to the Post Office Grammar Lesson Gr. 1 E-Lesson Plan
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their grammar skills in syllabication and contractions. Answer key included.
Going to the Zoo Grammar Lesson Gr. 1 E-Lesson Plan
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their grammar skills in identifying capitalized words.
Graveyard Of The Atlantic Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 4
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Writing And Grammar Skills In Identifying Kinds Of Sentences And Writing Kinds Of Sentences. 3 Pages, With Answer Key.
Green Gables Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 3 (prepositions)
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their writing and grammar skills with prepositions and creative expression. Answer key included.
Hank The Cowboy! Grammar Lesson Gr. 2 E-Lesson Plan
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Grammar Skills With Pronouns. Answer Key Included.
Happy Birthday! Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 3
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Writing And Grammar Skills With Run-On Sentences And Creative Expression. Answer Key Included.
Have You Got The Time? Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 3
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Writing And Grammar Skills With Conjunctions And, Or, But And Creative Expression. Answer Key Included.
He Shoots! He Scores! Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 3
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Writing And Grammar Skills With Synonyms/Antonyms And Creative Expression. Answer Key Included.
Hello! Hello! Hello! Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 4
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Writing And Grammar Skills In Identifying Kinds Of Sentences, Expressing Ideas In Written Form And Identifying Exclamatory Sentences. 3 Pages, With Answer Key.
Homes Of Early Natives Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 2
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Grammar Skills In Recognition Of Subject/Predicate, Matching Subject/Sentence And Subject/Verb Agreement. Answer Key Included.
How Cheesy! Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 4
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Writing And Grammar Skills In Identifying Punctuation And Proofreading. 3 Pages, With Answer Key.
How Did Canada Get Its Name Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 2
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Grammar Skills In Writing Sentences, Recognition Of Subject/Predicate And Matching Subject/Sentence. Answer Key Included.
I Love Music! Grammar Lesson Gr. 1 E-Lesson Plan
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their grammar skills in identifying common nouns. Answer key included.
Internet Activities for Language Arts Grades 4-8
$23.99 CAD
In this book, you will find 25 Internet sites that can be used with various Language Arts contexts. Each lesson provides a brief overview of what the specific site is about. The second-page details the type of site, how to...
Keeping Safe Grammar Lesson Gr. 1 E-Lesson Plan
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their grammar skills in identifying pronouns. Answer key included.
Keeping Warm Up Top Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 3
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Writing And Grammar Skills With Prefixes, Suffixes And Completing A Chart. Answer Key Included.
L'Halloween 1e à 3e année
$24.99 CAD
Cherchez-vous de nouvelles idées pour l'Halloween? Cette unité, conçue pour le programme francais cadre ou immersion, offre une section d'illustrations, de jeux, d'activités d'expression orale et écrite et une section d'arts. 27 activités, 11 pages d'illustrations. Other French Titles you...
La rédaction de textes/Sentence Writing: A French and English Workbook Grades 1-3/1e à 3e année
$21.99 CAD
Voici une série de cahiers d'exercices prêts à utiliser, en français et en anglais, pour les élèves d'immersion française, d'ALS, de FLS et d'ALM. Enseignez-leur, révisez avec eux ou aidez-les à perfectionner leurs connaissances langagières et mathématiques de base dans...
Le monde étonnant des insectes 4e à 6e année
$24.99 CAD
Faites votre étude des insectes avec Papa Pillons, Mam'zelle Sauterelle, Mémé-coccinelle et d'autres. Ils vous apprendront à propos du monde fascinant des insectes avec des activités de phonétique, d'étude de mots, d'écriture, de composition et de recherche. 38 Activités. Other...
Les majuscules et la ponctuation: Capitalization & Punctuation: A French and English Workbook, 1e à 3e année
$21.99 CAD
Voici une série de cahiers d'exercices prêts à utiliser, en français et en anglais, pour les élèves d'immersion française, d'ALS, de FLS et d'ALM. Enseignez-leur, révisez avec eux ou aidez-les à perfectionner leurs connaissances langagières et mathématiques de base dans...
Les merveilles de l'hiver 2e à 3e année
$19.99 CAD
IImaginez les expressions de vos élèves, par un matin d'hiver, quand ils découvrent un monde tout recouvert de blanc et rempli de nouvelles surprises. 26 activités. Other French Titles you may like Follow us on: Facebook Instagram
Les prépositions 1e à 3e année
$24.99 CAD
Suggestions pour rendre intéressant l'apprentissage de ces petits mots qui n'ont l'air de rien mais qui disent beaucoup. Cette unité contient : plusieurs suggestions, plusieurs jeux, chansons, activités d'expression écrite, activités supplementaires, test d'évaulation oral et écrit. 89 pages. Other...
Let's Go Shopping Grammar Lesson Gr. 1 E-Lesson Plan
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their grammar skills in recognizing and using descriptive words and classifying nouns. Answer key included.
Little Brown Bear and the Honey Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 2
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their writing and grammar skills in completing questions and adjectives. Answer key included.
L’histoire de la vie du papillon monarque 2e-3e année Google glisse l’activité numérique
$4.45 CAD
Students will read about the Monarch Butterfly's Life Story. Each topic contains an information story and a follow-up exercise designed to review and develop strong reading and phonetic skills. The vocabulary list may need to be presented before each story...
Maple Sap Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 2
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their grammar skills using connecting words "and" or "but". Answer key included.
Media Literacy for Canadian Students Grades 2-3 - Understanding Texts and Media Forms
$23.99 CAD
Students will understand media texts; understand media forms and techniques; create media texts with the 7 media texts activities, 2 media forms and technique activities, 4 creating media texts activities, and 11 additional activities plus a teacher guide. 80 pages In...
Media Literacy for Canadian Students Grades 4-6 - Understanding Media Texts and Messages
$23.99 CAD
The main purpose of this book is to create awareness in young people about those messages around them. Students will understand media texts, understand media forms and techniques and create media texts. Includes 5 messages in media activities, 59 understanding...
Mon rapport de lecture 4e à 6e année
$14.99 CAD
Voulez-vous rendre l'étude d'un roman plus intéressant pour l'élève et plus facile pour vous? Organisez-vous avec "Mon rapport de lecture". Dans ce cahier vous trouverez des idées pour l'enseignant(e), des activités de vocabulaire, de recherche, de poésie et d'art pour...
My Dog, Artie Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 2
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their grammar skills in capitalization/punctuation, writing sentences and identify kinds of sentences. Answer key included.
O Canada Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 3
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Writing And Grammar Skills With Paragraph Writing And Creative Expression. Answer Key Included.
Ouch! My Aching Tooth! Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 4
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Writing And Grammar Skills In Using "Its" Or "It'S, Using "Can" Or "May" And Expressing Ideas In Written Form. 3 Pages, With Answer Key.
Our Fair Domain Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 3
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Writing And Grammar Skills With Proofreading And Creative Expression. Answer Key Included.
Our Trash Words Study Activities Gr. 2-3
$4.95 CAD
Promote environmental awareness in your classroom. These 5 activities designed for centers will prompt students' thoughts on the topic of trash and conservation. 5 Word Study Activities: Crossword Puzzle Word Search Matching puzzle pieces to make words Alphabetical Order Matching...
Pure Maple Syrup Writing and Grammar Worksheets (types of sentences) Grade 4
$3.45 CAD
Students will read a paragraph learning about sap from the maple tree. They will practice and improve their grammar skills using the connecting words "and" or "but". Two worksheets, with Part A, B and C exercises. Find more lessons like...
Raising A Reader: Grade 1
$25.99 CAD
Parents who take an active role in their child's education can have a great impact on the child's success. This resource is designed to give parents the opportunity to support what happens in the classroom. Your beginning reader will enjoy...
Raising A Reader: Grade 2
$25.99 CAD
Parents who take an active role in their child's education can have a great impact on the child's success. This resource is designed to give parents the opportunity to support what happens in the classroom. Your beginning reader will enjoy...
Raising A Reader: Grade 4
$25.99 CAD
Parents who take an active role in their child's education can have a great impact on the child's success. This resource is designed to give parents the opportunity to support what happens in the classroom. Your beginning reader will enjoy...
Readers Meeting Writers: No TV for a Month! Reading Google Slides Grades 3-4
$2.95 CAD
This fiction reading lesson is tailored to integrate language-based social studies content into their literacy time. Students will read about Fairview Public School's "TV Turn-Off Challenge Month". For the entire month of April, students were encouraged to try other activities instead of...
Robert Munsch - A Social Studies and Reading Google Slide Activity Gr. 3-4
$2.95 CAD
This non-fiction reading lesson is tailored to integrate language-based social studies content into their literacy time. Students will read the one page slide about Robert Munsch, one of Canada’s most famous authors and complete the one slide chart. Books by...
Rocks & Soils Brainstorming Ativities Gr. 2-3
$5.45 CAD
6 brainstorming activities for learning centers on the theme of rocks and soils. Topics Covered: Hard Things Ways Rock Are Used Animal Homes Rock Stars Can a Rock Float? A House of Rocks
Rocks & Soils Word Study Activities Gr. 2-3
$5.45 CAD
7 activities on a rocks and minerals theme, bringing language arts into your rocks and minerals theme. Activities include: Using the alphabet, students will design their own gemstone booklet. Find the meanings of phrases with the word "stone" in it....
Ski-Dog Writing & Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 3
$3.95 CAD
Students Will Practice And Improve Their Writing And Grammar Skills With Compound Words And Completing A Chart. Answer Key Included.
Skill Building With Slates Grades 1-8
$10.99 CAD
Provide a new and unique way to learn, review lessons and reduce paper consumption in your class. This resource provides activities that allow students to use visual and kinesthetic learning styles, and to involve students more in their own...
Snowy Day!! Grammar E-Lesson Plan Grade 2
$3.95 CAD
Students will practice and improve their grammar skills with pronouns and subject/object. Answer key included.
Spelling Grade 1 - A Full Year Program
$25.99 CAD
Are you looking for a spelling program that includes the teaching guide with a strategic plan for students to ONLY Practice The Words They Don't Know, then this AWARD winning program is it! Here is everything you need to effectively...
Spelling Grade 1 - Worksheets for a full year!
$30.99 CAD
NO PREP! worksheet can be used alone or can be used to support and extend the lessons in the Spelling Grade 1. This spelling program includes 36 carefully sequenced study units designed to increase student achievement in spelling. Each unit focuses on...
Spelling Grade 1 Program & Blacklines Bundle! * 36 Weeks of Content!
$44.95 CAD
Spelling Program & Blacklines! Are you looking for a spelling program for a FULL YEAR! This program includes the teaching guide with a strategic plan for students to ONLY practice the words they don't know, and the NO PREP! worksheets,...