Early Societies 3000 BCE - 1500 CE Grade 4 Ontario Social Studies
$22.99 CAD
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Developed to cover the overall expectations of the Ontario Ministry of Education Social Studies Early Societies, 3000 BCE - 1500 CE curriculum.
It provides opportunities for students to participate in the social studies inquiry process using visuals, primary sources, maps, questioning and more.
This resource includes learning goals, success criteria, vocabulary, materials required, detailed instructions to carry out a successful lesson, differentiation, enrichment ideas, and well-organized worksheets and activities.
To compare several early societies and make relationships between them and our current Canadian society.
To apply the social studies inquiry process to understand ancient civilization’s environmental connections.
To show an understanding of various early society’s social and political structures, environmental influences, and everyday life
There are 9 lessons that foster critical thinking skills that will engage each student's curiosity.